[Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Niall Raghnall on August 12th, 2009, 9:37 pm

Niall would not claim to understand the dark race but could identify the truth in his eyes. It was possible he was holding something back, but his desire for food seemed sincere. maybe not eating had an adverse effect on the Symenestra. Niall was not skilled at detecting lies but felt truth from his demeanor. Still he would not completely halt the former squire, so he approached this a little more diplomatically.

"It has been a while Ursus. I do hope things are going well for you. If you do not mind, I will follow the symenestra to ensure he is being honest while you search for clues regarding the little one. We will catch up to you."

With that he looked to Voreasos with a stern face. "I shall accompany you to retreive food. My sword shall remain sheathed as long as you do not try anything foolish. Once you eat, we shall figure out what is happening here together. Given that Ursus considers you a suspect of sorts, you are not allowed to leave on your own. If you leave my sight, I will inform the Knights and have you hunted down. You innocence relies on you staying compliant.

If you agree to me offer, then let us get you something to eat."
He waited patiently for Vor to respond.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 12th, 2009, 10:18 pm

Even now he was a prisoner of war, there might not have been chains or walls but Niall made sure with his remark that he was not a hostage in such a bad way. He was hoping he just said all that to Ursus just to get away but he was unsure. Voreasos stopped at last before one of the great trees as they were in the coblat mountains. It was roughly 100 feet tall.

"I am leaving you now, Do stay put but I will take awhile as I am not going to eat a live being here." He said as he placed his palms on the tree and just climbed it as it if was a ladder. His black claws not once touching the tree as he quickly moved up it like a spider on a wall.

His pack was near the top of it, on a branch out of reach of man and most wild game. What would take a human hours to climb just took him a matter of minutes as his nimble body moved up the tree and stopping at his pack.

Heights never really mattered to him nor his kind, they learned at a young age not to fear them as he moved grabbing an red apple from his pack. He did not have much in it just some coin and food for him. He held the apple in his right hand as he smiled, fangs showing as they moved a bit further out of his mouth as he bit into the apple sending his poison into the fruit.

Now it was a waiting game, but he knew it would not take long due to the apple was fruit making it soft inside and a small object. Another handful of minutes passed before he bit once more sucking it dry making it look like a red large dried raisin as he tossed it on the ground.

He let out a soft sigh before making his way down the tree head fist. Once more he moved on all fours headfirst down the tree as if it was nothing. He knew time passed that was now close to an hour but he did not care as now he was full for the time being.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Niall Raghnall on August 12th, 2009, 10:38 pm

Niall was posing for Ursus for the most part but placed more faith in a former squire than in a symenestra he had never met. The race itself may have produced more bad beings than good, but it did not mean niall would stereotype everyone he met. He'd learned that long ago. Patience tended to reveal more truths than allowing lies to bury. He did not have the short life span of the human race and thus was not as prone to their spontaneous reactions.

The Akalak followed Voreasos into the wooded area and up to a tall tree. On their journey not a word was shared which was fine with Niall. Silence tended to produce fears out of nothing; people worrying about what if's and maybe so's and creating their own turmoil. he did not know if voreasos did such things, but Niall bet on it happening more often than not amongst most races save the future seeing Konti. That was a gift he did not wish on anyone.

I am leaving you now, Do stay put but I will take awhile as I am not going to eat a live being here."

Niall's jaw dropped at this comment truly having no clue that the symenestra ate living things. His first assumption was that Vor meant he would not eat a person, but after carefull consideration he assumed it meant animals as well. That should not have been that surprising. e ate meat which was living flesh at one point. But did Vor eat things while they were still alive? He decided wasting thoughts on such things was worthless. He wasn't going to ask, and he was sure that Vor wasn't going to tell ... why speculate.

After what felt like an hour, Voreasos came crawling back down the tree with the same speed he went up it. Truth be told, it was quite an extraordinary feat to watch how quickly the symenestra scaled up and down the tree's surface. He wondered what other special talents lay hidden in Vor that might come out as they investigated the bloody child and her missing mother.

"I think it is time we head back now. The others should be waiting for us."
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 12th, 2009, 10:58 pm

He just smiled softly at him. "Sadly I am not going back to the group, Time is running out and I can't handle a group of races that can't trust me nor what I know. I am not with the child however I can not be slowed down by people pointing the finger at me. The mother has a high chance of living if they did not use her as food but most females are used for other things and if the gods are with us she will be safe. Call your knights on me and hunt me down for I do not care as long as the woman is found safe then I will gladly take on your knights."

His voice was firm and he was not backing down to the large Akalak. He knew time was running out but he knew he could do more out here and not with a bunch of people that did not let him take a single step without yelling at him.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Niall Raghnall on August 13th, 2009, 2:20 pm

Niall listened to Voreasos explain he had no intent of heading back to the metal smith's business to finish the investigation. The initial thought of this had his hand instinctively head for his sword. Though his instincts did react, his patience took control, and he let all of the words settle in his mind swirling them around for full meaning. The dilemma was what he should do with this situation.

