Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Lhavit's Job Faire (Winter 2nd - 6th)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Aural on December 2nd, 2011, 3:15 am


Lhavit Job Faire
2nd of Winter - 6th of Winter, 511

Timestamp: 2nd of Winter, 511
Location: Surya Plaza

The faire keeper watched with dark eyes as vendors sifted in off the street, into the spacious showroom. The tall skyglass building was perfect for the event, with its large circular room and brightly tinted windows. The wooden floors had been scrubbed and waxed by hand until they shined, and as she tested the surface with her toe, she found parts of it to still be sticky. Hopefully by the time the faire opened its doors, it would be dry. In the meantime, she did her best to avoid tramping across the spots.

It was only the second day of winter and still mild; the new season had come in on a whisper, barely noticed by the city. The weather would be the one thing that would not deter her job seekers. If she did everything just right, the four days the faire lasted would be intense, but when they were over, everyone who came would have a job, and she could tuck another well-done event into her belt.

She pushed up the long sleeves of her yellow blouse, grabbed a pen, and a tablet from her counter at the front and began making her notes as she approached the first stall.

ImageThe young woman setting up behind the wooden counter was tucking things away into an orderly mound, tidying them into perfect piles, when Eliza sidled up to the counter and asked for a brief description of what she was looking for. Tahala took a piece of gleaming white paper from the very top of the pile and in painstakingly neat handwriting, drew up her own list. Eliza sucked a deep breath into her compact frame, but still managed to pull her lips into a tight smile. “I see that you have jobs that need done in the Towers' Respite?” Her thin fingers flicked down the list on the pristine paper, “Odd jobs, mostly…gardening, cleaning, laundering clothes…”

The brightness in Tahala’s young blue eyes deepened as she smiled and fidgeted slightly with her piles. “We won’t be paying them, instead we’ll be offering students cheaper lodging and food.”

The woman’s face burned red, her job and reputation were tied tightly to the faire’s opening day, and the first stall wasn’t offering any kina? This season’s job faire wasn’t off to a very promising start. “That can’t be right. No pay? You expect them to work just for food?”

Tahala cleared her throat. “…and cheaper lodging, Miss Bell. Have you ever seen a hungry student? It’s not pretty. When they get hungry they start to mess around in the Respite. They get into bad moods and move things from the places they belong to agitate me.” A cringe rippled through the woman’s body. “We know that if we gave them any kina, they’d spend it all on the girls at The Red Lantern, then they’d still be hungry and have no place to stay.”

“But their moods would be better!” The words flew from Eliza’s tongue before she could bite them back, but she wasn’t sorry they had landed; Tahala's stare was priceless.

Eliza cleared her throat, scratched a new note in her pad and moved on to the next stall.

ImageThe team of staff Yarena Pachia brought with her, hung around her shoulders like an well-worn apron, hugging her body while intuiting her moves. Her thin smile was quick and to the point, just like her answers. “Oh, I’m next? I would have assumed I would be first. I don’t like being second, or in the second stall after the entrance when I paid top kina to rent the best stall. This is not the best stall.” Even her shallow bow was curt.

Eliza’s ink couldn’t keep up with Yarena’s tongue, and she quickly put down her pen to make sense of the woman’s rapid-fire-tongue. “It’s not the best because it’s not the first?”

“I will always be the first, and it is not just about not being first. Come here. Look at this counter. Is this wood chipped? Come see it for yourself!” The woman waved her over to the counter.

Eliza moved closer, bent down, and even after adjusting the glasses that sat crooked on her nose because of her uneven ears, she still couldn’t see much more than a scratch, but this wasn’t her first day at a faire either. “I see it. Yes. Definitely something there. Let me have someone come take a look at it for you.”

Yarena looked up at her, slightly relaxed. “Good. Have it fixed right away and give me the first stall or lower the price of the one I have, as it obviously lacks the quality my restaurant staff is used to.”

“Ma’am, as the prospective employees come in, they’re hardly going to linger on the first stall. Their eyes are too big and glazed over with possibility for them to settle as they walk in. The first stall is the cheapest because no one ever goes to it.”


