[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

In which Caoin asks a watchman for a little help with webbing.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Caoin on November 19th, 2011, 9:07 am

Date: Fall, Day 07, 511 AV (Evening)

Caoin walked along the outskirts of the moving city, her gaze on the stars above her, her two quarni wolfhounds at her side. She had decided that a nice quiet walk and maybe some meditation might be a good way to end the evening, and that’s why she found herself walking along the outer edges of Endrykas, where the city and the Sea became one. It was a little dangerous to be walking there, but there was usually help close by, whether it was a member of the Watch, or someone from one of the family’s that lived on the outskirts patrolling their pavilion’s campsite. Between her dogs and the close proximity of people, Caoin felt safe enough, even with evening having descended upon the city.

A stiff breeze brew across the grasslands, creating a ripple across the top of the grass that drew Caoin’s attention. The breeze passed by her, catching her hair and blowing it out to the side and, much to her annoyance, into her face. Caoin sighed as the breeze moved on and she pulled the stubbornly clinging strands of her hair from her face and tucked it all back behind her ears. She couldn’t stand to have it in her face because hair tickles when it’s in your face. Her walk and thoughts having been interrupted by the sudden gust, she took a look around herself. She could see the light of campfires coming from between the nearest pavilions, and could just barely hear the laughter and talk of those who sat around the fires. After a moment, Caoin gave a curt nod. “This looks like a good place, dears,” she smiled at the two quarni before settling herself on the ground with her legs crossed.

It was a beautifully, calm night for the most part. Only the occasional strong gust of wind made its way across the grasslands to crash against the walls of the city tents. The skies were clear and the stars, easily seen in the cloudless sky, were like lanterns in the night. Caoin took another look at the stars before her gaze turned to the ground and she started to try and concentrate. The dogs, Sealgaire and Bree, circled around their mistress, their noses to the ground as they sniffed at the various scents that had been left behind by everything that had recently passed. They were good hounds, loyal, and they never strayed too far from Caoin. Were they any old untrained dogs, they likely would have taken off into the grass with the least bit of provocation, and in that case, Caoin likely wouldn’t have felt as comfortable trying to work on her webbing. As it was, she knew the dogs wouldn’t leave her and that they would warn her of any danger.

With this in mind, Caoin sat in the grass, dirtying up her leather pants with grass and dirt stains. Before she could get too far into her meditation, she reached up to pull her cloak around her, in case the temperature started to drop a little with the loss of Syna’s heat, though she doubted that would be the case. Still, one could never be too careful. Finally, Caoin settled down completely and returned to her attempt at concentrating.

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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Sama'el Sunsinger on November 19th, 2011, 8:08 pm

Caoin was not the only one walking the Web that evening. Sama'el too was a dark shape on the outskirts of Endrykas, sitting atop Dohaina, but not really there at all. He had trained her to hold quite still when he was ranging astrally, and she would only move to defend him if such became necessary. His range had increased dramatically since Daed first trained him, and even since Petya the weaver had helped him learn more control and varied uses for the Drykas Mystery. He was five hundred miles away, taking a look at the Sea of Grass by night before he left to do service for a ghost, a favor for a Konti Drykas living in exile in Riverfall.

He sped to Riverfall, then wended his way back to Endrykas, scouting out the trail they would take tomorrow. Dohaina was pregnant, but only newly, and so he was riding her while he could. She would stay with Kavala and Riki and the others in the Sanctuary while he rode into the teeth of Winter. What would one day, he prayed, become his reborn pavilion would be separated out for ease. The livestock, such as it was, with the Sunkiss pavilion. The horses would all run to the Sanctuary so Kavala could oversee Dohaina's pregnancy and the training of the Seme.

Then he, Issima, Denen, and Luke would sail to Alvadas or Karjin depending on which boats were leaving when, and north, and north, and north.

But as his spirit neared his body, it saw a young woman not far off, getting ready, it seemed to do what he was doing, although she sat upon the ground, which was safer for the novice. He quickly sped back into his body, Dohaina whickering a welcome as she felt his muscles fall back under conscious control. He flexed his fingers and wiggled his toes in his boots as he pushed his spirit back out to fill the entirety of its fleshly vessel. Then he urged Dohaina into a short sprint while she was still unencumbered by a pregnant belly, and he slowed as he approached the woman.

