Asada Valencia(WIP)

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Asada Valencia(WIP)

Postby Asada on December 7th, 2011, 1:39 am

Basic Information:
Name: Asada Valencia
Race: Konti
Birthday & Age :488 AV (23 years old)
Gender: Female

Physical Description:
5'4" and weighs 123lbs.


Character Concept :

A konti born upon the isles who has been subjected to the depravity of slavery and the mental toll of vengeance upon her captors for her mothers death. Circumstances eventually find the lone young woman ensconced in the heraldry of the Syliran knights. She becomes a page at age nineteen a squire at twenty one and is presently reaching towards the goal of becoming a mage knight at twenty-three. Still a teenager in konti years, the young woman shall begin to progress along the paths of what she has been allowed to see with Avalis' gift of Divination while struggling to hold up the ideals of the Knights Order itself.

Quick Skill List :
Reimancy- 5
Shielding- 5
Voiding- 5
Leeching- 5
Auristics- 5
Glyphing- 5
Magecrafting- 5
Riding (horse)- 5
Bodybuilding - 5
Medicine - 10

Reimancy Elements- *Air

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Last edited by Asada on January 16th, 2012, 4:23 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Asada Valencia

Postby Asada on December 7th, 2011, 2:36 am

Character History: :
Born upon Mura, to her mother K'lala amidst the waters of Silver Lake, Asada's upbringing was that of an earnest but happy child.

Little was known in her early years about her father, save that his name was Jared, he was a kight and he bequethed Asada's mother a sword of his own forging with his familial crest of Valencia upon it's hilt, telling her to give it to the child of their creation. All she remembers of such times is when asked, her mother told her he had been a man of the highest order of honor and that the pair had met in dangerous circumstances.

At age fourteen Asada left with her mother on a mission for gathering information for the Opal Order. Accosted by bandits, she saw her mother killed before her eyes as she was taken into the most horrible circumstances: Slavery. Her mother's body was broken before her by leeching and her own meager supply of djed was broken as well before she lay face down in the dirt. Asada's possessions were stripped from her by the hungry pillaging of bandits. The bandit's leader took her sword after leeching her mother dry, the sword given to K'lala by her father for his own before dragging her away to place the ever cold shackles of her new life around her neck.

Forgoing her mother's name as a flash of her future by Avalis' blessing was hinted to her, she became mute and began to take the measures necessary for her own survival. Her small form never spoke a word to her captors. Her eyes never wept. She was nothing more then a closed shell during those times. Content to linger and allow the bandits to view her as 'unsellable' as she played the village idiot and brought them things like wood for their fires, placating herself at their feet for the jibes in her direction, letting her face show fear as she prostrated at their feet as over the trip back to the markets Asada made herself 'useful' to the camp with the other captives they rounded up.

Finally, at the markets the leader herself decided to keep her as a slave, and Asada's path was set. She had been Shown what would have happened to her in the markets, the passing of her body off from one leacherous prig to another and her eventual death. Only by Alvadas' blessing did she see a chance for changing her circumstances, a chance for escape.

For four long years her life within the bandit's clutches Asada was taken along on raids as she began to learn the hard way. Ordered to tend to the captured slaves' injuries as best she could, she managed to find a series of small items in the looting. A book about medicine here, a flint and tinder there, a set of tattered blankets and a tent. A small dagger she hid in the binding of the book. The bandit lord let her keep it all, making sure she stayed by his side as she began to grow.

He even let her keep a small mountain pony as they traveled, and tended to the rest of the camps mounts as well.

When she was nearing the age of seventeen and eighteen she began to notice the telltale stares of the bandit men glancing in her direction. Their eyes filled with lascivious desire as they licked their lips like dogs waiting for a meal. Asada knew what was happening, their lustful gazes were merely a reminder to the dangers which she faced.

One dark night, when the new moon cast the sky in blackness Asada escaped after sneaking into the bandit leaders tent. She killed him in his sleep, cutting his throat like a suckling pig, and she took her family's sword back into her possession, taking his gold, and the items she had accumulated over the last four years. Her visions had told her she would have need of such things for the journey ahead.

Striking off into the wilderness on her own, Asada's visions within the chavena lead towards the gates of Syliras. In her mind she knew what she must do. She had seen the armor of the knights in her visions of the past, of her father a Valencia wearing such armored raiments, of her mother in his arms. At nineteen, she found him there within the Syliran capital.

