Just Wait (Jaeden)

After fleeing Ravok, Aello finds herself heading deeper and deeper into the wilderness. Into unknown lands she can scarcely navigate. When she deems her escape hopeless, the girl finally finds someone to show her a few pointers... and more trouble.

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on December 11th, 2011, 7:31 pm

Aello nodded her head a little after taking the cotton from Jaeden, and setting it atop her pile of kindling. It had not been the answer she had wanted, but she figured it would do nonetheless, and she would say nothing further on the matter. "Traps seem like a good idea," Aello commented absently, as she reached for a few spare logs. She held one in each hand, and moved them towards her fire pit. She positioned one end to the right side of her circle, the other to the left, and then, brought their other ends together, so that they formed a triangle. After the first two logs had been placed around the kindling, Aello took another two, and kept positioning them in the same fashion, until only a small portion of empty space remained. "Especially if you don't want anyone up in the trees."

Aello paused for a moment as she reached into her pocket and retrieved her flint and steel. "Although, it's a bit silly to be fearing such things. Archers, magic users. Whether or not their kind will come," Aello continued. "You forget that you are no longer alone with your Kelvic, and your horse. You forget that you have a mage fighting alongside you." Aello eased her hands closer to the wooden teepee. She held the flint tightly in one hand, the steel in the other. The flint was held at an angle, sloping downwards, towards the opening which revealed the kindling. Her steel was held a few inches above it. "And as soon as Red mentions their scent on the air, I can tell you precisely what we'll be up against." Aello paused for a second, allowing her words to sink in. "Perhaps, then, we can decide how best to proceed from there."

With that, Aello lowered the hand containing the strip of steel, and began to drag it across the flint. She'd end when her hand had flown away from the other, before bringing it back up and repeating the process, over and over. Scratching the two elements against each other for several bells, until she had gotten a spark, which caught onto her kindling. When the first spark had caught, Aello did not stop. She continued to drag the steel across the flint, until a few small, glowing orange orbs struck the cotton wad, sending the tiny fibers up in flame. They seemed to curl inwards slightly, furling into themselves as they sank towards the kindling.

The flame seemed to lick the edges of the kindling too, as Aello finally drew her hands away, and placed her instruments back into her pocket. She watched as tiny tendrils of grey smoke drifted into the air, twisting like a single finger, beckoning someone closer. After a moment of sitting there in silence, watching, Aello bent down a little, and blew lightly on her fire, fanning the flame. Watching it jump away, and dart upwards a little. Her face seemed to glow a pale orange as she blew once more, before straightening herself up. "There," she commented finally, before turning to Red. "No need to worry, I've done without them long enough, surely another day won't matter."

As soon as the words had left her lips, Aello turned to face Jaeden once more. Her nostrils flared a little, as the trickling smoke wound its way around her slender form, causing her to stink of its stench. "We've been over this before, haven't we? You're the only people I've seen since I've left the city," Aello explained. "I couldn't tell you how many have come after me, even if I wanted to. Not until they're within range." Aello paused. "If they're even coming after me. Surely, they wouldn't take kindly to one of their underling's failures. His weakness. It's simply, not in their nature. Perhaps he didn't so much as get the chance to explain what happened to him... perhaps there is no one coming at all. Although, that seems unlikely. Their kind, after all, knows all..."

They have their ways. People far more powerful than the likes of you, Aello's mind whispered to her. The girl shook her head lightly, allowing her long brown hair to splay into her face. To divide it into long, slender slices. To split her pale pink lips in half. She closed her eyes. Trying to think. Trying to remember how they knew, if she even knew. Trying to remember how anyone could know, if they didn't communicate directly with a god, or someone so immensely powerful, they may as well be named one.

Aello's head dipped a bit, in her thought, making it appear as though she were bowing her head. She sat there, like that for a time, in silence. Simply allowing the fire to warm her. She could hear it crackling. But the sound seemed distant, as if she were somehow, moving farther and farther away from it. But she was stuck in place.

Finally, the girl opened her eyes. The dark orbs seeming to glaze over a little as she spoke, "do you know of a city called Ravok?" Aello asked. She'd wait but a second for an answer, before continuing. "It is where we all come from. The men chasing me, if they have indeed come, will more than likely be servants of the god who resides over the place. Rhysol, of chaos." She paused for another moment, waiting for him to understand her. "Each god, each goddess, has their servants. Rhysol has the Black Sun, and the Ebonstryfe to do his bidding. Along with anyone he chooses to mark, I'd suppose. The Black Sun, are religious zealots. People who spread his word, in order to spread that which the god holds most dear to his heart. The 'stryfe are his militant arm. Touching them, harming them, even in self-defense, is punishable by law. You'd be lucky if all they chose to do with you is lock you up in a cell, and throw away the key." Aello shook her head slightly once more, before forcing it to come to a halt, before forcing herself to tilt her chin back up, and look into Jaeden's eyes. "Now do you understand what has already been done?" Aello asked, as her eyes bore into him.

"Do you understand, why sometimes, it is best to run?" Aello asked. She paused for a time, before getting to her feet, and gathering her things together, returning them to their usual positions. She held her right hand out to Jaeden, offering it to him. If he didn't take it, she'd pull it back after a few moments, and sigh heavily. "Why do you think Red was asked to tell us if she smells anything? Surely, her nose could pick up on them before magic could. Before any chance was offered, to truly understand them. Surely, if they have any sense, and a god that evil on their side, they'd know what I can do. They'd bring someone like me. Someone who knows how to stay out of range. At least, until the proper moment was provided to strike."

Aello shrugged. "Nothing more can be said until later. Come. Let us find something to eat. Surely, the fires can be left, at least, for a little while. Until we've returned."

Aello's grip tightened around her bow, as she moved over to Fortunado. He seemed to swish his tail all the more as she approached, stomp nervously on the ground. The girl smiled weakly, as she raised her right hand to pat his cheek. To feel his warmth. "We'll leave him here. No need to tire him out. To strain him, not when he could be of great use later," Aello called to Red and Jaeden, but not so loud as to startle the horse.

