Alana Kaye

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Alana Kaye

Postby Alana Kaye on December 4th, 2011, 10:26 pm

Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age: 72nd Fall, 491AV
Gender: Female

Denvali: Fluent
Common: Basic
Nari: Poor

Thank you so much for my beautiful CS Emma!
Last edited by Alana Kaye on December 13th, 2011, 10:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Alana Kaye
Posts: 21
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Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2011, 10:09 pm
Location: Denval
Race: Human
Character sheet

Alana Kaye

Postby Alana Kaye on December 8th, 2011, 4:30 pm

Physical Description
Image Alana is around average height, standing a touch over 5’6” tall. She has a slender build with pale, but lightly tanned skin. She has a fresh young face with large brown eyes, and blonde hair that reaches a little way past her shoulders. Her smile is always warm and her expression usually friendly.
Alana has a single scar on her left forearm. It is quite obviously a blade scar, being long and rather thin. It is a memento of her curious nature – she had gotten a little too hands-on when her father took her to see his workplace, and had cut herself on one of his blades.
Character Concept
Alana is an extremely friendly and honest individual. She is genuinely kind, and always strives to see the best in people. Of course, this can occasionally lead to some naivety, but she brushes it off and learns from her misunderstandings. She is also a pacifist, and tries her utmost to avoid any sort of conflict, be it verbal or physical. Alana has carried a curious streak with her since childhood, and while it has been known to get her into trouble, it mostly just spurs her on in her learning.
Religion is a big part of Alana’s life. Living in Denval, she of course joins the city as they ask the favour of a number of Gods, Laviku and Morwen included.
However, she is most faithful to Priskil, Caiyha and Rak’keli. Like many Denvalians she sees Priskil as a beacon of hope. She thanks the Goddess regularly and often asks her to watch over herself and Denval. Alana dreams of being a healer and she asks the Goddess of Healing to help her on her journey. Since animals are her primary concern, she also regularly speaks to Caiyha, asking for the wisdom she needs to help whatever creature she finds herself with.
Last edited by Alana Kaye on December 11th, 2011, 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Alana Kaye
Posts: 21
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Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2011, 10:09 pm
Location: Denval
Race: Human
Character sheet

Alana Kaye

Postby Alana Kaye on December 8th, 2011, 4:30 pm

Alana has had what you could call a normal upbringing. She was born to Laris and Juan Kaye in the city of Denval. Juan was, and still is a smith, specializing in the crafting of blades. Laris works at Theo's Farm for the most part, though she occasionally teaches at the Lyceum, her subject being history. Alana was a happy and curious child, forever investigating things and always asking questions.

ImageFrom a young age, Alana had always shown a fondness for animals. She was forever bringing home the odd stray cat or dog and every time she attempted to persuade her parents to let her keep them. Eventually they caved in and let her keep one of the cats, much to the young girls delight. The ginger tabby became one of her closest companions, right up until its death from a mystery ailment.

Like every child of Denval, Alana attended The Academy for her schooling. She joined her classmates in learning the standard life skills such as reading and writing. She also learnt how to use a sword, and though she wasn’t bad at it, she hated wielding the weapon. Alana had found herself to be quite the pacifist, preferring instead to learn the art of healing. She studied herbalism, and was taught the basic techniques she would need to tend to wounds and illness.

While she is currently on the path to becoming a healer, she would really love to become a healer of animals. She dreams of one day being able to tend to injured, lost and abandoned creatures, much like the ones she found in her younger years. She also has an itch to one day get out of Denval and seek more knowledge of herbs and techniques from distant places.
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Alana Kaye
Posts: 21
Words: 8128
Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2011, 10:09 pm
Location: Denval
Race: Human
Character sheet

Alana Kaye

Postby Alana Kaye on December 8th, 2011, 4:31 pm

Knowledge & Items

Skill Points Level Earned
Medicine 21 Novice sp 1
Herbalism 15 Novice sp
Animal Husbandry 20 Novice sp
Short Sword 10 Novice sp
Observation 1 Novice 1
Writing 1 Novice 1

Lore: Denvali Culture
Lore: Basic Wound Care
Look But Don't Touch
Honey Stops Infection
The Scar


  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
  • Food for a week or 1 bottle of embalming fluid (for Nuits)
  • 1 eating knife
  • Flint & Steel

  • Reversible white/light grey cloak
  • Leather ankle boots
  • Leather belt
  • Black leggings
  • White poets shirt
  • Fine silver necklace inlaid with a cut citrine (heirloom)



Alana lives and works at The Citrine Center. She tends to sick, injured and stray animals, while learning from Haxo Aletta, the chief healer.
Last edited by Alana Kaye on December 13th, 2011, 9:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Alana Kaye
Posts: 21
Words: 8128
Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2011, 10:09 pm
Location: Denval
Race: Human
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Alana Kaye

Postby Alana Kaye on December 12th, 2011, 2:58 am

Winter 77 Quest End Game: The Crucible Various Denvalians
Denval, Opal Clinic
Winter 3 A Garden For Healers Solo
Denval, Citrine Center


Fall 510 43 - Don't Touch That! Solo
Summer 503 56 - Denvali Dances Alana, Talen

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Alana Kaye
Posts: 21
Words: 8128
Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2011, 10:09 pm
Location: Denval
Race: Human
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