Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Jaeden meets up with Kiou, a Kelvic lion. Really, what could go wrong?

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The vast mountain range of Kalea is home of secret valleys, dead-end canyons, and passes that lead to places long forgotten or yet to be discovered.

Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 17th, 2011, 4:41 am

60th Day of Winter, 511 A.V.

Jaeden slowly made his way across the uneven terrain, his upper body crouched down, practically motionless, as his leg moved slowly and softly. His heel dug slowly into the wet snow, that slight crunch of a sound only heard when the snow became so compacted under his weight that it had no other option than to cry out. His left hand gripped the shaft of his composite long bow, his resting near the feathers of an arrow nocked into his bow, his index and middle finger hooking along the bow string.

The elk was close, and a large one at that if Jaeden had judged the tracks it had left behind correctly. The imprints it left behind in its run compacted all the snow and dug into the harder ground below. Jaeden wondered if it would take more than one arrow to bring it down. Jaeden slowly looked up as he heard the approach of another, the steps light and rapid, almost a hop. It was something small. Jaeden could already tell who it was, as the black snout and the red and white fur appeared from behind the tree. Red had scouted ahead, both trying to spot their prey and to see if any other predators were on its trail as well. “You see it yet?” Jaeden asked his foxy little companion, standing up slowly as one hand moved away from the bow string.

Red slowly shook her head back and forth, giving a small whine. “No worries beautiful, he’s not that far off.” Jaeden said before hit bit lightly along the fingertips of his leather glove, pulling his hand free from it. His hand then reached out towards the tree he had stopped next to, his hand rubbing along the surface of the bark where a couple of gouges had been made. “Found some of the pellets he shyke about a mile back. They were still steaming. As well, he recently did the antler rub along this tree. Still has some of the velvet stuck in it. You can smell him, right?”

Red bowed her head in a nod, with a slight wag of her tail in response, fighting the urge to let out a little yelp of excitement. There were times Jaeden felt that Red was so much more like a child while in her animal form. Fact of the matter is, when she was in human form, the physical attraction he had for her, and her attraction for him cast aside any thoughts of her being a child aside. It was almost a little weird sometimes, but Jaeden didn’t dwell on it hardly ever. Red and him had been through a lot together in the still relatively short amount of time they had been together since bonding. For Jaeden, he could accept every aspect of Red that he noticed in odd times. He could even smile at her when she was at her bitchiest. “Let’s go then.” Jaeden said with a smile as he began slipping his glove back on. “We’ll cut off a couple of large stakes for cooking at camp, preserve some other parts for selling at Alvaldus, and dry out the rest for rations.”

Red made a couple of hopping circles in the snow before her head lowered once again, sniffing the ground as she began to follow the scent. “One arrow won’t bring it down right away.” Jaeden explained in a softer tone now, crouching down as he began following the tracks once again. “Still, it’s a big elk, so don’t go running after him to try and trip up his hind legs or something and complete the kill. As feisty as you are, hun, he’ll likely be at least five times your weight when you’re in fox form, so just keep him in sight and make sure you know where he falls.”

It wouldn’t take much longer than that. Red had moved ahead while Jaeden followed behind, falling back again. Red was the lookout, keeping an eye out for the elk on some level, but mainly keeping alert for others in the area. Jaeden simply followed the tracks, kept checking to see how fresh they remained. It was finally as Jaeden was coming up to a crest of a hill that he saw Red standing there, lowered down near a tree. She had found the elk first, which wasn’t surprising to Jaeden. With her nose, she was the more natural tracker. Still, Jaeden liked to keep improving on that skill himself. Especially if there every came a time where Red and him had become separated, and he needed to find her for a change.

Then Jaeden saw it himself, as he crouched his body down even further to avoid being sighted by it. The elk bull was large. Larger than most he had seen in the Sylira region. It likely stood close to five foot tall, its body massive, its antlers looking like a tangle cluster of doom that Jaeden wanted very much not to be on the charging end of. Over all, the elk looked to weigh five hundred pounds easy. “Definitely going to need more than one arrow.” Jaeden thought to himself as he began to level his bow at the bull. “Should have brought a bigger bow. Like a ballista.”