Aello waited another second, before patting Fortunado one last time. "Rest. Recover strength, and try not to miss us too much. We'll be back soon," she whispered, before pulling her hand away from his fur, and moving past him, into the woods.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 15th, 2011, 2:30 pm

“If you want to climb the trees, I can help you get up there.” Jaeden said before stepping over to his pack and pulling out a few things randomly. Snares, more rope, a fishing kit. “Just saying in the end, I wouldn’t prefer all of us to be in trees. Especially if one or two of us on the ground running distractions for the one up in the tree is beneficial. But more on the specifics later.”

“And I’ll give to you that you managed to get yourself into a deeper hole than most others in this world find themselves in.” Jaeden continued tossing some rope over his shoulder before checking his quiver of arrows. “And I will agree that facing the whole of Rhysol’s followers is complete and utter lunacy. So, running from the bulk is a good idea. Once we figure out if you got someone tailing you or not, you might rest a little easier. Even if it’s just a hair’s width easier.”

“And if they knew all, then chances are you wouldn’t have made it this far.” Jaeden said with a smirk as he gripped his composite long bow, slinging it over his shoulder. “Fact is, I don’t think anyone or anything knows all. Except maybe Lhex, and he isn’t all that sociable with us mortals I hear. Now, if anyone coming after you comes up and suddenly yells out my penis size? Then maybe I’ll give you that they know all. Here’s the thing in the end though…”

Jaeden he slowly stepped over towards Aello, casually as his hand reached up, and then rested on her shoulder. “You’re still alive, and you aren’t in shackles or in a cage.” Jaeden said, his voice carrying that supportive tone to it. “Furthermore, you declared most vehemently that you had not given up on living, and living free. So, in the end, I guess I just find it a little odd that you speak of your situation as though it’s next to hopeless.”

Jaeden then moved slowly around behind Aello, his hands resting along her trapezius muscles, his thumbs lightly pressing down along them until feeling a small set of knots that had been forming in them. He added slight pressure to them, increasing it slightly as his thumbs began to make small circular motions at the center and around the knots themselves. “You need to breath, relax a little. Not so much that your guard is down, but enough that crunchies like these in your muscles don’t form.” Jaeden advised as he continued for as long as Aello would allow it, eventually causing the tension and knots to release if she did.

That’s when Aello broke away, suggesting food, Jaeden gave a slow nod, resting his hands along his waist as he looked over to Red, giving her a nod. “Scout ahead a little bit, would you gorgeous?” Jaeden asked as he stepped over towards the tent and began picking up his snares. “See what prey is available for hunting and if that pond a quarter mile to the east is still stocked with some fish. Aello and I will track to the north a little, see what heavy animals are tromping around. Meet back up with us in about a half a bell at the most. Sooner if you smell something other than wildlife.”

“Got it.” Red answered with a nod as she slowly began to shed her clothing, folding it neatly in a pile next to the tent. A golden flash of light announced her shift into her fox form as she looked up at Jaeden once more. Her head then dipped down to the ground sniffing at it slightly before she began heading east.

Jaeden then began following Aello out of camp, giving Fortunado a pat along the neck as he passed him by, leaving the Nightwalker free to roam as he may. “You should consider getting a horse at the next town you stop at. It will make travel a bit easier for you.” Jaeden then suggested, his gaze then dropping towards the ground as he began looking for tracks, raising only momentarily now and then to search for edible plants. “The Nightwalker, like Fortunado there, is especially nice. They tend to guard over camp and alert others to danger that they may not be aware of, especially when campers are sleeping.”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on December 16th, 2011, 3:38 am

"Just how heavy were you thinking?" Aello asked, when Jaeden caught up to her. She didn't bother turning to him as she spoke. She didn't bother making eye contact, instead, she looked at the ground ahead of her, and moved. "Beaver, deer, bear? Something else just as large as your horse?" she asked. "Not that we'd have time butcher it properly, or eat it all," Aello sighed, as she tightened her grip around her bow. "That's all they're good for, as far as I'm concerned," Aello growled, as she glanced at Jaeden. "They're majestic animals, horses, but unlike you, not everyone knows how to ride them. Nor does everyone know the first thing about them. I'm afraid a horse would be more of a hindrance to me, than a true help. Not only that, but there are my companions to consider, wherever they may be now."

Aello fell silent for a time after that, her eyes hardening as they glanced over the uneven terrain. She moved with relative ease, navigating her slender form through the forest, over fallen branches, gnarled tree roots, and other obstacles whenever they presented themselves. Taking time to listen to Jaeden whenever he said anything, or suggested they move to another portion of ground.

For a long time, Aello heard nothing save for her own footsteps. Then there were Jaeden's, although, his were far quieter. He seemed a far more practiced man that she, someone who knew how to hunt properly, and didn't depend entirely on luck, or even, the magic they possessed. He seemed like someone who knew how to follow tracks, the trails Aello never even noticed, the small things animals left behind in their wake- piles of dung, plants with several bites taken out of them, plants that had been trampled, snapped branches and crunched leaves. Nests.

Even so, it did not matter, one didn't need to be good at tracking in order to sense this. All they needed, were a fine-tuned set of ears, to pick apart the sounds that the humans produced, as they moved, and sounds other things were. It seemed then, that Aello and Jaeden were stumbling into a far more lively portion of the forest. If liveliness could be determined by the sound of water dripping. Into more water, onto cold terrain. Plopping. If such a thing could be determined by the sound of leaves rustling. After all, it could always be the wind. Left-over rain water falling from a leaf.

"Do you hear that?" Aello whispered, as her muscles tensed, and her legs bent a little, lowering her body closer to the ground. The forest lit up then. A multitude of colors, blinding the girl temporarily with their vibrance, before they allowed her to truly see. She knew she shouldn't be depending on her magic so much, but, she wanted to end the hunt swiftly. Get something into her belly, so that she'd feel full. Rested. Strong. So that she'd feel ready when the enemy showed themselves.