Niall was not one that sought fame and did not want anyone from the main core of people investigating to think he was trying to 'save the day'. What he cared about was to find the mother of the child, praying to Wysar she was still alive, and see the two reunited. Worst case scenario was that the child was lead to a proper family to take care of her if the mother was dead. Last he wanted justice upon hwomever did this.

This Symenestra seemed to have some sort of clue that it was members of his own race that did this. His reasoning behind this was his mentioning of her becoming food and his earlier comment of not eating a living being this time. Only the savage Myrians were known for canabalism, but they lived in Taloba. This seemed far outside of their area.

Voreasos also seemed dedicated to stopping this crime from happening. What was the norm? His people capturing and eating other races or their desire to stop such evils? The obvious phrase that came to his mind was 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. He thought it to be kind of a dumb phrase but in this case it actually made sense. If he stayed closest to the Symenestra, he might learn something about their kind. Maybe we was one with a good soul and really did want to save the woman whom he did not know. If this was a trap to lure him in as more food for the Symenestra, then he would rely on the others investigating to save him because they would be close.

"I do apologize, but I did not catch your name. I am Niall," he began hoping the introduction might ease any tension the Symenestra felt. "Your words hold some merit, and your desire shows integrity. I will follow you on this path to save the woman because this is the main objective above all things. Should I suspect foul play, your life will be the first one I attempt to take.

If you agree to this, then lead the way since you seem to have some knowledge on this situation. If you chose not to agree, then I will be off not to get the knights involved ... and i'll pray for your soul."
He did not mean it to sound like an ultimatum. Niall simply wanted Voreasos to know what his full intentions were. He removed all forms of ego by stating he would 'attempt' to take the life of Vorseasos instead of showing overconfidence and proclaming he could do it without thought. That was the difference between confidence and arrogance. Niall did hope that Vorseasos would agree.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 14th, 2009, 8:38 pm

"Call me Vor, and I pray to the gods that we won't have to kill anyone before this all ends." He said as he led the way. He was playing a large game of risk and a larger game of what if's. He only had his guesses to go about but he was hopeful.

"The Aylasa Caves is where we are going, half a mile before we get to the caves I want you to leave your horse. I do not want it harmed if there is a large group or a fight does break out but I do not really think a large group of my race will be here. At most only 20 but even one of us can pose a danger in a fight as we are all born killers."

He said idly as they made there way to the caves, it would not take them long to make it there but he still filled the air with his soft voice as he walked along the path. He had no reason to really share it all with him maybe the fact that he was lonely was getting to him. Or maybe it was to lower there guards and get to know each other.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Niall Raghnall on August 17th, 2009, 8:24 pm

"Vor it is then," Niall said with a slight bow of his head. He would not sway from his chivalrous code and thus showed some respect to the Symenestra until such a time that he no longer earned it.

Niall did not like the idea of leaving his warhorse behind but did not like the sound of it being potential food to a nest of these begins more so. When they ventured the necessary distance, Niall dismounted and released the trained beast knowing they would find each other should the Akalak survive the Aylasa Caves. He did not like having to rely on another for direction basically going into this situation blind. It would have been better had the two known and come to trust one another before now. By the Will of Wysar, he prayed he'd come out of this in good form.

OOCI think we wait for Goss from here
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Ursus Umosa on August 20th, 2009, 7:52 pm

Ursus had watched Niall arrive and recognized him from his own time within the knights. He bristled at the squire's well wishes. Did the man not know his master and Sylrian Knight was dead? If he did not was Sir Kendri's memory erased from the annals of the Knights? All the blood spilt they spilt for this organization and they could not even acknowledge it. As if it didn't exist- was there a further conspiracy at work here?

Nonetheless he allowed Vor to pass with Niall, though he questioned the logic. The best practice would have been to torture the spiderling into a confession. A few well placed punches from the large kelvic would surely shatter the Symenestra's ribs and make him talk. And if he still didn't? There was always fire. And if he still didn't? Well, Mizahar wouldn't miss a Symenestra. Ursus had enough hard earned life experience to tell him not to trust these beings.

So he followed them, leaving little Wren with Old Jeb and the other child. He tossed the hostler a coin and gave a stern warning. He needed to travel fast, unfortunately he had to travel alone.

He kept to the shadows and upwind of the pair. Ursus saw Niall release his horse and the two of them begin to enter the caves. He followed behind, his hand on his Katana's hilt.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Zaira on August 24th, 2009, 7:19 am

It was a curious thing. Vor had been gone longer than usual. In fact, she had woken and the man had been, gone, not an unfamiliar habit, and while food was waiting, the male still had not returned. She had even ventured to the water to see perhaps maybe the waters had claimed her companion yet nothing. She looked at Nalick, to take the horse while she went off to fine the man, might make him think she left when’s he really was looking for him.

So the woman set off on foot. The vibrant red of her dress obscured by the dark blue of her cloak, the cover of her face and hood pulled up. And oddly enough, slingshot in hand.