Jaeden’s breath then began to slow, his eyes narrowing as he brought the elk into a clearer vision. The muscles in his arms began to tighten as he drew back the string of his bow, the string whining slightly with strain and the wood aching a little bit as it began to bend slightly. The feathers of his arrow brushed along his cheek, just below his eyes as his line of sight became even with the shaft of the arrow. His thumb came to rest just behind his jaw and below the ear, bringing the bow to a full draw. His inhales and exhales slowed even further still, as he began lining the arrow’s tip at the elk, deciding on that first shot. He would need to make it a debilitating one. He wasn’t certain that his arrow would pierce all the way through hide, muscle and bone to reach the heart and down it with one arrow. So he aimed for the next best organ as the arrow’s tip began to level around the chest. Jaeden would go for one of the lungs. It would run, and likely fast, when hit with the arrow, but eventually it’s flight and panic response would cause it to breath heavier, further compromising the lung and likely to cause it to begin drowning in its own blood due to the wound.

Jaeden took a finale exhale, his breath coming out slowly in a fog between parted lips. Then his fingers relaxed, the bow string shooting forward as all of its tension was released. It launched the arrow forward, sending it cutting through the air, covering the distance between Jaeden and the elk in less than a second. The arrow’s head struck true, this time, as it pierced through fur, hide and muscle, slipping between the ribs before puncturing the bull’s left lung. A cry of pain and panic echoed from the animal as its body did a quick jerk and its hind legs quickly after pushed powerfully into the ground, sending it into a full run in an attempt to flee the pain. Red wasted no time, her smaller legs pushing into the ground as she began to run after the massive animal, determined to keep it in sight.

Jaeden quickly stood from his crouch, reaching down into his quiver of arrows as he pulled another arrow free, letting out a small sigh. “I just hope I won’t be following this bull for a mile, only to find that another shot will have it run away for greater distances.” Jaeden muttered under his breath. The only thought he had after was the fact that he felt fortunate he had brought the body sled with him this trip. Otherwise, dragging this beast back would have been an ordeal that would have lasted a couple of bells.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Kiou on December 17th, 2011, 4:47 pm

A bird cry sounded high in the sky, and when Kiou looked up, his keen eyes caught sight of the creature wheeling in circles high above, in obvious search for prey. That makes two of us, Kiou mused momentarily before tearing his gaze away once more, looking out over the hills and uneven landscape before him. He was standing upon one such hill, nothing really magnificent that really stood out on it's almost barren peak, other than Kiou himself. His golden pelt glistened majestically in the light of the sun as it made it's descent towards the horizon once more. Kiou shifted his weight slightly on the snow. He didn't think he'd ever be totally used to the snow, but he knew it's advantages. The prey's tracks could easily be discerned, as could the direction it was traveling. The same could be said for the hunter, however. Kiou turned his head slightly to see behind him, and sure enough, a trail of his prints lead straight to him. He figured he should probably get going again. He'd had enough sight-seeing for the time being. Almost as if in agreement, his stomach rumbled greedily as he started padding down the opposite side of the hill.

It wasn't but a few moments later that he caught wind of a welcomed scent. Food. He angled his head towards the sweet smell, and took in a deep breath of the crisp air, to make certain he hadn't simply imagined it. Nope, still there. That was another advantage of winter time. There weren't nearly as many other smells to mask prey; the snow seemed to cover it all up. Changing direction, Kiou padded towards the scent, glancing around him every now and then to make sure he actually was still alone. Didn't want to be caught of guard simply because he was hoping for his next meal soon. After a moment of walking, Kiou managed to catch wind of two new, stranger scents. He decided not to fret over it too much however, as it seemed they were still farther off. As the scent of prey got stronger, Kiou slowed down a tad, and circled around so that he was downwind of the creature. He didn't want to give himself away before he could bring it down. As he crept closer towards the scent, he briefly recognized it as an elk. His mouth watered slightly at the thought. Elk made quite the meal. As he moved cautiously up the side of one of the many surrounding hills, he caught sight for the first time his prey. It was a beauty. Nearly five foot tall, weighing in at over 500lbs it appeared. Kiou glanced briefly at the tangle of vicious looking antlers sported by the beast. He'd have to be careful, and he needed the element of surprise.

