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Postby Noire on December 1st, 2011, 3:21 am


Basic Information

Race: Konti
Birthday & Age: Winter 493 AV - 18 years old
Gender: Female


Language 1: Kontinese
Language 2: Common

Physical Description

Noire has the delicate build that the Konti are known for, her slender and slight frame give off the appearance of a willowy young girl. More wisp than strand. She is thin to the point of being slightly unhealthy, not such that it truly renders her seriously ill but enough to hamper any desire to run about or otherwise exert herself. Her arms and wrists are notably very lithe looking, with long tapered fingers and pale skin, Noire could very well be trained to use her agility if it was not for her demeanor. Pale whitish-violet scales are visible along the expanse of a bare arm, curling up her neck and forming a diadem over her forehead. These slight scales are iridescent in the sunlight or moonlight, but in the dark are hardly noticeable at all due to their faint markings.

Long white hair reaches down to her lower back, it is always left loose with only the front pieces being pulled back in small braids and loops. Rather frothy looking, Noire's hair seems to float on the wind instead of laying flat, a trait which annoys and amuses her to no end depending on the situation. Her eyes are a soft violet, almost a pale whitish color with only a hint of purple to create a true hue. Long white lashes frame her eyes, thick and covering, they often allow Noire to look up while still appearing to be lowering her gaze.

Noire is often cloaked to hide her nature as a Konti, with a loose white cloak that conceals the contours of her body and makes her slight height a useful advantage as she can appear older than when uncloaked. Beneath that she wears a black tunic and long skirt, both tight enough to show that Noire is still a child only. Overall, Noire appears to be a pale spit of a girl, not overtly older than fifteen or so.

Character Concept

Noire is a very quiet and restrained girl, though foremost in her personality is her agreeable and biddable nature. Having grown up for the most part as a slave, her nature shows the submissive internalization that would be common for a youth in her position. It has reached such a point, that Noire is quite certain and would rather die before saying otherwise, that she is never the one in charge. She would not like to be the one in charge, due to an amalgamation of fear and trepidation. Having never quite experienced or remembered anything other than her current lot in life, it seems all the more natural to avoid anything like responsibility and simply keep her head down and follow orders.

That is not to say that Noire is without a will. She has her own likes and dislikes, but she is often too afraid to tell anyone of them. To this end, Noire can be found talking to herself or her late mother in a fashion that one would usually consider occurring between two individuals. Having grown up without family figures, in some ways her personality has been stunted at a rather childish age, while in others she is above and beyond the level of maturity one might find in her peers.

Noire loves to use her abilities, mostly because of the escapism nature of their rendering. She is however hesitant to use them for her own purposes, and often needs prompting to grasp that someone else wants her to use them for themselves. Fearing that she might get lost, remembering only that much of her mother's lessons about divination, Noire is always a bit scared that the more she uses her abilities the more chance there is of her fading away or disappearing altogether - and while her current life is not the best of ones, she has no desire to die or lose her mind.

To that end, Noire is a very hopeful individual. She knows that the currents of time are mutable, and while she does not wish for a change in her situation, she does hope for minor good fortunes.

Character History

Noire was born on the island of Mura. She does not recollect much of her young years, excepting the presence of her mother and friends of her mother. Being the first and only daughter, she was doted upon quite frequently. Her memories of that time are filled with images of sparkling water, white hair, and smiling faces. In particular, Noire remembers a specific toy she use to make of her mother's amulet, rolling it about in her hands and swinging it from side to side.

At the young age of eight, Noire's mother felt the call to mate again. Having no extended family herself, her mother decided to bring Noire with her on her search. She was a capable fighter and deemed the path an easy enough one for her precocious daughter, as supposedly she would have been able to meet with the same man that had sired Noire in a close by town. Perhaps there had been some wish, natal or not, to allow the girl to meet her father, something most Konti cannot do.

With this decision made, and their farewells given, the two set off for the mainland and their supposed destination. What they did not know, was that the man who Noire's mother had fallen in love with had fallen himself, into debt. Upon hearing that Noire and her mother were coming, the man did the only thing he really could given his dire situation - after all, he had a family to feed as well. When the pair reached the man's house, a trap had already been laid for them.

Slavers had paid the man good money for the usage of his house and his cooperation. His own children would no longer starve, and not for a while longer. However, his errant lover and Konti offspring were the ones laid upon the alter for the sacrifice...

Not expecting what was about to happen, Noire's mother nonetheless fought tooth and nail once she realized what was going on. It took all of the slaver's men to take down the one woman, and in the end she killed three of them, wounding several more. But in her zealous attempt to protect Noire, the woman took a fatal blow herself and soon bled to death.

The slaver was livid at the loss of a full grown Konti, but he still managed to capture Noire, and his eventual pay day was enough to soothe his rage. And in this manner Noire was taken by slavers.

Raised on the road, she was forced to find her own way through the channels of her divination, and soon became a valuable tool for the slavers. Enough so, that they kept hold of her until this point, waiting for the right price.

Training (Skills, Gnosis, Lore)

Meditation - 30 SP/100
Fortune Telling - 10 RB/100
Intelligence - 20 SP/100

Lore of Good Behavior
Lore of The Road

Gnosis - Avalis - Storyteller's Page

Equipment and Possessions

* 1 Set of Clothing (cloak & footwear included)
* 1 Waterskin
* 1 Backpack which contains:
o 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
o Food for a week
o 1 eating knife
o Flint & Steel
* 1 Amulet


0 Gold Rimmed Mizas

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Last edited by Noire on December 2nd, 2011, 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Legion on December 2nd, 2011, 5:23 am


Hi, I'm Legion. Glad to have you here in Mizahar.

Your CS is looking good. A few small things, however, as I would hate for you to miss out.

You are allowed an "Heirloom" which is any item worth 50 gold mizas or less. You may also have three languages: one at fluent, one at basic and one at poor.

To answer you question in the CS Help thread regarding whether or not you should include mizas on your CS due to Noire's slave status, this is entirely up to you. They are there for you to use if you want them, but please keep in mind that if you do not take them now at Start then you will not be allowed to claim them later.

Please feel free to PM me with any questions or concerns.

Write on!

- Legion (We Are).

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Postby Noire on December 2nd, 2011, 12:29 pm

Thank you~

My heirloom was the amulet listed in my equipment, and I saw that people don't need to take three languages so I only took two. ^^

Hm, alright, I guess I'll go with none since the other way around makes no sense.

Thanks again~~~
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