“Of course! You don't think this is the only faire I've ever done, do you? The first stall gets the worst business.” The carefully laid lie seemed to work its magic on the older woman's tightly drawn features.

Slowly, Yarena’s brow arched with uncertainty. Only when it dropped, did her staff fall back behind her. “You know, I don’t need very many staff, I probably didn’t even need to come here, but everyone else’s business was being seen, so why not mine? The Fleeting Comet is very successful, people beg to work for us so we will train them. Today, we have a single apprenticeship available as our standards are extremely high. We will only take someone with the best skills and some kind of background in food. But foor those less fortunate, who don’t live up to our high standards of apprenticeship, we’re also here to hire a waiter or two.”

“I’m aware of The Fleeting Comet’s high standards, thank you. I’ll make sure everyone else is as well.”

ImageThe girl from Piramba's Pet Shop, greeted her quietly with a bow in front of her stall. She had no staff, it was just her, with her wheat-colored hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, wrangling with the goat by her side. When Eliza saw the feisty goat, her heart nearly stopped in her chest. “What is that? You can’t have that animal here in the faire, what if someone is allergic to it?”

Fai didn’t look very amused. “Not that many people are allergic to goats and this one happens to be pretty friendly.”

“Uh...friendly or not, you can keep it away from me.” Eliza stepped back, brushing away imaginary goat hair from her silk skirts.

“Miss, she doesn’t shed, you look ridiculous doing that.”

Eliza’s ears flushed at being called ridiculous. “I need to move on to check the other stalls, please tell me what you’re looking for."

“I need one person to help out with daily running, feeding, cleaning, sales and anything else the pet shop might need.”

“And someone who isn’t allergic to goats,” Eliza quipped.

“Or dogs, or cats, or mice.”

“Mice? No way in Lhex! I'm done here.”

ImageEliza moved around to the other side of the room far away from anything that might crawl out of Miss Piramba’s booth. Aska was waiting for her too.

“Do you know what bell it is? It’s taking you forever to make your rounds. Please hurry with all this nonsense, I don’t want my future apprentice to believe lateness is something to be tolerated.”

Eliza bowed deeply from her waist. “I’m nearly finished. Just one more after you, for now. It depends on how many other business owners show up at the last chime.”

“Anyone who shows up at the last chime should be creatively told to go home for wasting our time.”

The small woman laughed at the Isurian’s comment, feeling much the same way. It was hard not to have respect for the woman standing in front of her, knowing how hard she worked and how prized her creations were. Eliza was in awe that the woman would even want a stall in her tiny faire, but she was here, and that was one more small notch for her belt, as long as she didn’t do anything to upset her.

“The Touch of Fire is looking for smiths or aspiring smiths. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right. I need someone who’s going to be dedicated, creative, and willing to put in the time it takes to make something spectacular. They also need to be here on time.”

“Okay, I’ve got it all. You’ll be happy to know that I’m off to one of my last stalls now.”

“Then you should hurry.”

With a quick bow, Eliza left the stall and moved forward, even more impressed with the woman.

ImageTain’s Studio was something of another local legend in a city like Lhavit, where people loved their art. Tain and his partner Nat, had been running the art studio for years and everything they produced was topnotch. Eliza knew they were always on the lookout for artists of any kind; painters, calligraphers, sculptors…anyone with passion.

Behind the counter, several of their artworks were on display, highlighting the talent of some of the brightest students that they’d trained, who’d gone on to be masters. The bright swirls on the canvas were a delight to the eye. Eliza lost herself in them for a chime before she realized Nat had greeted her with a bow. She blinked and returned the blonde woman’s greeting.

“I’m going to all the stalls to make sure everything is set up correctly and to get a final list of what everyone is looking for. Yours was pretty basic, is there anything else you wanted me to add?”

Nat scanned over the pages while Tain adjusted the canvases. She shook her head after a minute. “No, everything is there. You know exactly what we’re looking for.”

“Whoever gets to work for you will end up creating things as beautiful as that? That's pretty amazing.”