He watched attentively for a moment, sizing up the beast before him, coming up with a plan. The elk wasn't paying much attention to it's surroundings, instead seeming to be focusing intently on a small patch of grass it was lucky enough to find sticking up out of the snow, striving to survive this winter's snows. Just as he was about to begin creeping forward, the elk's head practically shut up, eyes wide. Kiou froze, hoping to whatever gods there might be that it didn't sense him and decide to bolt. He noted, however, that the herbivore's ears were not pointed his direction, but almost straight across from Kiou's position. This caused him no slight degree of confusion. If the elk had sensed his presence, it would be focusing towards him, not away. Kiou glanced up briefly from the beast and looked straight across from his position where he was hunkered down on the hill in an attempt to remain hidden. He gazed curiously at the opposite hill, and for a moment, didn't know what the elk was scared of. And then he caught sight of it. At the base of one of the trees, he could make out a dark, reddish shape crouched at it's base. Kiou recognized a fox when he saw one, but he was sure that such a small creature was no threat to a 500lb elk such as this. He figured the elk simply overreacted to some sound the small creature had made. Just as he was about to shift his gaze back to the elk, he caught sight of the real reason the elk had been startled.

A hunter, crouched near the fox Kiou now realized to be a companion of sorts, had his bow trained, unwavering, on the elk. He could tell the man was a skilled hunter by his posture. Kiou watched, shocked and outraged, as the man drew back an arrow, aiming calmly at the elk before them. He jumped to his feet as the arrow struck true, causing the elk to let out a piercing scream that hurt his sensitive eats before it fled, terrified and in pain. Kiou let out a low growl of anger as he turned and bolted after it. He hated the way these hunters tried and capture prey. They used awful traps, and, as he had just witnessed, arrows to bring down bigger prey. It was an unnatural way to hunt. In the wild, predators brought down their prey quickly, usually with a bite to the neck, so it didn't suffer. These hunters however, simply tried to take the cowards way out, shooting at animals from the distance, and usually not getting a straight kill, leaving the animal in excruciating pain until they caught up to it after it became too exhausted, or it died of blood loss. Kiou let out another angered rumble as he sprinted after the injured elk. It wasn't all that hard to track. The smell of blood was overpowering, and it's blood on the snow was clear. Kiou briefly caught sight of the small red shape he had seen previously. The fox. Working with the hunter. He turned his head slightly as he bounded over the blood-stained snow, letting loose another growl, this time much louder and directed towards the puny fox, obviously trying to catch up to the elk ahead. Kiou couldn't smell the human any more, and figured he'd probably take his time and wait for the poor beast's legs to give out from exhaustion or until it drowned in blood.
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 20th, 2011, 5:01 pm

The chase was on, it would appear. It wouldn’t take long for Red to spot the lion, and here its roar. Even considering the size and strength difference, Red didn’t back down. The lion would find, that despite her size, the little fox Kelvic had spunk as she growled and barked in return to the lion’s roar, and continued to keep pace, but still slipped off to the side to keep a line of trees between her and the large cat, safeguarding her from a pounce at the speeds they ran.

Jaeden’s eyes narrowed as he continued to travel through the snow, moving at a jogging pace. Another set of tracks. They weren’t Red’s and they were large. Larger than any mountain cat. It was then that he heard the roar echo out and a slow frown crossed over his brow. “Pfft, great.” Jaeden said as he slowly drew his sword. “That’s all I need is some sort of dispute over the prey.”

Jaeden then took off into a full sprint, slinging his longsword over his shoulder as he did so. He ran faster than most humans did. Not that it was fast enough to truly keep pace with an animal, but still he wouldn’t be far behind by any means. Lucky for him, the thinned air of the altitude was something he had finally grown accustomed to, otherwise this run would leave him utterly exhausted. All the same, he considering the presence of a large predatory cat, he was beginning to wish he hadn’t left Fortunado to roam free back at camp.