Jared Valencia was his name, a man wounded grieviously with a leg cut off from his travels as a Syliran knight. He was broken, defeated, wracked with pain from old wounds, destined only to live his life as best he could helping to keep his duties to the knights in whatever way possible. His eyes had held a sallow look, seemingly disinclined to notice anything in the present. As if his mind lived solely in the past. But at her presence, seeing her face and the sword in her arms, he seemed to come back to life and from his lips her mother's name tumbled to the ground.

Crying she shook her head, and told him her name was Asada... and of what had occurred over the past four years. She said that if he would accept her , she wished to take the last name of Valencia as her mother's was too painful still to say.

It was a mixed reunion with the man she had never met;. but over the next two years under his guidance, and teachings she prepared herself to enter the Order as a squire. All while, tending to his ills and begging the man to to take passage back to Mura in order to heal his injuries...

Two years later, she entered the knights as a squire and bickers with Jared to this day to let her take him to the Opal order. Her life is filled with many uncertainties as many question her abilities to thrive within the brethren known as the syliran knights. Few know if she will ever become a knight herself...
Last edited by Asada on December 7th, 2011, 9:55 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Asada Valencia

Postby Asada on December 7th, 2011, 2:36 am

Image The life of an aspiring knight is a hard one, and for a konti woman it is doubly so. Many regard any of her race's presence within the knights as a 'weakness' due to the blessings (or curse) of anyone gifted with Avalis on a battlefield. To prove them wrong, and to make her father proud, she struggles to improve her abilities constantly in all things.

She doesn't strive for second best, and seeks to better then the rest of the squires, and her drive to succeed pushes her ever further to new heights.

Aside from her knightly duties she is a devout follower of her race's goddess of Avalis, thankful for her guidance to come to Syliras throughout the struggles of her young life. She also prays dutifully to Eyris to help grant her the wisdom to enable her to deal with the scars which such things have brought.

Training and Skills :
Construction00+2XP 2XP


Weapon(Shortsword)Applies to the two familial shortswords she carries 50 5XP
Riding (horse)505XP
Running001 XP 1 XP

Observation00+2XP 2XP

Lore :
Religion of Eyris
Religion of Avalis
**Born in Silver Lake**
How to build a mediocre sand castle
Life is indeed unfair
Choosing the lesser of two evils

Racial Gifts :
Konti Gift:
Perspicacity's Curse: Subject is subjected to bouts of slightly keener visions that momentarily override their ability to function.
Waterbreathing. (gills)

Divination 1 (Approved by HD:Ticket:)
Last edited by Asada on September 25th, 2012, 9:40 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Asada Valencia

Postby Asada on December 7th, 2011, 2:46 am

Equipment and Possessions:

۞ 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
۞ 1 Waterskin
۞ 1 Backpack which contains:
۞ 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
۞ Food for a week
۞ 1 eating knife
۞ 1 Flint & Steel
۞ 10 Traveler’s Stock -100 days

Tools, and kits
۞ Thieves Tools-30gm

۞ 1 Signet Ring worth 15gm
۞ 1 Dark Grey Shadowsilk Robe

Arms and Armament:
۞ 2 Weapon Scabbards, Secret Container
۞ 1 Weapon Harness
۞Heirloom: Valencian Shortsword:"Memory"
Description: Isurian Steel Shortsword worth 50gm. The shortsword given to her mother by her father, a minor Syliran knight of small stature to celebrate the impending time of her birth before their parting. It's hilt shows signs of wear and the crossguard is engraved with the Valencia Crest. It's blade is twenty inches long with a four inch hilt.
۞Valencian Shortsword:"Justice"
Description: Isurian Steel Shortsword worth 50gm. The shortsword given to her by her father to mark her acceptance as a squire into the Order. It is a duplicate of the one Jared had given to her mother K'lala. It's blade is twenty inches long with a four inch hilt.
Justice and Memory :
Last edited by Asada on December 7th, 2011, 6:05 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Asada Valencia