“And more, I hope.” Her smile ran deep and her love of art was apparent in it. The woman could imagine her mind was already off painting a portrait somewhere. She wondered if she was ever really present.

“I have what I need then. I’ll go make some final notes and give the last minute business owners a chance to slip inside before I open the doors to the public.”

OOCAnyone with long-term plans in Lhavit, who shows themselves to be committed, will also have the opportunity to open their own businesses. If you're interested in the details, contact a mod during the faire.
Last edited by Aural on December 2nd, 2011, 4:42 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Aural on December 2nd, 2011, 4:05 pm

Last edited by Aural on December 3rd, 2011, 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Haeli on December 2nd, 2011, 8:06 pm

Haeli wasn't sure what to expect. She'd never heard of a job faire, but when the representative had come around speaking to all the local businesses, she'd readily agreed to go talk to people about herbalism and growing things. She made medicines and perfumes and generally felt it was one of her missions in life to educate people on why other living things were just as important as people. When the representative had explained that she could have a table all to herself and that she should definitely bring a few things to decorate it, Haeli had gone overboard. She had with her a wheelbarrow that had a neatly folded table cloth inside, a few potted plants and a box that contained perfumes and oils and soaps and incense. Looking around, she noted that no one else seemed to have brought these things and again she wondered if she was slightly out of line looking slightly dressy but pushing a wheel barrow into the faire.

She had to carry her things somehow though, especially the small potted lemon tree.

"Hello." She greeted the faire keeper. "I'm Haeli of All Things Wild. I've been told there is a booth set aside for me and I've brought some things. I'm looking for an assistant or two to apprentice in herbalism and all that entails - perfume making, incense, medicine, gardening, etc. I brought some decorations for my booth if that is acceptable. Also, I have a vacant gageteering shop within All Things Wild so if you know of anyone interested, they could move into the shop and run a business out of it. The kelvic that ran it has wandered off and I don't see him coming back soon." She said, accepting the fact that Brig was gone, but missing him all the same.

"Can you tell me where my booth is and what else I need to do? I understand I owe Kina to be here?" She said, glancing around, slightly nervous in the open aired environment covered by such a lovely stained glass roof. The place would have been perfect, had it more green and growing things, perhaps even a few birds. Birds would have enjoyed being inside out of the cold this time of year as well. She absently wondered why people didn't think of these things and share such vast space they obviously weren't utilizing all of.

She turned her attention back to the keeper, hoping for answers and some direction.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Aural on December 3rd, 2011, 4:54 am

Eliza bowed to Haeli. “Welcome to the job faire. I’ve been waiting for you to arrive and I’m glad to see you made it in time; you look well prepared." Her delicate eyebrow arched with the question as she observed the wheelbarrow the sturdy girl was pushing around. The thing was overflowing with greenery which was a little too much for Eliza, who preferred much simpler things. However, the girl appeared to have some type of need to bring the outdoors in. Which was fine by her, as long as there were no creatures living in her potted trees.

She shivered, remembering the goat and hoped that crazy pet woman had gotten it on a leash.

When her nerves settled and she refocused on the girl, Haeli was running down a list of things she was looking for. Eliza made a mental note, for the first time without her pen and paper since the faire had started. “Once we get things underway, I’m sure we’ll be able to find you someone who meets your needs, we’re hoping for a healthy turnout.”

Eliza stopped in front of an open stall on the other side of Aska. “This is it, your stall for the fair, it’s nothing fancy, but it’s free actually, your fee has been waved through our community program, so it’s yours. You can decorate it any way you like.” After a quiet moment, the woman offered, “As soon as we get our first guests, interested parties will find their way to your stall, just answer their questions, try to get to know them, see if they’d be a good fit for you. When you find someone who meets your standards, you can offer them a job. Any other questions?”

