[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Amidst the chaos of the marketplace, two strangers have a chance meeting.

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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Jaiun on October 18th, 2011, 8:43 pm


Jaiun gave a playful growl in response to this. "You're jealous of my hunting skills, admit it."

Something came over Kaielle's face, something come and gone before Jaiun could properly deduce what it was. Sadness, perhaps? But why would she be sad? Jaiun didn't think his banter was that bad.

As she talked about the Icewatch, she stirred up painful memories of her own in Jaiun. Kalgar's grizzled face appeared in Jaiun's head, and he grimaced. Trying to put it out of his head, he responded a bit absentmindedly,

"The Icewatch? I've been in it my entire life. I was raised to be one, in fact." He gave Kaii a small smile. "Not that's I'd trade it for anything in the world, of course. It's an honor, like you say."

The duo had made their way over to the bench, and Jaiun was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice it for a second, and stood awkardly over Kaiielle for a minute. Snapping back into the present, he cringed at his social faux pas.

"Sure, let's sit." he said, taking the seat next to her.

"So, now that's we've talked about myself, how about you? What's a good Vantha woman doing with a thing like that?" He said this to hopefully distract himself from the thoughts bouncing around his head, his eyes focused on the fox, Iva, which was tearing into the fish fiercely. Might not be as bad as I thought, he thought grudgingly.

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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Kaiielle on October 24th, 2011, 8:10 pm

Kaiielle bit her lip to stifle the laughs that wanted to come as Jaiun sassed her back. She shook her head again, only letting a small smirk through. "Maybe I'd be jealous if I had any hunting skills to start off with in the first place." she replied, holding her face straight for a couple seconds before having a little laugh.

Kaii's eyebrows furrowed for a slight second as she saw the look on Jaiun's face. She was confused. Did she say something to upset him? She was grateful when he gave her a smile, and she responded with the same thing. "Well I guess it's obvious I need to do my studying."

She looked up at Jaiun as he stood above her for a second. Was he okay? She had to resist the urge to put a hand on his shoulder as he stared off. Maybe he was just tired. She was relieved when he took a seat next to her and started asking questions. "Well I think Iva is a very good companion." she said, giving him a little glare. "Much better than some people I know..." She continued to stare at him for a second before breaking her tough girl facade and letting a laugh slip through. "She is actually accompanying me while I run errands."

She turned the attention back to him. "What about you? What are you doing here?"
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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Jaiun on October 25th, 2011, 10:09 pm


Jaiun gave a short bark of a laugh in response to her wit. The wind whistled down the stall, catching Jaiun in the face with the scent of many different things carried by the wind. For a moment, he was content to simply inhale and enjoy his present company, before responding.

"I believe you do. I could show you sometime - well, I mean, I would, if hunting like a bear was similar to a human." For this, no trace of sarcasm existed on his face; clearly he took Kaii seriously when she talked about learning hunting.

"I'd consider that thing a good pet if it was my size," Jaiun said heartily as he watched the little animal go at it. "As it is...yep, can't really say much about it at the moment."

Deep brown eyes verging on black looked up, caught with Kaiielle's. "I was...simply enjoying the scents." Jaiun admitted, tapping his nose. "The best sense for a bear is that of it's sense of smell," he continued on, "And I enjoy using it even in my human form. It's...relaxing...to walk down through the markets on a pristine day and simply enjoy the smells." he grinned ruefully at her.

"So, of what Hold are you? What errands are we speaking of here?" Rather direct, but Jaiun enjoyed open and honest conversation; words that bubbled to his mind tended to come out without him thinking about them too much. Raising one cool hand to brush a few errant hairs out of his eyes, he watched her intently, with a natural-born ferocity of gaze not seen in regular of humans.

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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Kaiielle on November 14th, 2011, 6:16 am

Kaiielle watched as Jaiun's face changed when the fragrant smells whiffed throughout the market. She caught a few scents also, but nothing compared to the Kelvic's enhanced senses. The smell of iron and salt also made it's way to her nose, causing her face to scrunch up in distaste. She looked down at the fox quickly scarfing down the fish. Small spots of blood dotted the pure snow next to the dining animal. Kaii had never been one for the sight of blood, but it didn't make her queasy or sick. She pondered about hunting with Jaiun, taking it into serious consideration. But all the blood that would come from the dying prey... she didn't know if she'd be able to handle the gore. Maybe she'd just have to get over it. "That would be... interesting." she said, smoothing out her dress. It truly would be interesting for her. She had never been hunting before in her life.