Postby Asada on December 7th, 2011, 2:47 am

100 gms
+500 gms (cashed in housing)
-50 gms Shortsword- Isurian steel counterpart to her heirloom "Memory". Shortsword is named: "Justice"
-5 gm Weapon Harness
- 9 gm Scabbard, Secret Container
- 9 gm Scabbard, Secret Container
- 15gm Signet Ring bearing the crest of the Valencia Name, it bears the name of her parents K'lila and Jared intertwined in a circle about her own name of Asada.
-2gm -1 man tent
-1sm Bedroll
- 5sm Blanket, Winter
-35gm Dark Grey Shadowsilk robe.
- Thieve's Tools - 30 gm
-10 travelers stocks- 30gm
Total Left:
414 gm 4sm
Last edited by Asada on December 7th, 2011, 4:51 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Asada Valencia

Postby Asada on December 7th, 2011, 2:51 am

Date Title Status Awards
Win 6, 488 av A Birthing Cry Completed Skills and lore GainedSwimming +2; Lore: Born Within the silver lake
Sum 3, 492 av Playing in the Sand Completed Skills and Lore GainedAcrobatics:2; Jumping:2; Bodybuilding:2; Swimming:2; Running:1; Observation:2; Construction:2; LORE: How to build a mediocre sand castle; Life is indeed unfair; Choosing the lesser of two evils
Sum 5, 492 av Swimming in the Surf ongoing

Sum 15, 492 av Children's games
Sum 4, 495 av Lifting a sword
Sum 6, 495 av I got a Booboo!
Fall 10, 495 av Frolicking in the Woods
Fall 14, 495 av Climbing trees
Fall 16, 496 av Slashing daisies!
Win 18, 496 av Watching the masters train:
Win 28, 496 av Watching the masters train: Running along
Win 38, 496 av Watching the masters train: Pushups hurt!
Win 48, 496 av Watching the masters train: Student of Life.
Win 58, 496 av Watching the masters train: Hacking away
Win 58, 496 av Strong Defense: Strengthen your stance
Win 68, 496 av Strong Defense: Practice Makes Perfect
Win 78, 496 av Teaching a child to calm their mind
Win 90, 496 av Auristics: First Sight.
Spr 12, 498 av Shielding Rocks:
Spr 48, 498 av Shielding Rocks: Two pebbles or three?
Spr 60, 498 av Shielding Rocks: Inquisitive Mischief
Spr 80, 498 av Shielding Rocks: Painful lessons from the heart
Fall 14, 498 av Elemental Pains:
Fall 24, 498 av Elemental Pains: Playing with the winds
Fall 44, 498 av Elemental Pains: Gusts of wind
Fall 80, 498 av Elemental Pains: Marking gusts.
Fall 81, 498 av Elemental Pains: Windy days, watery breath
Win 1, 498 av Sword and the Stone
Win 2, 498 av Sword and the Stone:Practice and maintenence
Win 4, 498 av Swimming in the Silver Lake.
Win 6, 498 av The Last Birthday: gifts of the heart
Win 8, 498 av Glyphing: the way ahead.
Win 12, 498 av Glyphing: Beginning to store
Win 42, 498 av Glyphing: Existential Theory
Win 90, 498 av Leaving the Muran Isle.

Spr 50, 499 av The day the world turned upside down.
Spr 60, 499 av Life as a slave: Pretending to be a Mute
Sum 68, 499 av Life as a slave: Desperate Gambits
Fall 30, 499 av Watching one die beneath your hands
Fall 80, 499 av Life as a Slave: Dark horizons
Win 8, 506 av Freedom in blood

Win 90, 506 av Life in the Wilds:
Win 90, 506 av Life in the Wilds: meeting a caravan
Spr 30, 506 av Revelations: Striking out on a journey
Win 3, 506 av Revelations: A father's memory
Spr 5, 508 av Revelations: A father's love
Spr 60, 508 av Magecrafting at the smithery
Spr 90, 508 av Magecrafting at the smithery II
Win 43, 509 av A knight in training:
Win 63, 509 av Life as a squire:
Spr 13, 510 av Voiding: The basic tenets
Spr 32, 510 av Voiding: Practice in cleanliness
Spr 32, 510 av Voiding: Defensive Uses
Sum 40, 510 av Riding Times:
Sum 60, 510 av Riding Times: The hoof first
Sum 80, 510 av Riding Times: Horsecare
Sum 40, 510 av Riding Times: Training days
Fal 40, 510 av Finding a liege knight as a mentor
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