The faire was opening.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Haeli on December 5th, 2011, 8:19 pm

Haeli was delighted. Eliza made her feel welcome and didn't look twice at her wheelbarrow at all. Dutifully Haeli followed Eliza to her booth and smiled a thanks. "This location looks really great. Thank you. I'm not sure what's supposed to happen here, but if someone comes by is it okay to offer them a job if I like them? I need help regardless, so I'm not particular about any one person or another. They just have to like plants and animals enough to tolerate the things that happen in All Things Wild." Haeli said, pulling a lovely green cloth (that had actually been a curtain) out of her wheelbarrow and spreading it over the booth. She set up a few potted plants while Eliza was still standing there, then gave the woman a smaller one from her wheelbarrow. It was a small sage. "This is for you. In thanks. If you keep it in your kitchen in the window, it will like the place just fine. Pinch off a few of its leaves for cooking. It's sage, you see. And water it good once every three days and give it a chance to dry out between times. You'll really enjoy it, I suspect." The witch said.

Then turning she started adding candles, soaps, oils, and perfumes to her table. She arranged them with flower petals scattered across it and a little sign that looked to be hand carved that said "All Things Wild". Then, she moved her wheelbarrow behind her table, partially parking it underneath upside down out of the way, and took a seat. "No, thank you though. I have no more questions. If I do have any, I'll come to find you." Haeli said, smiling at the woman.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Lu Gavima on December 5th, 2011, 9:47 pm

Lu walked amongst the many locals and visitors alike in the streets of Lhavit. His father had asked him to visit the job faire, claiming that while discipline and training had its merits, learning other skills was always necessary for balance. It was accepted and never questioned as it came not only from his Dian, but his father. He brought no staff with him, as security for an open event such as this was not necessary. Each of the shopkeepers held enough personal power to be more than enough security themselves. He could not claim a lack of purpose, new skills or not.

It had occurred to him during one of his recent training sessions that the arms of Projectionists tended to be an extra burden if not handled properly. Astral arms moved fluidly, their meaty cousins, not so much. He had seen various ways to handle this, as there was no uniform manner in which to handle it, though the Pavilion generally approved of tucking the arms in the sash that all Shinya wore. An acceptable, yet mediocre way to keep the weighted physical arms in check. Lu had a different idea altogether. It would require several things. The lore of a metalsmith, practice with the finished products use and the price itself. While most Acolytes and Shinya carried their own personal monies, Lu had chosen not to keep his earnings and give them to the monastery. It provided him with housing, food, training and purpose. What more could he need? Today it was money. That meant work.

Entering among the stalls, his uniform of light blue indicated his state as an Acolyte, if his youth didn't. His eyes danced over the various stalls until they found what he had been searching for. Terras, the only name in the uses of all metals and their applications. He stood at the booth, waiting for her to arrive and greet him. This was her realm of knowledge, not his. Lu was out of his element, but his overall plans made the slight discomfort worthwhile.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Alnair on December 6th, 2011, 7:07 pm

Alnair walked leisurly around the many stalls of the job faire, his height offering him a good view despite the many people inside. Looking at every job offer he continued on seeking something that fitted his small skill set. During his four years he hadn't had so much time to widen his experience and now he had to do it on his own and this job faire had come like sent by Syna, it would make it easier to find a job, or so he hoped.

His attention was caught by a stall with a live goat in it, it stod calmly seemingly not bothered by the bustling crowd, drawing a crooked smile from the Ethaefal. Alnair wouldn't mind a job with animals but he had no experience or knowledge about them at all, so for their sake he better keep to what he could do.

A bit further in a stall filled with paintings was placed, instantly changing his direction towards it Alnair hoped they offered jobs. An amazing array of paintings filled with colour depicting both still life motives and works of art straight from an artist's mind, tracing the strokes with his eyes he knew he wanted to get as good as that. Alnair looked around wondering if he should call for one of the people working in the stall or wait for them to come when they could.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Calvin Freeman on December 7th, 2011, 1:39 am

