Selena Kapok Basic Information Secret :
Race: Symenestra
Birthday & Age : 23 Summer 494AV/17 Years Old Gender: Female Height: 5'9'' Weight: 90 lbs Physical Description Secret :
Selena as most Symenestra has an elegantly humanoid form, giving her on exotic appearance. She has ashen skin, which has a trace of grey veins so faint it is almost unnoticeable unless one is looking for them. She has a long slender form, with just a hint of feminine curves to tell that she is a woman, but certainly not as much as most female humans would have.
She has hair of the deepest black, as dark as a cloudy night with no moon or stars visible. Her eyes are a blood red color, starkly contrasting with her skin color. She has elongated arms and hands, with long thin fingers, ending in her "crescent claws," her long black nails common to her race which are unusually strong for nails. She also has long nails on her feet, which she does not file down as most Symenestra do, forcing her to wear open toed shoes or sandals. Character Concept Secret :
Selena is rather playful at times, and always loves to see new things, and to learn about other people. She has the heart of an anthropologist, and loves to learn of races foreign to her own, and to find things no one has before. She finds the enigma of others minds fascinating, and loves teasing out the workings of those around her. At times she can be serious though, and is generally very hard on herself, always pushing to do better.
In general, Selena does not see things so black and white, or as good vs evil. She loves her family, and will do anything to help her family, even things others might see as bad or immoral. She rules things on a case by case thing, and what will hurt or benefit her web. In general she tries to help others when she can, and is willing to give up personal time to assist someone in a task that is to much for them. Character History Secret :
Overgiving Effects Secret :
She now believes that the tale of the farmer’s daughter is a true story.-from Fables of Kalinor
Training Secret :
Information: Anthropology:5(5SP)- Novice Interaction: Hypnotism:13(10SP+3)- Novice Seduction:5(5SP)- Novice Storytelling:2(2)- Novice Hiding: Climbing:5(5SP)- Novice Morphing:12(10SP+2)- Novice Stealth:5(5SP)- Novice Combat: Acrobatics:10(10RB)- Novice Weapon(Dagger):10(10SP)- Novice Language: Common: Fluent (startup package) Symenos: Basic (startup package) Isur: Poor (startup package) Lores: Lore of Human Anatomy(Basic)(startup package) Lore of Human Psychology(Basic)(startup package) Lore of the Nest Lore of Surrogates Lore of Dealing with Angry Surrogates Lore of The Tale of the Farmer’s Daughter(Fable) Lore of Using Hypnosis to Invoke Emotion Lore of Spinning Stories with Hypnotic Suggestion Equipment and Possessions Secret :
(starting package)
1 Set of Clothing -Silken Shirt -Silken Pants -Silken Undergarments -Silken Coat -Exoskeleton Armor Shirt -Simple Sandals -1 Waterskin 1 Silken Knapsack which contains: -Brush (Bone) -Soap -Fruit Rations (1 Week's worth) -1 eating knife -Flint & Steel Housing: Her family home is made up of pear shaped units, carved from stalactites, stone that hangs from the ceiling. Her room is windowless, with her area separated by hanging cloth. The room is roughly 20x20 in size, and includes a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table, though it is only one room of many were her web lives, with many rooms and houses clustered together in a small area. (Additional Starting) -Silk Dress(30GM) -Silk Jacket(10GM) -Sandals(2SM) -Stockings(4SM) -Mask(3SM) -Dagger, Throwing X10(1GM Each)(10GM) -Dagger(2GM) -Scabbard, Dagger(2GM) -Weapon Harness(5GM) -Hammock(5GM) Family Heirloom: An old leather bound copy of the Viratassa, passed on by her father as his oldest living child. It has many scratches on the cover, and looks quite old, even having several bloodstains on it. The pages within however are quite clear of tears or stains, but are also quite old, and must be handled carefully. Ledger Secret :
100 gm (Starting coin)
-30gm for Silk Dress -10gm for Silk Jacket -2sm for Sandals -4sm for Stockings -3sm for Mask -10gm for Dagger, Throwing X10 -2gm for Dagger -2gm for Scabbard, Dagger -5gm for Weapon Harness -5gm for Hammock -45gm for Winter Living Expenses +440gm for Winter Income Current Balance:430gm 1sm Thread List Flashbacks: Secret :
Winter 511 Day 5- Apprenticeship.-done- Day 7- Fables of Kalinor-done- |