If they dared.

OOCSorry this post is a bit blah. I figured Jae would be slightly more BA than Aello, who just sucks at this sort of thing. Erm... the next post will be better. I promise.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 20th, 2011, 4:08 am

Jaeden moved slowly, his eyes traveling over the ground, to small foliage here and there that was taller than a foot, to the trees themselves. “We’ll find what we can as it presents itself.” Jaeden replied before he stopped in front of Aello, looking up to her. “Bears, however? No. They’re in a frenzy this time of season, eating up all they can find. They’d be so driven by hunger that even a well placed arrow would find difficulty in bringing them down. Fortunately, most will be hitting up streams and larger bodies of water since the spawning fish will contain more of the fat and energy they need to store up for their hibernation.”

“And what’s with the growl?” Jaeden then asked, reaching up to scratch along that white streak along the back of his head. “Are you not content unless you have one small thing to growl at? It’s like traveling with someone you’ve been in an arranged married with for fifteen years.”

Jaeden gave a slow shake of his head before continuing on, reaching out to a bush he passed by, snagging a small branch from it before handing it back to Aello along with his waterskin. Along the end of the small branch sat a small grouping of berries, dark blue in color and close to an inch wide.

“Blueberries.” Jaeden answered. “Just rinse them off with some water a bit, and don’t eat any that have breaks in the skin or look a little dried. I'd suggest picking up or studying some books on edible flora when you reach the next town as well. I'd show you, but it would take longer than we'll likely have together.”

Jaeden continued then to move through the forest, for the most part Aello would notice he wouldn’t even be paying any attention to where he was walking, his eyes remaining fixed along the ground as movement casual. His focus seemed to be pretty extreme, as though spotting something beyond the scattered leaves, dried out twigs and scattered rocks that littered the ground.

“Okay, here we go.” Jaeden finally said after about ten chimes of walking almost aimlessly, crouching down in front of Aello, motioning for her to do the same as he brushed away a few leaves. “Take a look at this. A little lesson when tracking something to hunt.”

Jaeden motioned between different tracks. One was almost heart shaped, but narrower instead of wider and split down the middle. Two, almost half circles were along the back, wider part of the track, separate from the larger portion. A hoof a little over two inches wide and three inches long that was deeply imbedded into the ground by close to a half inch deep.

The second track consisted of four almost egg shaped circles sitting over an almost triangle shaped indentation as well as for almost spikes sitting over the first four separate shapes of the track. The track itself was close to four inches wide and a little over four inches long. A paw print.

“First rule of thumb when tracking something on a hunt, especially if you don’t know what animals left what tracks, is to basically spot the safe tracks from the ones that would pose more of a threat.” Jaeden began explaining, his tone almost nostalgic as his hand lowered to the first track, lightly brushing his fingers along the edges as dried, cold earth flaked away. “If it’s a hoof, should be generally safe to go after as most animals with hoofs will generally be herbivores. Deer, elk, moose and the like. Most often you don’t have to worry about them trying to make you their meal. Wild boar is known to eat meat now and then, but nothing more than small animals.”

“Tracks that are paws, will normally be a different matter.” Jaeden replied, moving over to the second set of tracks. “Most paws will be predatory animals. Wolves, lions, bears and the like. The exception will be really tiny paw tracks. Those can end up being your rabbits, squirrels and rodent animals. If it’s a track that is a paw, don’t bother following it unless it’s small. Better to go after the plant eater. They’re going to be less of a threat most of the time, as well as the fact that their meet will normally have better energy content and taste better in the long run.”

Jaeden looked to Aello in case she had any questions or comments she wanted to voice. Finally he pointed down to the tracks one more time. “Incidentally, this one is a deer, most likely a fawn by the size of it. The other is a wolf. Most likely the tracks were made four or five nights ago during or shortly after the light rains that passed through, while the ground was still soft.” Jaeden said as he slowly stood up, slowly looking around for a moment. “Sometimes you’ll only have a partial print to go by, others just an indentation in bent grass. Mostly due to the fact that the ground might be too hard because of cold climate or dryness. That’ll be the time where you’ll want to look for other things left behind by the animal. A tuft of fur caught in the brush, the scrapings of a tree by a deer rubbing its antlers or predator sharpening its claws. And of course, there’s always its droppings.”

Jaeden just gave a slow shrug, giving a smirk at his last comment. “All in all though, most seasons will find an animal leaving pretty decent tracks to follow.” Jaeden further explained. “Spring and summer typically have enough rain and moisture to keep the ground soft enough. Winter and snow cover make most tracks even easier to see. Fall is typically the most difficult, with falling leaves covering the ground and the fact that it continues to make the ground a little more stiff the closer we get to winter as well as things getting a little more dry. Overall though, not much more difficult than the other seasons.”

Jaeden then continued on then, after any other questions Aello might have had, his gaze once again dropping to the forest grounds. He traveled for about another five hundred feet in aimless direction before finally stopping once again. “Now, one tip I can give you if others are tracking you in a forest.” Jaeden said, looking back to Aello. “Backtrack. Walk backwards in the tracks you’ve left behind, normally by dozens of steps at least, then hop over to another path. Hopefully find a bush or tall grass you can hop over that will cover the initial start of your next path. It will at least buy you some time for trackers not as experience if you’re trying to evade them, or let you get behind them if you’re hunting them. Otherwise you can travel in the waters of creeks and streams where they would have to be close enough to see the mud you kicked up in the water to track you. Or at least very close to where waves rush along the shore, so that waves of water will wash away your tracks over time.”

Jaeden then slowly crouched down again, noticing a smaller set of tracks, in the form of disturbed debris along the ground as small patches of broken dry leaves and kicked up piles of fallen foliage were spaced evenly by a few feet between each. The tracks were leading strait into a cluster of bushes, a small spacing between the two of them. “Small game. And a good place for a snare.” Jaeden commented, reaching into one of his belt pouches, pulling out one of his animals snares as he held it in front of Aello. “One the simplest and basic of traps. Never a guarantee of food, but always easy to make out of any rope or twine, and not something you have to watch for hours. Works on an animal’s own momentum to work.”