Calvin walked into the great sanctuary he looked around for anything that sparked his interest he spoke softly with out drawing too much attention "Best not bring attention to myself." As calvin moved from stall to stall he looked for a way to use his tallent in this city. Lahvt Hmmm perhaps I can help in the restaurant business or a Blacksmith shop Calvin walked up to the Yarena Pachina booth, but on further inspection he revering off thinking that this may not be the job for him. He then began to walk up to the black smith booth, but then once again, seeing the strong husky women "Gees, I can feel the Honor radiating off her." Just as Calvin whispered this a group of guards began to approach his area. He ducked and began to evade a weave through the croud when he stumbled upon a much... greener both "All things wild," the sign read. He began too look through the potions and lotions of the table "Perfect," Calvin whispered with a smile Calvin looked up to see the both keeper staring at him, "Excuse me, My name is Calvin I am a local alchemist I was thinking i could offer my services to you"Image
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Aural on December 7th, 2011, 3:09 pm

Eliza stared at the sage, turning it over in her hand, the smell of it was intense, making her worry that she’d be covered in goat hair and smelling like sage for the entire length of the faire. What was she supposed to do with it while she was working?

Shaking her head quietly to herself, she held the sage at arm’s length from her body and smiled despite her worries, the way a good host should. Then she relaxed a little when the witch tucked her wheelbarrow out of the way of traffic and began moving busily around the tiny stall, decorating it to her particular tastes. She almost missed the question that spilled from the girl’s lips, but she was quick to respond once she was sure she’d heard it.

“If someone comes by, that catches your eye, you can certainly offer them a job. I wish you luck in your endeavors.” The woman stepped back and bowed, having caught sight of faire goers arriving. She excused herself and made a beeline for the front desk.

Aska Terras stepped towards her booth, her heavy gaze pinned to the young man, draped from head-to-foot in the pale blue of his Acolyte robes. He stood there waiting as if he had something to say. What could a young Shinya in training find of interest in her stall?

“Acolyte, how can I help you? Is there something behind the counter that you’d like to see?” She waved to the wall at the back of the booth, where a pair of gleaming katanas hung from the wall. They were her favorites, a labor of love, birthed from her blistering hot forge and they were as expensive as they were exquisite. If it had been anyone else, she would have wondered if he’d thought to steal them from her, for which he’d have a mighty fight on his hands. The woman was deceptively small, she was strong, she wouldn’t let them go without a struggle. He was a Shinya in the making though, she doubted that he had any use for the kina he might make from them. Rather than let her imagination continue to run wild, she waited for his answer.

Tain’s partner, Nat, had withdrawn from the busy crowd to do what she loved best, paint. Her beautiful face was relaxed as she skillfully swiped the canvas with her paintbrush. Bright stroke on top of bright stroke, it wasn’t clear yet what she was painting but it would be something amazing, it always was.

The Studio was so popular lately, that they seemed always to be looking for new help. The Job Faire couldn’t have come along at a better time, but it took them away from their work, so he was anxious to find someone or two with some potential, so they could get back to where they were needed.

The Ethaefal was the first to approach their stall. It was hard to tell by looking at him, what he might have to offer, though Tain liked to keep an open mind. Since the male looked unsure as to what to do, Tain approached him, giving him a slight bow and a flash of his very white teeth.

“Hey there, I’m Tain, this is my booth, but I guess you probably already guessed that. If you're looking to interview for one of our jobs, I’d be glad to talk to you about what we’re looking for.”
Last edited by Aural on December 8th, 2011, 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lhavit Job Faire (Open)

Postby Alnair on December 7th, 2011, 7:11 pm

Studying the different paintings closely Alnair tried to determine how the artist had gone about painting the pattern, in his opinion it was a great lesson to learn from masters. Not copy someone else but take hints and tips from others to improve your own work and in time develop your own style and way of transferring your creativity to the canvas, of course in the end it was only your own mind that could hinder your progress. As Alnair stood pondering a man approached him with a greeting, tearing his gaze away to meet Tain’s he answered. “Hi, my name is Alnair,” he said and bowed, making sure it was deeper than Tain’s, to show respect for the older and more experienced man. “I am interested in a job at your studio, as a painter preferably as that is my greatest interest but I love to create things and am eager to learn.” He said with a smile.
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