Normally he might have called out a 'Ho, stranger!' in greeting, as he was often patrolling the edges of Endrykas for young ones and livestock with a mind to stray, but he did not wish to distract her. All the same, he made no efforts to hide his approach, and a well-trained Drykas would hear footfalls in the turf nearby, a horse's approach.
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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Caoin on November 20th, 2011, 7:30 am

Caoin was slowly allowing the world around her to fade away, the noises gradually disappearing into the background as she tried to concentrate on moving her spirit into the Web. She could feel her soul beginning to move out of her body when she was called back by the barking of the dogs. With their more sensitive hearing, the pair had heard the horse and rider approaching before Caoin could and both started to bark. Sealgaire’s cold, wet nose poked at Caoin’s neck, followed by his sticky wet tongue, causing a shudder to run through her body. “Sealgaire… come on, that feels weird…” While Caoin was a dog person, she’d never gotten over how weird it felt being licked by a dog’s tongue, all of that slimy saliva on her skin. She affectionately pushed the dog away and looked to the direction Bree was still barking in. “Hush now, girl,” her voice was calm and firm as she commanded the dog to be quiet so that she could hear what the dogs had heard. It didn’t take long before she could make out the faint sound of an approaching horse.

Rider and mount finally came into to view and since the rider remained silent, likely not wanting to disturb her, she spoke up first. “Greetings,” she called out warmly to him, raising her hand to wave. Caoin knew that he was likely a watchman, probably out on patrol. “How goes it,” she inquired politely, not wanting to assume that he was actually a watch rider, but figuring that the question was generic enough that it would encompass a watchman’s patrol or the journey of any odd traveler. As she spoke, she rose to her feet and closed the distance between herself and the mounted rider so that she could get a better look at him and his horse. The horse was a fine strider mare with a beautiful, bright coloring. She was a joy to look at, certainly. Her rider wasn’t bad on the eyes either, Caoin noted, though she also noted that he appeared to be younger than herself.

The young Drykas woman smiled up at the rider from the ground as she looked him and his horse over. She didn’t seem the least bit upset that her meditation was interrupted, being in generally good spirits actually. “Good night to be out, don’t you think,” Caoin added to her previous question as another gentle breeze swept across the grass, causing it to ripple like the waves of the ocean, and wrapping them in the scents of the grasslands. It seemed to be a rather peaceful night so far. And with Leth casting his pale glow over Cyphrus and the moving city, it just felt like the perfect night for a walk or a good sit down with some company. Which meant that it was lucky for Caoin that this stranger happened by when he did, well, as long as he proved to be good company and not a thug out to mug her… or worse.

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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Sama'el Sunsinger on November 21st, 2011, 3:24 am

"Ho there," he said when she broke the silence, his teeth gleaming in the moonlight and the fading sunlight as he smiled. "It's a good night. I travel to Riverfall tomorrow. I was checking the way on the Web and saw you... I used to come out this far to practice, where the Web is quieter than among the pavilions. I thought I could make sure nothing sneaks up on you while you are outside yourself."

Of course, he wasn't sure how well-trained her dogs were to protect her when she was not there in her body. Dohaina could manage; he had trained her well to that end, but he was of the Watch. Nowadays he could walk the Web while mounted, trusting her to carry him away from danger rather than risking herself guarding him from some danger. He had plans to alter his yvas to strap himself in, that she might gallop fast as a gale wind should danger near him. That would make finding his body a bit trickier, but he was growing ever more adept at manipulating and navigating the Web.

It wasn't exactly unusual to see a woman Webbing. There were a handful of female Ankals, and women among the Watch who were so trained, but they were outnumbered by men.
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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Caoin on November 27th, 2011, 7:42 am

NoteCaoin's strider isn't with her, only her two quarni hounds, Sealgaire and Bree. Just wanted you to know because you mentioned her strider in your last post.

