I am so impossibly boredI tend to get bored a lot, and every time I do I address something that I feel like. For instance, take my last post. I was bored, and so I wrote. Speaking of which, for some reason it seems like posts of mine are disappearing on my scrapbook, or they did, and I don't know where they went or if I deleted them in some rageful anger that I can't remember.
I suck. 
Anyway, I wish to tell you all that I've been indecisive about staying or quitting Mizahar once the week ends. I had fully planned on doing so Monday, but another player came along and said "Don't quit! I'll send you this so you see I've got something written!" and I was like "I am intrigued!" and sold my sold my soul for another week for what will probably be something I'll regret.
My reasons for quitting are purely for myself. I am stressed, and exhausted. I can't even get to a PC as often as I'd like, and even after I buy an iPod I can't gaurauntee that I would be able to get on Miz a lot more. I've been embroiled in an identity challenge online here, for which I still find it hard to believe that they would let it drop so easily, and I just feel so worn down. Health issues have me, school has me, work has me, Miz has me. I have little time for myself anymore, but it truly is my doing. x-x I got so involved with Mizahar from the start that I lost my sense of planning ahead and completely buggered myself for university.
That means that I'm failing school. I haven't been to classes in a long while and so far all but Psychology have ended, and I have overdue assignments. As I told Victor, three NPs will have me kicked from university for good. I could lose my funding (I probably will, but I will make an appeal that says if I don't do better in Winter I will withdraw myself and give it up for a while). An NP is a grade that is VERY, VERY bad. It means "no-paper" and identifies a person who has taken a full class but who has either failed to hand in assignments or missed a midterm. I for sure have one NP for Art because I missed the october midterm. I have assignments for INDG and ISW to write, a quiz for Psych to complete, when I haven't been there in about a month, and even then I'm close to failing entirely.
I am so stressed, I don't know what to do.
So, I decided I had to quit Mizahar, and as much as I would hate to leave, it truly would alleviate some of that pressure on my mind.
Sadly, I've found it very, very difficult.
/: I don't know what I'm going to do, and this just exhausts me more. I truly will probably get kicked from university, but I am going to try and not do so.
Oh, and the grade value of an NP is 40%, which is better than a fail, but far worse at the same time. Also, supposedly if I hand in a cover sheet I can't get an NP for assignments. Wooh.
;-; I just gotta hold down until I complete the semester, I suppose.
Well, that was my post for today. Toodles~ |