When he made the remark about Ivanka, all she could do was not-so-discretely roll her eyes. She could not deny the greatness of the polar bear Kelvics, for they were a sight even for a blind man. She lifted her head to look at him, really look at him. She had never encountered other Kelvics in human form, or at least she hadn't think she had, but she thought it amazing how they could go from a giant bear into a simple man. Of course they still had their more beastly qualities. Like those eyes, she thought as his dark eyes caught with hers. A light blush creeped upon her cheeks and she quickly looked away.

Kaii smiled lightly as he touched his nose and told her of his abilities. She nodded at him while he spoke, enjoying listening to him speak. "Yes, I suppose it could be, but it must be hard with all the hustle and disorder of the people." she said, though not doubting his words. Everyone had different ways of releasing the tension. "I'm sure working the Icewatch is very rewarding, but tiring."

"I am of Frostfawn," she said proudly, referring to his question. "And I was actually returning some quite overdue books to the library." She smiled, looking back up at him, her blush still showing on her face. The red deepened as she saw him looking at her again, and she shifted under his gaze. "Do you stare at everyone like that?" she asked, calling him out, a nervous smile on her face. She knew it might of been natural for him, but she still felt slightly uncomfortable.

OOCOh my goodness, why didn't you remind me to post here?! >.< I'm so sorry! I totally forgot about this thread!
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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Jaiun on November 16th, 2011, 5:30 pm


Jaiun nodded complacently. "It would indeed." he spent a moment with his eyes closed, simply enjoying the situation. He missed her eye-roll, though the faint smile on his face could lead one to believe that he had known she was going to do it all the same.

"Frankly speaking, humans do smell pretty bad." Jaiun responded. "Especially when you put on perfumes. That's disgusting. Why isn't your own natural scent good for you humans?" Jaiun caught himself mid-rant, looked over guiltily at Kaiielle. "Not that I'm talking about you in particular. You smell...good. Though that might be the smell of the fish catching my nose."

"Working with the Icewatch...it can be rewarding. At times. When you catch a criminal, stop him from doing some bad deed...there is nothing like it. You feel like you are doing a personal service to Morwen." Jaiun allowed a pure, unguarded smile to slip onto his face. "At other times, it's a petching pain in the ass, but I suppose all things are like that."

"Frostfawn. I would have never guessed." Jaiun took a blatant look at Ivanka. "Library books, huh? Well, I don't want to keep you waiting." Jaiun stood up, and offered his hand to help Kaiielle do the same. "We can go there right now, if you wish. And faster, too. I know the back-alleys pretty well." Jaiun tried his best to look modest.

Her next question caught Jaiun off-guard, and for the very first time he went red. "Was I staring?..." he murmured. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean too." He conspicuously looked away, a small frown on his face.

OoCDon't worry about it, it's totally cool. Well...except for Kaii embarrassing Jaiun. That ain't cool. :D

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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Kaiielle on November 28th, 2011, 7:47 am

Kaiielle put her small hand in Jaiun's, smiling at his warmth while he helped her away from the bench. Her fingers lingered in his longer than what was probably necessarily before she pulled away, dropping her hand to her side.

Yes, Kaiielle had already been to the library to return her books, but she did not want to leave the Kelvic so soon. It was nice talking to him, and she also found him very interesting. She done nothing in protest to his invite. She did however say something in response to his red face.

"Oh, no! It's fine, really. I'm sure it's just... i-instinct." she said, stuttering on her last word, not sure if what she said was intelligent or not. Anyway, she looked to Jaiun's flushed face and smiled, trying to relieve the awkwardness she had conjured.

She whistled at Iva, who had finished off her fish and was licking at the thin, ivory bones. The fox's head popped up and trotted to her owner, but not before turning her golden eyes to the Kelvic and growling. Kaiielle just shook her head a the fox before taking a place next to Jaiun as they strolled away to the library.

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[Frost Falls Market] Pardon Me... [Kaiielle]

Postby Cheshire on December 13th, 2011, 9:37 pm


Character: Jaiun
Experience: Observation +1, Interrogation +3, Rhetoric +2

Character: Kaiielle
Experience: Interrogation +2, Animal Husbandry +1, Rhetoric +2, Observation +1
Ledger: -1 SM (Fish)

Additional Note: Great thread you two. It was a pleasure to read. I cannot wait to see more from Kaii and Jai. PM me with concerns.
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