Caoin gave the rider her full attention as he explained why he was out riding, and that he had just been traveling the web himself, apparently checking the route he planned to take on a trip to Riverfall. He further went on to tell her that he had planned to watch her while she was traveling the web herself. It was somewhat of a surprise to her, the stranger’s kindness. Then again, if he was a member of the Watch, then it would be nothing for him to protect one of his own people, though he’d be doing a little more than required by staying with her to watch over her. Still, the thought made her smile and she felt herself relaxing further in the man’s presence, her dogs relaxing more as well. The two quarni hounds seemed more interested in Dohaina than the humans, as they sniffed at the horse from where they stood at Caoin’s side. The two dogs were smart enough not to circle the other animal, as they had been taught not to stand behind a horse in order to avoid them ever being kicked. Caoin wondered at their interest in the mare though, curious as to what it was about her that had attracted their attention. She dismissed the thought though as her attention returned to the rider while he spoke.

“Are you experienced in the art of Webbing,” Caoin asked the rider as the conversation turned to the Web. She was curious how much time he’d spent in the Web and how good he was at the art of traversing it. She was not nearly as experienced as she wished to be, perhaps because she was a woman and it was not usually an art that women practiced. Growing up, it had been her brother, Ruith, who had received most of the training, along with some of her male cousins, like Skram. Caoin could not be the Ankal of her pavilion, so there was never any pressing need to ensure that she knew Webbing. Since her brother’s passing though, her father had grown more lenient in his practices and because Caoin had always showed an affinity for the art, he had started to teach her a little more. It wouldn’t hurt him to put some time into teaching her the magic form, and it made her less antagonistic toward him while he was making efforts to find her a suitable husband. She knew that if her husband wasn’t familiar with Webbing, her lessons with her father would taper off once she was married. After all, Toiseach would have to teach his new heir, and that would come before teaching his daughter.

“My name’s Caoin, by the way,” the woman added, seemingly last minute, as she realized that she had been impolite and not offered up an introduction as part of her greeting. She also offered up her name because she was hoping to get his. She hated not knowing who she was talking to, especially if it seemed like there was going to be a lengthy conversation. As the pair spoke, Caoin examined the strider mare that the young man was riding as best she could in the limited light from the campfire and the night sky. She was golden in color, at least that much Caoin could tell. A palomino, perhaps? The woman wasn’t quite sure. Judging by the way the horse responded to her rider’s commands though, Caoin could tell that she was well trained and that the two shared a good bond. It always warmed her spirit to see a bonded pair that was close. It reminded her always of Liath and her bond with him. She almost wished that she’d brought him out with her and gone for a ride instead of deciding to practice her Webbing, but she could take Liath out any time, and often did. She did not always find good opportunities to practice her skill in Webbing though, so in the end, she felt she’d made a wise decision on how to spend her time for the evening.

The woman motioned to the ground where she’d previously been sitting. “Would you like to take a break and join me,” she offered to the rider, inviting him to sit with her and rest for a spell while they continued their conversation. He’d probably been out riding for awhile, and Webbing could be tiring if one was new to it. She wasn’t sure how much experience he had with the art, so she was unsure how much it would drain him, or if it would even cause him any problems at all. If he was experienced, their conversation could prove useful to her, perhaps he could impress upon her some of his wisdom and experience. Then again, if he was really younger than her, it could be quite embarrassing for her to be learning something from him. Weren’t youngsters supposed to be learning from their elders, not the other way around? Not that it really mattered, so long as learning was done in the end, and it was the younger generation who tended to make new discoveries that the older generations would have to learn. Caoin pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as she stepped away from the golden mare to give her rider room to dismount if he chose to do so.

Motioning for the dogs to move back and heel by tapping lightly on her thigh, Caoin returned to where she had been sitting and settled on the ground once again. “I’d love the company,” Caoin continued from where she was sitting, “and if your offer to keep an eye out for me still stands, I wouldn’t turn it down. I’m sure it would certainly make it easier for me to concentrate on the Web, knowing that I was safe.” If she didn’t have to worry about the dogs potentially being overwhelmed or taken out by anyone or anything that tried to sneak up on her, then she would be able to relax more easily and would have a much easier time navigating the Web with her full focus. Besides, she’d also have company to talk with for a bit, while she wasn’t meditating, that is. It would be nice to share such a lovely night with a good companion and she might come out of it with a new friend, and at the very least, a new acquaintance.