She walked, for what felt like an hour when the city she had passed days ago chasing her horse came to sight. Stranger still was the fact that almost as soon as she neared the stone walls the object of her search appeared, yet with company.

Her steps hurried in hopes to or perhaps anticipation, her curiosity piqued, to converge with the familiar man and his companion. Yet not before she saw a third figure leave, following the path of the first two before veering off and disappearing from sight.

Her steps picked up more leaping than actual running. All the same the ground was quickly covered beneath her feet before she slowed, and halted. There was no sign of the pale one, or the two others. Just silence, trees, and caves like gaping sores.

Delicate steps were taken to the mouth of the cave. She was unsure to call out. To reveal her location would do much to get herself in a bad situation when she could not even tell him he was being followed. All she could hope is maybe she reached V first.

She would take a few step into the cave to see was there a sign of her companion or had she gone the wrong way in her haste. Timid steps were taken forward, ears straining as sight from eyes began to fade.
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Re: [Open Adventure] Sometimes The Luck Spills Out Of The Shoe

Postby Gossamer on August 24th, 2009, 9:29 am

Old Jeb had instantly decided not to trust the Alyxandyr, shaking his head sadly at the man's offer to be a guide. There was something weasily about his gaze, something seeking fortune and advantage. He took the little child into the barn with him while the main part of the group were discussing Vor's fate. It was there he spoke with a groomsman whom he sent out the back to send word to the castle of what had gone on here.

By the time he returned - Ursus, Vor, and Niall were gone.

He simply studied Fallan for a moment, and shook his head. "I've already taken coin for the Sungold, who was here a great deal longer than she should be. I'll keep her until they find a body or bring the woman back. If they find a body, you can have her if you'd like." Jeb said, noting how Fallan seemed interested in the horse far more than anyone else did. "But you'll have to wait until the situation is resolved to get her." Jeb said, moving in to take the leadrope gently from Fallan's hand. "But I suspect that spiderling is making his escape right now. And if I had to bet, he was in on whatever happened to this child... If they aren't careful, they'll be walking into a nest and end up being eaten. We've had problems with them before." Jeb said, stroking the younglings back as she seemed to finally settle into a light sleep on his shoulder.

Fallan had a choice to wait until later, try to follow Ursus and the others, or strike out on his own. Alyxandyr had the same choice. Following wouldn't be hard, but waiting would be far easier.

By the time he was done doing that, a party of Syliran Knights were saddling up at the castle, getting ready to begin combing the countryside.

Meanwhile Vor and Niall had their little conversation, which Ursus was well able to follow and overhear. Niall would be able to clearly recognize The Aylasa Caves. They were famous to all knights because a goodly share of the humans that survived in Sylira had emerged from them. They had provided important shelters for humanity throughout the Valterrian and the harsh age of cold afterwards. In fact, Niall could probably ride straight to them without fail. But it was bothersome, because they were endlessly interconnected and expansive. A nest of spiderlings could be hiding anywhere, and depending on how many of them, Niall might be no match.

Once the pair had arrived and entered, Ursus would be able to follow as well. Zaira would perhaps run into the kelvic herself - or at least make her presence known to the bear just by her scent. Ursus had a choice to confront Zaira or follow the group and its follower into the caves.

Vor and Niall walked a well-trodden path up into the caves. There was no doubt they were occupied because everything was too carefully placed to make the entrance seem difficult to traverse and overgrown. Niall could tell where things had been moved to detract animals from sniffing around, and he could see that the dust was carefully swept to record tracks. Both him and the symenestra made perfect footprints in the entrance. Natural caves never did that. The entire place looked sanded to pick up tracks. As they moved deeper, they would both need solid stable light sources.

Zaira would also need a source of light. If she had one, she'd have no problems following the footprints in the dust - so long as Niall and Vor did nothing to erase them.

The Aylasa Caves :


While the survivors of the Valterrian have finally surfaced and started living in the world again, their ancestors had to exist somewhere - hidden away in safety. Whole generations were born, lived, and died beneath the surface of the world, surviving the divine djed winds, the seemingly eternal winter, and hardships that have become legends told repeatedly around hearths at night to the generation that now enjoys life on the surface once more. There is truth in the old stories though. Proof is found in the caves where humanity and its counterparts survived. The Aylasa Caves are one such location. They reach deep into the earth - and housed the last survivors of the Valterrian for hundreds of years. Ancient living quarters, wells, even pools where food was grown nourished by djed created lights as bright as the Sun.

The Aylasa Caves look abandoned now. There is still a prominent trail leading to their entrance, but its overgrown, trees having grown up around it, and all signs of habitation having left. But it's true that people may take shelter there, maybe even things that aren't quiet human. It would be hard to find them, since the vast underground warren stretches for miles. But they can still be explored - still be used in times of emergency. So they are not forgotten, nor does the gratitude fade for that one small bit of hope they provided humanity - making it possible for survival.
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