Jaeden then stepped to the side as he tied one end of the snare off to one of the more study branches near the base of the bush, the open loop he left hanging along the branches of the bush itself, the opening of the loop hanging in front of the spacing between the two bushes themselves. With such, the snare was set and needed no further work. “Animal runs through the loop, it tightens around the animal, catching it by the foot or neck. Keeping it in place.” Jaeden explained, in case Aello hadn’t known. “If it does work, only drawback to some snares is the possibility of a predator finding the snared catch before you do, and stealing your prey. But, they work. Even caught a deer once on nothing by quarter inch thick twine tied off to tree base. Course, the mountain lion that had been chasing it managed to eat it before I got back to check the snares that day.”

Once again, Jaeden was on the move, his gaze falling to the forest floor, moving upward now and then to make sure he didn’t run into a tree now and then in his search for fresh tracks. Looking up, is when he spotted his first sign as he moved towards a low hanging tree branch. His hand slowly reached out, pinching at a broken twig before pulling free a tuft of light brown fur. He slowly brought the fur up to his nose, inhaling a couple of times as he closed his eyes, trying to take in the scent of the animal with so little fur. Could have been a deer, could have been an elk. He wasn’t certain right off. Instead he moved a little more slowly along the grounds, crouching down a little as his hand shifted over the ground now and then, searching under the forest’s flora debris for divots in the ground. He slowly looked behind him, noticing Red finally approaching from behind them, giving a slow nod to the Kelvic as she did before she began sniffing the air and ground around the air to pick up the trail of nearby animals, both predatory and prey.

Jaeden then finally brushed aside a small pile of leaves, his finger pressing along the ground as an indentation and loose dirt could be felt. He slowly looked over his shoulder at Aello, wiggling his finger at her to motion her closer. “Okay, a fresh set of tracks.” Jaeden said, slowly stepping aside. “You’re up then. It passed through here perhaps ten chimes ago at most. Red already has it, so we won’t lose the prey. But let’s see if you can track it.”
Jaeden then slowly followed behind Aello, already as he pulled his bow free and uncapped his quiver, exposing his arrows within. Jaeden’s eyes couldn’t help but stray, looking at Aello’s rear now and then when she bent over to check the tracks. Still, he wouldn’t say if she was still on the right track when she looked back every now and then for confirmation to such. He found it eerier how he was handing down lessons as Olevar did to him. He always thought in his mind that he wouldn’t put others in a trial by fire lesson, much as Olevar did him. But perhaps it was Aello’s less than optimistic attitude on situations, or the fact that he often realized he learned quickest when Olevar didn’t point out everything for him. Whatever the reason, he taught Aello much in the same way Olevar taught him.

So far, it had been working. Aello had been tracking the animal on its path. Her movements were slow and it was possible, unless the deer stopped for drink or foraging, that it was gaining ground on them, but Aello was still following the trail it had left behind. She had only veered off the trail once before, mainly due to another animal crossing the deer’s path, but it didn’t take her long before she had spotted the difference.

Finally that rustling sound echoed in their ears, Aello asking if Jaeden had heard it. His hand rested along her shoulder, giving a slight hushing sound. “Patience.” Jaeden said silently. “Rush things and it will sense such and run. And then we’ll either be tracking it for another couple of miles and likely neither of us will eat on top of that. A hunter, above all things, is patient Aello. Even if they’re hungry.”

Jaeden looked upward for a moment, closing his eyes as he concentrated on the wind brushing along his cheek. “Move circularly towards the east. We a little to close to being downwind to it.” Jaeden explained, looking over to Red as he gave her a nod. “Red will move in the other direction to draw its attention from us. It will be alerted to her, but won’t be spooked by her. Most foxes don’t tend to be a threat to big game on an instinct level.”

Jaeden then slowly moved towards the east, slowly reaching down to his quiver as he slowly slid an arrow out from it, nocking it into his bow. He then moved closer towards the sound of the rustling beside Aello as the clearing of some of the forest vegetation revealed their prey. An adult doe stood there, close to thirty yards away, feeding along the berries of a juniper tree. So far, the doe was unaware of their presence. Jaeden slowly looked over to Aello, then to her bow as he gave a nod. “Aim for the heart. It will be the easiest shot and quickest to bring the doe down.” Jaeden then instructed as he slowly began to draw back his bow, leveling it at the doe.

He aimed for the ribs, just behind the doe’s forelegs, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the outline the doe’s hide made along its ribs with each breath it took, counting them to get an idea where to aim. His lips began to slowly utter silent prayer to Caiyha, but asking her for his aim to be true and thanking her for the possible bounty they would soon likely be feasting on. In the end though, he waited for Aello to loose her arrow first, wanting to see what skill she had with the bow.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on December 22nd, 2011, 2:12 am

Aello rolled her eyes as Jaeden slapped his waterskin to her chest. She took it reluctantly. "It's only because I seem to look like a packhorse to you," she grumbled, as she laced the waterskin onto one of the hooks attached to her pack. When she glanced up from her work again, she began to truly notice the forest's auras. The green of the trees. The sparkling silver of the occasional track Jaeden seemed to be looking for. Jaeden's own, strikingly similar to before. Perhaps a bit more red though. Slightly more pronounced.

The aurist followed Jaeden with her eyes. The line of trees. The footprints, the way he led her to a blueberry bush and told her how to gather things, as though she didn't know. "I'm not stupid," Aello commented, as she watched him move on, shortly thereafter. Wander in circles, look at things which seemed so clear to her, with the aid of her magic.

The girl shook her head slightly as she watched the woodsman work. She only stopped when he beckoned her closer. When she was asked to bend down and look at the tracks. Aello listened, but she already knew they were different, and if she truly listened, she could hear the calls of the animals which produced them. She could tell what they belonged to, but not how long ago they had been made. That was something only Jaeden seemed to know, and something Aello would have to pay more attention to in the future, should she ever wish to grow to be more like him.