It wouldn’t be long before the elk finally fell to the ground, it’s body twitching as it coughed up blood and kicked out with its legs. Red suddenly jumped out he body flashing in a golden sparkle of light, inciting a change as her human form landed along the ground and snow between the elk and lion. Her face was knotted in a frown. Her eyes defiant. Her lips curled back as she let out a small growl. “I know what you are and I can tell you this,” Red said in a feral tone, “if you plan to steal the prey that Jaeden and I had been track for the better part of the day, you’ll have to get through me first. And it won’t be too long before Jaeden gets here.”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Kiou on December 21st, 2011, 12:28 am

Kiou glanced over at the fox as they sprinted after the elk, surprised that the small creature had yet to back down, instead opting to let out a small bark in response. Stubborn little thing, he thought, somewhat amused and annoyed at the same time. The little fox was still keeping pace, though, albeit it was a little farther away now, separating itself and him by a thin line of trees. Kiou glanced briefly at the blood-stained tracks of the elk, making sure that he was still on it's tail. It didn't exactly take a skilled tracker to follow them. He glanced back at the small fox, still annoyingly keeping pace, seemingly refusing to back down. He caught a faint whiff of the human, still a ways off, but picking up speed. Kiou let out a snort of frustration. The only elk he had seen yet, and it was being pursued by a human and his little pet fox. Damn it all, he thought darkly, cursing his luck. If it came to a fight, then so be it, but he would not make the first move.

Kiou was relieved when he caught sight of the elk, finally having collapsed of pain and exhaustion. As they neared it, he watched as the fox shifted into it's human form. A kelvic, eh? Figures... he mused as he came to a halt glaring defiantly at the naked woman before him. He had been so angry and focused on the elk that he had not paid enough attention to the fox to realize that it was also a kelvic. He gazed evenly at the woman, listening silently as she spoke to him in a feral tone. He smirked slightly at her words. She was really challenging him? He knew that he could take her down almost without thinking about it. He would not be the one to attack, however. He gazed at the woman curiously as he began to pace back and forth. She spoke of someone named Jaeden. Probably that hunter he had seen earlier. He didn't worry him all that much though. Kiou briefly considered shifting back to his human form, but thought better of it. It would be smarter to remain in this form, at least for now. He let out a stubborn, low growl in reply, though less angered than the previous one he had let loose, before sitting back casually on his haunches, a few paces away from the girl, gazing curiously at her.
Last edited by Kiou on December 25th, 2011, 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 21st, 2011, 8:06 pm

It wouldn’t be long before Jaeden arrived, his gaze shifting back and forth between the lion and Red. His longsword swung idly at his side back and forth by a few inches as he took in deep breaths after the heavy run. He soon slung the bow over his shoulder before stepping towards Red, reaching over his shoulder and into his backpack. Eventually, a twined wrapping of clothing was pulled free and handed out to Red. “Red dear, your naked, and it’s cold out. While I don’t say it often,” Jaeden said with a smirk, “put some clothes on.”

Jaeden then circled around the elk, reaching behind the folds of his fur cloak before pulling a dagger free with his left hand. His gaze slowly rose to the lion once again as he knelt down, resting his knee along the animal’s head just behind the antlers to prevent any last moment twitches causing Jaeden injury. “You look hungry.” Jaeden said to the lion, already figuring out the situation upon arriving. Jaeden’s dagger was then thrust into the elk’s chest, just near the base of the neck as the blade pierced the large animal’s heard. Jeaden slowly whispered another prayer of thanks to Caiyha as any last moments of twitching from the elk disappeared and the animal finally passed on.

Jaeden then slowly stood up and sheathed his sword before pulling out a rag. He slowly wiped his dagger clean of blood, sheathing it two as Red was just slipping the shirt over her frame. “Tell you what, shift to human form and introduce yourself. After, if you want to help me drag the elk back to my camp, there’ll be some steaks and future rations in it for you. Provided you can keep civil and not be all roar and snarls.” Jaeden then offered, sheathing his dagger now.