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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Sama'el Sunsinger on December 4th, 2011, 4:44 am

"I'm fairly experienced now," he admitted, not out of pride but honest self-assessment. He was not quick to toot his own horn, but he was learning to be confident in the skills he did possess, else he would have been of no use to the Watch. "I am Sama'el of the Watch and the Sapphire Clan. I'll surely take a break, and will talk or watch over you at your pleasure."

He smiled as he slid out of the saddle, smooth as anything. Dohaina seemed to know what he was going to do before he did, and vice versa. Even in parting they were a fluid pair, and he put his hand on her withers, at which point she calmly started grazing, not minding the dogs' presence at all. There were animals at his camp, anyway. Other horses, a goat, a rabbit, even an infant human, though she was not Sama'el's get.

"It helps having a Strider," he admitted. "The Web link between a bonded pair appears on its own, it seems. And they're attuned to it. That sort of helps attune a person to it, as well." He paused, and with minimal concentration, the vague sense of the Web about him flared up with a sort of light that didn't illuminate the physical world around it.

OOCI fixed it!
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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Caoin on December 20th, 2011, 7:40 am

Caoin was glad for the company as Sam continued to converse with her, agreeing to stay and keep an eye on her or talk. The talk was what she was most interested in, since he’d already offered up one helpful bit of information about Webbing. She hadn’t considered that having Liath present might make it easier for her to attune herself with the Web, since striders were more naturally attuned to it themselves. She tucked that bit of knowledge away in her mind as she settled herself comfortably on the ground, leaning back and propping herself up with her arms on the ground behind her. She watched as the strider mare went about her grazing and decided that perhaps the watchman could teach her a bit more before she tried practicing again. “Tell me more,” she started, “that interesting pointer was something that hadn’t crossed my mind. I’d love to see what other knowledge you have to offer.” Caoin was the type who was always eager to learn and improve and she saw no shame in seeking knowledge from someone more experienced, most of the time anyway. There were always those rare occasions when pride could rear its ugly head.

The Drykas woman motioned for the younger man to join her, offering him a spot next to her so that she wouldn’t have to lean back and crane her neck quite so uncomfortably in order to look him in the face while they were chatting. “I must admit that I have not spent as much time as I would like practicing this particular art, and any advice that I can get from one more experienced would certainly go a long way to help me in my learning,” Caoin commented. Her voice was rather pleasant, quiet. There was an air of complete ease and relaxation about her as she smiled at Sama’el.
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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Sama'el Sunsinger on December 28th, 2011, 12:38 pm

Sama'el didn't need to be asked twice. A pretty girl invited him to sit, so he sat. His scimitar was strapped to Dohaina's yvas, but he had his daggers if he needed them, and he had scouted the Web hereabouts and found that there wasn't likely to be any danger anyway, but it paid to be overly careful. That was a lesson he had learned many times over. When she asked for more, he paused to think about it, peering at Dohaina with the shining strands of the Web overlaying everything. He could not see if there was some thread linking her to the life within her belly, but it was a very new, embryonic life, so he wasn't sure when he would be able to discern a new being, if ever, or if he would have to wait until she dropped the foal one way or another. Did the link between dam and foal begin during gestation or after birth...? These were questions to which he would have to wait to learn the answer as he would likely still be returning from Avanthal when Dohaina's time came. This made him sad.

"The next time you ride your Strider, push it to its fastest gallop. Attuned to the Web, you should see how it draws upon that power for greater speed. This isn't exactly practical knowledge. I don't think you can learn to pull the energy yourself without debasing yourself with Leeching," and that word came out twisted with a typical Drykas disgust, "but it might be instructive all the same."

He paused.

"Is that the sort of thing you wish to know?"
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[Training: Sama'el] Wading in the Web with a Watchman

Postby Lariat on May 25th, 2012, 3:55 pm




Meditation: 1 xp
Observation: 1 xp


The benefit of a strider in connecting to the web



Webbing: 1 xp
Teaching: 1 xp


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