When he asked her to follow them, Aello obeyed. Straying once, so as to make it seem as though Jaeden had taught her more than he had. Or perhaps to make him think she needed more help. She wasn't quite sure. Surely, though, stroking the guy's ego wasn't a problem, was it?

After a short time, when she felt she had given Jaeden enough of a show, Aello made her way to the doe her companions had sensed before she. Her magic had sensed before she. "Don't tell me how to do my job Jaeden," Aello commented cooly, as it came into view. As she watched the elegant line of its neck dipping to pluck several bits of grass from the ground. Aello's eyes sparkled as she willed all of her magic towards it. Causing all of the colors to fade, as concentrated on the deer's aura. She could see the outline of its ribs. The heart which hung just past the ivory cage.

Aello could hear it beating. Thump, thump, thump. She could hear it speeding up, as the creature's ears prickled. She could see the black pits of its eyes widening, the emptiness of its stomach. Crushed green bits sliding down its neck. Lines of blue and green, even an occasional red, pulsing in its neck. "It's an easy shot, but a worthless one. Going for the jugular would be better," Aello commented. "But have it your way," she whispered, as she drew a raven-feather fletched arrow from her quiver. She held it delicately between her fingertips, as she turned her father's old bow onto its side, so that it ran across her form, from left to right.

Aello delicately laced the arrow onto the serving, and raised her bow when she heard a click. She hugged the arrow with the three middle fingers of her right hand, and eased her left foot forward a little, placing it about a foot in front of the right. She closed her left eye, and pulled back on the string, ignoring the nearly inaudible creak the string made. The way it dug into her fingers, causing her skin to turn red. The way it left its mark, and the doe swished its tail, as she guided the point of her arrow over its beating heart. The heart she could see through the eyes of her magic.

"Aim a little higher if you don't want to miss her completely," Aello whispered, as she took one last deep breath in through her nose, and out through her mouth. As she inched the string a little further behind her right ear, and then let go. The arrow erupted from the string, sending it into a series of rapid vibrations, which smacked her left arm. Which produced a delicate humming sound. Aello lowered her bow as she watched her arrow cut through the air with a subtle hiss. It flew in a relatively straight line.

The deer's eyes grew wide the moment her arrow struck, but a few seconds later. Aello's lips curled into a wider smile as she drew another arrow from her quiver, and laced it onto her bow. Almost mechanically. She could hear the deer bellowing, grunting, see it kicking up onto its hind legs. Its chest rising and falling rapidly as blood spurted from the wound, soaking its soft, brown fur with blood. Sprinkling the ground with red rain. She could see the outline of its heart beating faster. The arrow's shaft wedged between two curled ribs. The tip wedged into the center of the red organ.

Aello lifted her bow, and pulled back on the string once more. This is simply a mercy shot, she thought, as she eased the point of her arrow over the creature's neck. She was aiming for one of the longer, blue veins she saw, the slender river of pulsing blood. Within a fraction of a second, Aello had released her second arrow. The deer, hardly capable of drawing breath, let alone a single step, fell to it, as the arrow pushed through the center of its neck, spilling yet more blood.

It was a matter of mere moments before the creature's eyes began to glaze over, and its body crumpled into itself. "See?" Aello asked, as she strode out from their hiding place, and towards the deer. She reached it in a number of strides. Placed her bow on the ground. Dira, thank you for delivering death, Aello thought, as she lowered herself onto her knees, and braced the deer's neck with her left hand. She let it rest around her arrow. The shaft poking out from between the crescent moon her thumb and pointer finger formed. She then gripped the arrow as close to the point as she could with her right hand. She twirled it a little, loosening it a bit before yanking it out and placing it on the ground. Before moving to the bloodied arrow that had pierced the deer's heart, and repeating the process.

Blood splattered Aello's fingertips. She sighed. "It only gets easier," she whispered to no one in particular, as she wiped her hands on the ground, and then reached for her arrows. Wiping the blood off on the grass before returning them to her quiver, grabbing her bow, and standing back up.

It was then that Aello willed the magic away. That she first noticed the strange pulsing she felt around her temples. As though her veins had popped out of her flesh, and started pumping blood as quickly as the deer's heart had, after she had lodged her first arrow in its flesh. "Think you can carry it back to camp Jaeden?" Aello asked, as she stared down at the small pool of blood by her feet. "I can carry your things to make it easier. Perhaps Red will lead the way."

OOCSorry I back-tracked so much. I didn't want to make it seem as though Aello was ignoring Jae completely.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 22nd, 2011, 10:01 pm

Jaeden loosed his arrow shortly after the time Aello had loosed her first, watching it soar through the towards the doe. It connected just shortly after Aello’s, slipping between the ribs of the doe and into its long as the animal jerked violently before falling to the ground, practically motionless save for a couple of twitches. “Actually,” Jaeden said as Aello began to loose her second arrow, “the jugular just causes a bleed out, which takes at least six chimes. The arrow to the heart shuts down all blood flow, and normally death only takes a couple of breaths.”

Jaeden then slowly moved forward towards the fallen doe. “But, I can understand if you want to show off with a shot to the jugular.” Jaeden then continued, giving a slow shake of the head. “You’ve been spitting a good deal of what I have been trying to teach you right back in my face so far on this hunt.”

It was beginning to shoe at Aello’s “delicate” personality was starting to rub Jaeden the wrong way as he reached down and pulled his arrow free from the doe, wiping it clean before slipping it back into his quiver and strapping the cover closed. He slowly slung his bow over his left shoulder as Red approached, shifting back into human form for a moment. “Anything else around, beautiful?” Jaeden then asked as Aello when to retrieve her own arrows.