“Are you kidding me?” Red said, looking over at Jaeden. “He threatens us over the elk and now you’re offering him some of it?”

“He didn’t attack though.” Jaeden replied to Red as he pulled his backpack free from his shoulders, beginning to unpack the body sled. “Besides, the excess meat we were just going to preserve and either turn in to rations, or sell anyhow. It’s better to use some excess in a shared meal.”

“Fine.” Red said folding her arms. “But if he roars at us again I’m gonna kick him in his junk.”

Jaeden gave a slow nod, assembling the body sled now before he looked to the lion. "Well then?" Jaeden said to him, awaiting his reply.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Kiou on December 21st, 2011, 11:15 pm

Kiou shifted his gaze cautiously from the fox to its master as he finally appeared, out of breath. He let out a quiet puff of air. Humans...he thought, somewhat amused. Kiou watched silently as the man, Jaeden as the fox had called him, handed the naked kelvic a piece of clothing. He didn't quite get why humans were usually so squimesh around naked bodies. It was natural. He hadn't seen anyone trying to cover up a dog or cat when they were roaming around, though they were naked as well. He watched as the hunter drew a dagger, tensing slightly for a moment before the man spoke, driving the dagger deep into the flesh of the elk, near the base of its neck. He looked hungry? Surely he didn't appear that desperate for a meal. Even if he was. He had been wandering around out here near the base of these mountains since early yesterday morning, opting to spend the night in the wilderness rather than head back into the city. In that time, his only meal was a small rabbit that had found it's way across his path, nearly scaring him half to death as it jolted from a bush he had wandered past merely seconds before.

As if in contrast to what he wanted to reply, his stomach let out a low growl, bring a scowl to his face. As Jaeden insisted that he shifted to his human form and help him drag the kill back to his camp in return for a meal, he briefly thought of refusing. He didn't trust this hunter; not one bit. He never had trusted any of them. He figured that he didn't have much of a choice, however. He doubted that he'd be lucky enough to find another meal before sundown, and this one required considerably less work. When the man insisted that he remained civil, he let out a small snort of humor. Yeah, sure, he thought darkly as he shifted, and where once a lion had stood, now was a man. Kiou gazed evenly at the man, listening to the other kelvic's misgivings about Kiou being offered a meal. He listened quietly as they bickered back and forth, though he could tell there was no real anger behind the words, though he wasn't all that sure about the fox's. When she suggested kicking him in his junk he growled again, he raised an eyebrow. Wow. I'll admit, she has spunk, he thought as he watched the man gather up some sort of sled, which Kiou figured was for transporting the elk. He wasn't sure why the man didn't just make a camp here. It would certainly be easier. But, alas, it was not his place, or wish, to bother with the hunting methods of some human.

"Fine," he replied simply, his voice gruff still, not yet fully back to normal from the extended amount of time spent in his lion form, which consisted of deep growls and grunts. He strolled casually over towards the man, keeping his eye on the fox. He still didn't trust her, and he doubted he would right away. She seemed a bit...feisty, as if she was looking for some reason to simply kick him in his junk, even if it was not a roar that incited it. His feet crunched softly over the snow, though he wasn't really all that cold. As he approached the man, he stopped about a yard away, eying the man and his pet kelvic closely before crossing his arms over his chest and sighing. "What is it you need me to do?" he asked, reluctantly, his voice returning to it's normal, higher pitch.
Last edited by Kiou on December 25th, 2011, 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 22nd, 2011, 9:03 pm

It wasn’t long before Jaeden finished constructing the body sled, tightening the leather straps that held the frame in place. As the flash of golden light illuminated the area for a brief moment, Jaeden noticed one strap that still seemed a little loose, and quickly moved to correct it. Considering the weight of the animal they were about to drag back, he wanted to make sure the body sled would hold.

As the Kelvic’s voice rang in his ears, Jaeden slowly looked up, his hands draping over his knees for a moment. “Well, you can start with giving me your name.” Jaeden said as he reached up, scratching lightly at the white strike of hair along the back of his head. “Unless you would prefer I call you “boy” or “Grumpy Lion Guy.” Introductions and all that. Sort of helps with communication. My name is Jaeden by the way.”

