Picking pockets

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Picking pockets

Postby Danck on November 30th, 2011, 9:00 pm

Fall 89th

Danck slowly walked through the streets of sunberth, trying not to pull to much attention towards him as he tried to blend into the crowd. Which was a lot easier said then done. The recently healed burn scars on his face made him stand out way to much to his liking. Still, not much he could do about it other then keep his head down and hope that the rest of the people where to busy to take notice of him. He really needed to scrounge together some more miza's or else he would be eating out of the garbadge for the rest of the season. He let his gaze slip over the many people, trying to find one that looked as if he had a bit of miza's on his person and didn't look to fast or strong enough that he would get in a lot of trouble if he was caught by his victim. After discarding a few potential targets because he couldn't see their purses or they looked as if they could easily twist him into a knot.

After a few chimes of searching for what looked like a decent target he finally found one that looked an easy enough mark. A tall gangly man only a short distance away and as far as he could see the purse looked as it had some money in it. Danck made his way through the crowd and towards the tall man as inconspicuously as he could. Slipping through the crowd without to many problems and he ended up right behind his target and quickly pulled out his dagger before reaching out towards the man's purse.
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Picking pockets

Postby Danck on December 7th, 2011, 8:13 pm

As soon as danck had pulled out his dagger he knew he had to be quick and get the man's purse before something tipped him off and he would notice what the heck he was planning, he doubted he would be able to put up much of a fight against the tall guy. Especially the fact he couldn't find a weapon on the guy was making his instincts go off. Almost nobody in sunberth walked around with no weapon on his hip, unless he didn't need one to keep the muggers and other types of scum away from him.

Pushing those thoughts out of his mind danck lightly grasped the man's purse, pulling it slightly so there was a bit of space in between it and the man's belt and quickly slipped his dagger in between the crack with the sharp side facing up, before quickly slicing through the old strings keeping the purse into place and quickly backed of from his target, trying to melt back into the crowd before the man noticed who the heck had grabbed his purse and tried to get it back in the typical sunberth way. By beating the crap out of whoever took it.
Danck kept on his toes as he tried to get away from his target as fast as he could without pulling to many attention to himself, slowly making his way towards one of the sides of the street, diving into the first fairly safe looking alley to see how much loot he just nabbed from this little venture.

As soon as danck had pried open the purse his face fell at the small amount of miza's in it. It wasn't nearly enough to make this season's rent. He let out a tortured sigh as he shoved the small amount of coins with the rest of his savings and stepped out of the alley, once again mingeling with the crowd and began looking around for his next target.
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Picking pockets

Postby Danck on December 9th, 2011, 9:48 am

Just like the last time Danck carefully waded through the crowd and once again let his eyes wander through the crowd, hoping to find another easy target like the last time. Though he really hoped that the next victim had some more coins then the paltry sum he snatched from his last victim. Other wise it would take ages before he had his rent together and he didn't have that much time for it anymore.

After a while of searching through the crowd danck finally found a few people who looked like they might be easy enough. A fairly fat man who was haggeling with some merchant over something he couldn't really see from his distance. And a drunk man who was barely staying on his feet as he stumbled through the crowd, sometimes bumping into other people. Both where fairly targets he probably could steal from without to much problems. After quickly making a desciscion he began making his way towards the fat guy haggling with the merchant. The drunk did look as if he already spend all his money on booze.

As soon as danck was within a few meters of his target, he suddenly slammed his fist on the merchan'ts stall and yelled something at the man in a language he didn't know before turning around on the heels of his feet and walking away from the boot in a brisk pace. Danck, not even caring about what happened quickly went after him, for a man of his size he was quite quick on his feet.
Still after a while the man slowed down and danck saw his chance taking a few quick steps to get closer to his target and once again tried the same method. Carefully making enough space between the purse and the belt to slip his dagger in between it and slicing through the strings of the purse with a quick and short upwards slice. A smile gracing his face as he felt the weight of the stolen purse in his hand. Unfortunally, the fat man wasn't as unobservant as the skinny one a while back.

“Hey what do you think you are doing?” The man yelled out as he turned around and tried to grab at him, his chubby hand gripping his right wrist in a vicelike grip. Danck began to struggle against the man's grip as hard as he could, but the man kept his grip on his arm without to much effort.
“You little thief! You don't know your messing with it seems!” Danck just glared at the man before he got an evil grin on his face and kicked in the man's unprotected groin. As expected the man immediately doubled over and loosenend his grip on his arm just enough that danck was able to rip free of it and he immediately took advantage of it and hightailed it out of there as fast as he could.
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Picking pockets

Postby Danck on December 23rd, 2011, 11:59 am

Danck was darting as quickly through the crowds as he could, trying to refrain from using his elbows to make openings in the crowd as he didn't want to piss off the wrong kind of person and riling up another guy by accidentally burying an elbow in his gut. He didn't doubt having two people chase him would make his life a lot more difficult. Not to mention there would be two people to beat him up if they ever caught him.

“GET BACK HERE!” He heard the man scream in a voice that was a bit higher then a man's voice normally would have been, Danck of course didn't pay any heed the man's warning and just continued to run away from the man. Using his small size to dart through the crowd as good as he could. After a few close calls of almost running into some other people and having ran quite a while Danck finally let himself slow down, trying to get his breathing back under control as he tried to hide himself in between the crowd and kept his eyes open for the man he just robbed, or anybody else who was following him at the moment. After chimes of keeping his eyes open and not finding anybody he stopped just randomly wandering around and began making his way towards his own home. Aiming to go and count his loot there.
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Picking pockets

Postby Ink on January 5th, 2012, 9:10 pm

And in the Aftermath . . .


The Rewards are Revealed.

Danck :
Observation 2
Stealth 2
Weapon (Dagger) 2
Running 2
Larceny 2
Unarmed Combat 1

Larceny Technique: Cutting a Coin Purse

Total: 20 gm

Written in the ink :
If there are any concerns or problems with my grading please feel free to toss me a PM. I am more than happy to explain my reasons or reevaluate them if you feel I've been unfair.

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