“The pond is still stocked. A bear was there fishing it. Likely yesterday.” Red began to explain as Jaeden draped his fur cloak over Red to keep her warm for the moment. “I don’t know for sure, you’d have to look at the tracks, but they lead away from the direction of the camp. Several small game in the area, I managed to grab a squirrel on my way back to meet up with you. Left it at camp. No scent of any other humans though. If someone’s chasing her, they’re not anywhere close right now.”

“Okay.” Jaeden said with a nod, rubbing Red lightly along the small of her back for a moment. [color=#008000“Good job, Red.”[/color]

Jaeden then slowly walked back towards the doe, shaking his head slightly. “It only weighs about a hundred pounds,” Jaeden said before crouching down. His hands slid under the main mass of the doe and his clothing went tight around his arms, muscle tightening under slight strain as Jaeden picked up the doe, hanging it over his shoulder as he stood up with barely a slight grunt. “I don’t need you to carry anything.”

Jaeden then slowly began making his way back towards the direction to camp. “And I know the way back to camp. I don‘t need magic for the simple things of the forest.” Jaeden then said, a slight frown coming over his features. “Red, if you would be so kind as to alert me if any forest predators are planning to pounce and steal our kill while I’m carrying it?”

“Always.” Red simply said as she looked back to Aello, giving her a simple shake of the head before shifting into fox form again and began walking in toe with Jaeden.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on December 23rd, 2011, 7:43 pm

Aello glared at Jaeden, her eyes hardening on the back of his head as her hands balled into angry fists. Red flushed into her cheeks as she bit her bottom lip angrily. "I pierced it through its heart just as you asked," Aello retorted. "Forgive me for not knowing I could ease its suffering by forcing it into Dira's arms a few bells sooner by doing it your way." If even that, Aello thought, as her muscles tensed. She could feel them rippling wildly beneath her flesh, like the surface of a disturbed lake.

"Sorry I tried to be nice," Aello grumbled under her breath, "show off," she added, as she made her way past him. Brushing her shoulder against Jaeden's elbow as she took the lead. She was in no mood to look at him or Red. No mood to bother with two people who obviously didn't like her, or think much of her. They simply didn't understand what it was like to have to run. To be punished for trying to do something good, for defending yourself.

They simply couldn't comprehend the burden Aello bore. The weight of her dagger against her thigh. Its cool touch. They didn't know of those it brought to her. Of the things it made her do. Of how it drove her to the brink of madness, threatening to push her over the edge. But never letting her go.

The girl's head spun as her eyes began to water. Aello's vision was getting glassy. The ground seemed like a brown sea. As she blinked, a few tears fell, littering the front of her cloak as she willed them away. As she gripped her bow more tightly. She was sick and tired of people hating her. Tired of people not understanding, of feeling so alone.

Aello was tired of people thinking her weak. She knew Jaeden and his Kelvic companion viewed her that way. As someone unwilling to listen, and entirely dependent on the few magical arts she knew. But it wasn't so. Yes, her magic was an aid to her. It helped her out of sticky situations. Gave her a deeper understanding of certain things and people. How they worked and how they may act. It offered a sense of protection, helping her remain safe when the dead chose to visit the living. But she wasn't dependent on it, by any means. She could make due well enough, without it.

The girl shook her head lightly, as she made her way through the trees and back to camp. Aello hadn't spoken at all. Perhaps it was best that way.

When she made her way back into the clearing, Aello strode over to the crackling fires. She set herself down next to the one she had made, after having pulled her bag off her shoulders and set her bow on top of it. She could feel its warmth reaching out to her, trying to comfort her, and dry the last of her tears. The lines of moisture that still clung to her skin. She could see the shadows it cast dancing across her face, as she eased her cursed dagger out of concealment, and held onto it tightly. Her thumb gliding across the hilt, absorbing the only portion of the blade which offered any sense of warmth.

"I hate you," Aello whispered, as she followed the line of silver. As she picked out every last speck of blood, and imagined where it all came from. The parts she didn't know. As she recounted all the blood she had put there herself. Each story. An endless stream in her mind's eye.

Aello could just make out the sound of Fortunado swishing his tail. Of Red and Jaeden moving around. "I'll watch over the deer, as it cooks. I'll be here awhile," Aello called to them, through the daze the endless stream caused. She just began to envision herself, ritualistically pushing it all away. But it wouldn't go. It just swam back. Winding itself around her.

"I need to clear my head," Aello whispered, as she let her thumb dance, as she lowered her blade into her lap, and let it lay across the bed of fabric. She hated having to keep it safe. Hated having to look after it. Sometimes, with the bond, she felt as though it were a child. An unwanted, bastard child.

It seemed to act like one, anyway.

OOCOh goodness, I think this is the first post ever in which I delve into Aello's insecurities a little.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 25th, 2011, 3:22 am

Jaeden hadn’t spoke much either on their way back, nor had he said quite a lot during the time he had strung up the deer and squirrel, taking time to meticulously remove the skin, peeling it away leaving just the fat and muscle tissue beneath after removing organs and other waste. It was an uneasy silence, for Red especially. She found that not a great deal of things got under Jaeden’s skin, and the silence reminded her of the time Jaeden had fallen into despair after loosing Olevar.

Several strips of meat had been cut away from the animals, large portions of it being cooked along a spit over the fire. Other portions had been left to dehydrate and slowly cook within a funnel type concoction Jaeden had erected to slowly turn the meat into jerky for rations. Jaeden himself tended to the cooking meat most of the time, added spices and herds to add to the flavor. Slowly turning it a little every few chimes to see that it cooked thoroughly and evenly. Every now and then he would pause, lightly smacking the palm of his hand along his brow as his eyes would shut and he mumble unheard phrases, avoiding looking directly into the fire.

Jaeden was soon handed a plate from Red as she began unpacking them from the backpack. The sun had nearly fallen below the horizon, and dark was settling over the lands. Jaeden slowly looked up, noticing the clear night sky, thankful for a break in the stormy weather they had been having a few days back. He then slowly reached out, pulling a healthy serving of the deer meat onto the plate before he came to a full stand. Heavy feet carried him around the fire, grabbing flatware to eat with from Red along the way, before he crouched down, holding the plate out in front of Aello.

