Timestamp: 1st Day of Fall, 511 AV The snow-white exterior of the Opal Temple made T’Setsuna’s eyes burn as the afternoon sun gleamed off of its surface. She squinted, placing an opalescent-scaled hand above her brow to shield her line of sight. Here it was, the pride and joy of her family’s everyday lives. Their line of work. Their passion and ambition. It brought a smile to her face to be before its doors. Such a wondrous sight to behold. With grace in her step, she made her way into the grand temple. Being situated on the coastline, the lower floors, in places, were flooded with the salty ocean water. White-headed, pale-skinned Konti women perused the halls. Some of them were visiting for worship, others for studies. The temple was the milestone for learning medicine and herbalism. Her very parents had taken classes here to take their places in the Opal Order, and now they had gone out into the land to pursue their calling: to heal. It was T’Setuna’s passion as much as it was her parents, and she already had a head start. She was learning medicine. She was learning fortune telling. Before her mother and father had departed, she had been left with a gift. It was a book, a guide to auristics, one she had yet to crack. The thought reminded her, she still needed to be practicing her shielding! It was something a family acquaintance had agreed to teach her. It would be in her best interest to develop the magic and find ways to utilize it. Maybe next she would take a class or two in herbalism or botany. It was something that would surely be beneficial when it came her time to follow in her parents’ footsteps and join the Order. Her visit this day was unrelated to her studies, however. Instead, she turned down a wide corridor to make her way to another section of the temple. It was a place she often frequented, mostly just for the fun of it: The Kennels. The Kennels were the home and breeding grounds within the temple for the Ivaski, giant white canines that often accompanied members of the Opal Order on their pilgrimages. Once inside, she smiled and gave the Kennel a good look-over. The great white beasts were at their own businesses. She placed her hands on her hips and waited for one to grow comfortable enough to approach. |