Soon after, Jaeden slowly tossed a long leather strap up to Kiou before standing up and brushing off his hands. “That’ll be your tugging line. I’ll take the other and we’ll get move as soon as I strap this bull in.” Jaeden informed before stepping over to the elk and first pulling his arrow free. “Just give me a moment.”

Jaeden cleaned his arrow fist off, using the same rag he had used to clean his dagger, before replacing the arrow itself back into the quiver. A slow exhale was then given as Jaeden looked down to the elk, sizing it up for a moment. His hands slowly reached down then, grasping the forelegs with one hand and the hind legs with the other, gripping them together just above the hooves. A couple of deep breaths were taken then, as the muscles all over Jaeden’s frame went taught with tension and a grunt escaped through gritted teeth. The weight of the animal was a little over double what Jaeden’s was, but still Jaeden managed to lift it a few inches off the ground before laying it quickly over the body sled. He let out a deep breath, resting his hands over the body of the elk as he leaned there for a moment, letting the exhaustion of the task pass and his energy return.

Jaeden then slowly stepped over to the front of the body sled, grabbing the other strap and slinging it over his shoulder. “If you’re ready then.” Jaeden said, confirming such with Kiou before his feet dug into the ground and his legs pushed off, beginning to drag the elk along with them. “Camp is about a mile back this way.”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Kiou on December 23rd, 2011, 3:08 pm

Kiou Watched as the man fidgeted with his sled before answering him. He paused for a moment before replying to the mans question. "My name is Kiou," he replied simply, after the man had introduced himself. When Jaeden tossed the leather strap at him, he barely managed to catch it, as he was caught off guard. He listened as Jaeden instructed him on what to do with it before looking up and watched as he pulled the arrows from the elks carcass. He watched, amused, as Jaeden struggled with the weight of the beast, and briefly thought of helping the man, but found no need to when the man finally managed o drag the elk onto his sled. Kiou had to admit, he was somewhat impressed. Not every human would have been able to drag a 500lb elk through the snow. He waited for the man to regain his strength, watching him curiously. When Jaeden finally regained his posture and assumed his position on the other side of the sled, inquiring as to whether Kiou was ready, he gave a slight nod Jaedens direction before following the hunter's lead, pushing off the ground and assisting dragging the elk through the snow. When Jaeden announced that his camp was about a mile away, it only strengthened his thoughts about setting up camp after you catch your prey. He knew the downsides of that, however. Predators would easily find a human who had set up camp near fresh kill. He would know. "So..." he said after a moment, not sure what to say as they dragged the elk. "I'm assuming you're staying in Alvadas, correct?" He figured since they were still fairly close to the City of Illusions, the hunter was probably saying there when he was not out hunting here in the mountains.
Last edited by Kiou on December 25th, 2011, 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on December 24th, 2011, 1:57 am

The body sled made the task of dragging the elk easier, bearing most of the weight and making it easier to drag than it would have been without it, much less carrying it. As Jaeden and Kiou dragged the bull through the forest, making their way over uneven terrain and slick patches of rock and earth, Red walked ahead of them, attuning her senses to the surroundings, keeping vigil over other possible threats and predators.

The camp wouldn’t take that long to get to, especially considering the strait line they walked to it now. Jaeden had been touring the wilds around Alvaldus enough in the past couple of weeks that he was becoming comfortable with knowing where each step would take him. His entire gaze caught familiar sights and shapes that he had seen dozens of times already by the simple act of doing nothing more than walking around for the better parts of the days. He might have thought to get a map from the city, but truth of the matter was a map was only as reliable as the person who drew it. Needless to say, Jaeden had no way of knowing if a cartographer actually took the time to study the lands and know what he was putting to parchment, or if he simply stood outside for a short time, looked around and sketched. Worse than that, one could have sent scouts, and not knowing how thoroughly they traveled the lands, got second hand knowledge and took their word for it. Overall, Jaeden felt taking the time to learn the lay of the lands and finding his own way to be more reliable. Then he would have no doubt.