“Sorry.” Jaeden finally said in a calm even tone. “I didn’t really mean to lash out at you the way I did during the hunt.”

Jaeden slowly reached up, scratching the back of his head along the white streak of hair before his hand was dragged down the front of his face. “I was just trying to teach you some things that I knew,” Jaeden began to explain, letting out a heavy exhale, “and when I was met with resistance or narrow interest on your part here and there, I felt you were spurning the help I was trying to offer.”

Red slowly began eating her own meal, content to keep her own prying ears out of the conversation and enjoy the fresh food they had managed to get for the day. “I’ve seen so many people in these lands, out in the wilds especially, trampled on and been treated like nothing more than objects. My natural instinct has always been to help.” Jaeden continued, shaking his head as his arms balanced along crouched knees. “Some people might say that I stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. Could likely account for more than a fair share of the scars I’ve acquired over the years.”

Jaeden the slowly looked up into Aello’s eyes then, his own dancing back and forth as there was that subconscious attempt to look at both eyes at once most people did. “In that instinct, I guess I failed to realized that you never even asked for my help.” Jaeden said, giving a slow shrug. “There was a chance that you didn’t even want it. But I gave it to you all the same. One might say that I forced my help on you.”

Jaeden then slowly rose to a stand once again, his hands hanging idly by his sides. “So I’ll make you a deal.” Jaeden said, still looking to Aello. “From here on out, until you decide you wish to part company from Red and I, if you want to learn something from me, I will let you ask first. Then, I will teach you to the best of my ability. Fair enough?”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on December 26th, 2011, 2:07 am

Aello breathed deeply, in through the nose and out through her mouth as she forced herself to look at the past in a new light. She remembered what it was like to be young, before all of this. Before her ventures away from Zeltiva, into harsher cities such as Ravok. She recalled a time when she was still innocent and naive. When she was weak for she carried nothing. When she was pure, because she didn't bear something which carried the stain of an evil god. She could hear the sound of laughter ringing in her ears. Her own laughter, her younger brother's laughter, as they stormed through the house, or played in the yard. She remembered what it was like to wrestle with him, to play-fight and beat him just about every time. She knew how much punching him could relieve the tension she felt towards him. She wished she could do that now, one last time. But he was gone. He had been gone, for a very long time, and he wasn't ever coming back. Not alive.

Lost in thought, it took Aello a bit of time to finally look up, when Jaeden had cast his shadow across her form. She waited patiently, stroking the blade with her thumb, knowing that he should speak first, since he had approached her and not the other way around. "It doesn't matter. What's done is done, and dead is dead. Does it really matter which way was best, if the end goal was achieved?" Aello asked. She paused after that, simply listening, until Jaeden offered a slight opening for her to respond.

"That's not entirely true, considering we've agreed to work together to end the threat. Those after me," Aello continued. "Although it is true, I never asked to learn to track or how best to end a life." Aello ran her free hand through her hair as she considered her words. "I suppose you never considered that we have different ways of accomplishing the same goals... you're rather level-headed. You don't seem to think too far outside the box. You do things that seem grounded entirely in reality, refusing to give into the knowledge that there are things pertaining to magic which could help you." Aello shook her head. "It doesn't seem as though you hate it exactly, but, magic doesn't seem like something you'd ever truly dive into."

Aello paused then, allowing Jaeden to finish, as she tugged her hand away from her hair, silently wondering if she was being far too rude to this man who simply wanted to help. "Thank you though for trying, I know I can be a bit rough to be around sometimes," Aello added. "And thank you for helping when you didn't have to," Aello went on as her eyes sparkled, and she curled her lips into a radiant smile. A moment later, she sheathed her dagger, allowing its cool nature to sink into her skin for a few seconds before she reached for the plate of food and flatware Jaeden was offering. She felt bad for not taking it earlier, for not really noticing.

"This looks really good," Aello commented, as she broadened her smile. "And smells far better than anything I've ever made," she added, as a touch of pink flushed into her cheeks. "Come, why don't we sit and eat? Perhaps then we can discuss how best to prepare for what is to come. Final preparations I suppose, can be made when the bloody bastards get in range. They'll be easy enough to read then." Aello chuckled as she turned away. "Unless you're not in the mood, or need to get something else done. I don't mind, being left to quiet meditation may be of benefit."

Aello's brow furrowed as she began to cut her meat. "Unless you're not much for mealtime conversation."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 26th, 2011, 6:08 am

Jaeden gave a slow shrug as he snagged his own plate of meat and a couple of glasses. He set the glasses down along in front of them, filling each of them with some water before he began cutting into his own meal. “It’s something I generally do.” Jaeden said, almost like a riddle the way it had been left opened for a moment. “Try.”

Jaeden then gave a shake of his head as he chewed along his first bite, already beginning to cut his next bite free. “And it isn’t that I hate magic. I don’t. Not really anyways. Nor am I fully ignorant of it either.” Jaeden continued to explain, looking past the fire as he watched Red enjoying her own meal. “I’ve experienced magic on several occasions, traveling these lands. Both beneficial and harmful. I’ve seen castles created out of nothing, forcing those of us inside of it to participate in a game of choices, life and death. I’ve seen women hurl the elements around like it was second nature to them, or open holes into nothingness. Men move things with nothing but a gesture of their hands. A blind man who could see.”

Jaeden slowly shook his head again, taking another bite. “No, I don’t doubt that magic is beneficial. That it can be used in various ways.” Jaeden said, leaning back as he let out a slow exhale after swallowing another bite. “While I have knowledge of it, and know it to be beneficial, I have no real intention in practicing in it.”

