Just how firm are the weapons list? What I mean by this question is, if a weapon is not listed is it unavailable or can you simply go with price of the weapon closest to it?
Let's say that that I'd like to use a Khanda for a character. Looking through, I can see that it isn't listed in the Price List. Examining it, I find that the Khanda is a medium sized, one-handed, double-edge, cleaving-type sword. Well, that's fairly unique but the Longsword is the "vanilla" sword and is also double edged, one-handed and medium sized. Should I wait for the Khanda to be added or can I go on the assumption of 15 GM for a Khanda (the price of a longsword)?
Or say I want a Bardiche. Long blade on the end of a pole so... Glaive? Battle-Axe, maybe? The Naginata is a type of Glaive and yet it's on there as a specific form.
Likewise we have Tulwars, Cutlasses and Scimitars which are all types of Sabres but are there in these specific forms.
Would a Goedendag be a club, halfspear, mace, some type of strange dagger?
Speaking of daggers we have a variety of very specific forms of daggers and knives then the "vanilla" dagger and knife. Why not add the Pugio, the Cinquedea, the Rondel, the Seax, the Pesh Kabz, the Jambiya, or the Tanto? Are they just under "Dagger"?
A Kopis is similar to both a Falcata and the Kukri.
The Spatha. Just a long gladius or a longsword proper?
I could go on and on and on with this.
This second way (Matching the price of unique weapon with the closest thing on the price list) would allow the use of unique weapons without bloating the price list with every small type of difference between middle age and renaissance weapons. We did this on the site that I admin'd before coming here. Let's say a character wanted to use a cast-iron skillet as an improvised weapon; instead of coming up with totally unique, carefully-balanced stats for the skillet we counted it as a simple club and just added penalties for weight (Which would be added or subtracted GMs for example).
My confusion primarily stems because there seems to be some very specific types of weapons on the price list and then some are very broad and plain.
Does any of this matter? Probably not. I've likely thought about this too hard (blame the coffee, homework-I-should-be-doing, sleep-I-should-be-having and the pain meds) but this is the forum for questions and I'm hoping for an answer.
Footnote: Forgive, forgive, forgive the very liberal use of Wikipedia as a reference. Not very scientific but it was handy and the information that I read was actually very accurate based on my experience and education.