Jaeden’s gaze slowly moved over to Kiou, the lion Kelvic’s voice being heard after a short time of traveling in silence. Jaeden simply gave a nod at first in response to his question. “For now,” Jaeden said then, giving a snapping tug to pull his side of the body sled over a steeper rock. “I travel with a couple of my friends. They have certain……….. tasks they wish to see done. Important tasks. I tagged along to make sure they didn’t get lost while traveling and to help keep them safe in the event of danger. Not that they couldn’t handle themselves in a situation. For now, we’re just staying in Alvaldus so they can research the libraries there and earn some coin on the side.”

Jaeden slowly shook his head then. “Me though? The city is sort of like going on an all night binge. Drinking alcohol while eating plants and herbs that cause hallucinations. Changes around too much.” Jaeden explained, the smell of the camp fire’s smoke already starting to tickle Kiou’s and Red’s nostrils a bit. “I’m a little more at home out here, in places like this. In the end, I guess city life has never been my strong suit. Save for when it comes to interacting with the fairer gender.”

Jaeden slowly looked over at Kiou then, giving a slight shrug. “What about you?” Jaeden then asked. “Aside from the wild terrain, what brings you to the City of Illusion?”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Food in the Valleys(Kiou)

Postby Kiou on December 25th, 2011, 12:41 am

Kiou dragged the sled along Jaeden, his bare feet digging deep into the snow as they lugged the giant beast along. Not paying much attention to the ground, Kiou took a quick intake of air when he stubbed his toe on a jagged rock sticking up out of the snowy blanket. He shook his foot out for a second before placing it back down, ignoring the throbbing in his foot. The cold would ease it soon enough anyways. He watched the other kelvic girl wander off ahead of them, probably keeping watch for any troubles that might meet them. He let out a quiet snort. Like any animal with half a brain would approach them. He was certain that their scents alone would ward them off. What sane animal would approach a hunter, a fox, and a lion? None he could think of. He glanced around them, not recognizing where they were. Probably why I didn't catch wind of them earlier, he mused as he glanced at a gnarled tree standing alone, seemingly separated from the others. When Jaeden replied to his inquiry, he glanced over at the man briefly before looking away again, instead gazing out across the snow, still listening as the man spoke of his traveling companions, and their reasons for being in Alvadas, as well as his reasons for accompanying them. Must be nice, Kiou thought for a moment before pushing the thoughts away. He enjoyed his solitude. It was nice to have company every now and then, though. When Jaeden mentioned his friends possibly conducting some research at the libraries, Kiou glanced back at him. He couldn't read, but he figured one day he would try and learn it. The process, however, seemed to be long and quite boring to him though, so it might take some time. But he still aspired to one day learn to decipher the strange symbols that people wrote for others to discover.

Kiou had to agree with the man about the city always changing, however, he couldn't personally compare it to a drinking binge, seeing as he had never had any sort of alcohol before in his life. He made it a personal habit to avoid it, and thinking back to his drunk of a father, he was glad that he had. As for the herbs and hallucination inducing plants, he decided it would be best to avoid them. Nothing good ever came out of either. Kiou nodded, agreeing with the hunters statement about city life. It was usually too crowded, smelled like sweat and alcohol, and to many people who thought themselves better than all those around them. He hated it. When Jaeden spoke of the fairer gender, Kiou immediately knew what he was referring to, causing him to glance over at the man, an eyebrow raised. He felt it fair to assume that this man was a self-proclaimed 'ladies man', at least in his own mind. When spoken to once more, he thought for a moment before giving a slight shrug and maneuvering his side of the sled over another jutting rock, careful to watch where he placed his feet. "Nothing really. I just happened to come upon it when I was wondering through the area, and it seemed like an interesting place to stop. But other than that, I have no reason to be here. I just go wherever," he replied quietly, offering up another shrug. He really didn't have a reason for being there, or anywhere, in fact. He simply went where the road took him. Perhaps one day, he would make the decision to stick around in one city, but for now, he was content with simply wandering.
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