Jaeden then slowly looked over to Aello, a slightly more somber look in his face. “In the end, I just don’t see why some would use it for simple tasks. It’s as though they’re in too much of a rush.” Jaeden then pointed out, a simple opinion of his. “I mean, if you don’t necessarily need to use it, then why use it? Why use it to light a camp fire when simply stroking a flint along steel will do the same thing? Why move an object with a gesture when you can step over to it and pick it up with your own hand? The practical uses of your sight aside when detecting a threat, why use it to trail an animal when you can learn to do such just as well with your normal eyesight? Especially considering the risks that come with using it too much?”

“Just seems to me that, magic has its price, and that using it to replace certain skills or simple actions makes the price all that much steeper. Allows that little voice that easy nudge to push you to do more.” Jaeden continued, already halfway through his meal. “Even some of the divine magics have their costs.”

Jaeden then slowly reached down towards the sleeve along his left arm, yanking it back as the mark of unrecognizable creatures there. The mark, bearing the resemblance of tattoo ink, moved, as if it were a sentient and animated thing as it slowly moved over his arm. “Ever since I left my mentor to go out on my own, I’ve been marked by two goddess’. I had never even considered the chance of meeting one in my lifespan.” Jaeden said, revealing a little about himself that Aello’s Auristics might not have caught upon first inspection overall. “The first was when I was captured in the desert, on my way to be sold by slavers. My lead and their intervention saved the others I had been chained with. For my tenacity and recklessness in that situation. They blessed me with their mark. Still, if I were to use it, I could very well make a situation worse as easily as I would turn it in my favor. The mark itself could be my salvation, or my death.”

“The second time I was in the throws of pleasure, enjoying the company of a woman named Summer, while visiting the Soothing Waters in Syliras.” Jaeden continued before pulling his sleeve back down and thumbing towards his back, indicating where the mark was. “With that one, I would instantly know the desires, without question, of a person I came into physical contact with. But at the same time, I would be subjected into fulfilling those desires, no matter what my own will was. I’ve tried to resist such before, but rarely had success. Chances are, if I did not so continuously connect my will to serving Red’s desires over there, who desires nothing more than my happiness thankfully, then I would simply kneel down and offer my neck.”

“You betcha, handsome.” Red added with a smile over Jaeden’s comments of her desire.

Jaeden smiled for a moment, toying with the remainder of his food as he poked at it with a fork for a moment. “Truth be told, the marks are gifts. I won’t say otherwise.” Jaeden said as he looked to Aello once again, offering a smile. “But, I haven’t used the first mark at all since being gifted with it, because I tend to try and ensure that situations don’t escalate into lost causes. I try not to get into situations that I can’t get out of with my own skill and ability. Is instantly knowing the desires of someone, especially a woman that I intend to spend a night embraced with under the sheets of a bed, something to scoff at? Absolutely not. It is entirely beneficial. But in that same token, half of the adventure of forming new bonds with that person is discovering those desires on your own. Where would the excitement be, truly, if you know what someone desired the instant you touched them?”

Jaeden then slowly waved a hand, as if to dismiss the ramblings he had just gone over. “But, in any event, I’m not trying to preach, or incite debate, or change your way of thinking.” Jaeden then said, taking another bite of food. “Just simply explaining my opinion and observations. To tell you where I am coming from. I would never presume to tell anyone how to live their life. I may offer advice, from time to time, even if it may not be wanted, but I would always expect them to do what they truly wanted to, regardless of that advice. Even if it would put me at odds with them, on even dangerous levels.”

Jaeden slowly looked around the camp for a moment as Aello’s other conversation topic set on his mind. He then slowly shook his head, setting his plate aside and drinking the rest of his water. “No, I don’t mind talking about such while eating.” Jaeden said as he looked over to the jerky concoction he had erected around the second fire. “And the embers are still burning pretty good over there, so we’ve pretty much put most things around camp to bed for the night.”

Jaeden then slowly motioned towards Red. “I’ll have her scout for a bit of a distance, mainly in the direction you were coming from.” Jaeden explained, rolling the cup between his hands for a moment. “If anyone is following you, and aren’t already within sniffing distance of Red, it’s safe to say they don’t know where you are, and have a tracker following your trail. Since that would be the case, they’ll be traveling a little slower than usual pace, but not by much. It will depend on how much of a lead you had on them. If Red picks up their scent in her scouting, means we won’t have another day. She’ll be making sweeping motions, just to make sure she’s covering direction of down and upwind, as well as the off chance they’re breaking off your trail to try and circle around the path your heading and cut you off somewhere.”

“What I’ll be doing with my time tomorrow is setting up those traps to slow them down, perhaps pick off a couple of them.” Jaeden continued before taking his knife and dragging the tip down along the earth at their feet. “I figure we can set up a kill box along your trail. A trap or two along the trail itself, a few more outside the trail if they scatter and break apart. You can head up into a tree as you suggested. Considering your deadly aim with the bow, you’d have the best advantage shooting from the high ground. We’ll decide on where the kill box is based on which tree limb you decide to perch upon.”

“I’ll also be leaving you some rope so you can get down from there quickly in case things are going favorably.” Jaeden continued with his plan. “While you cover me from above, slapping an arrow into anyone who is coming up from my side or trying to flank me, I’ll be covering you on the ground, going after any in their group with ranged weapons, so they can’t fire back, as well as driving targets into the open since, if they’re any good at all, will be moving behind trees for cover.”

“I’ll be within the kill box myself as well, but I’m not concerned that you’ll shoot at me by mistake.” Jaeden said with a slight chuckle. “The end of the kill box will be at nearly the maximum range of your bow while in that elevated position, but it’s important that you wait for that first shot until they reach the center. That will give Red and I some time to spot their ranged threats as well as sniff out any who are broken away from the group and looking to surprise. I‘ll likely start off my own attack with an arrow of my own, going strait away for the one with a bow or crossbow, before moving in on their others with the sword.”

Jaeden the stabbed the dagger into the ground, at the center of the drawn kill box itself. He slowly looked to Aello, draping his arms over bended knees as he fell silent for a moment. “Any additions, suggestions, omissions of that plan?” Jaeden then asked, waiting patiently for Aello’s answer.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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