This reminds me to actually add these into the Wiki. In the light that I prefer to maintain creative control over the Drykas (beings that I wrote them and created the sea of grass scenarios for this subrace), I feel its really important to unite the whole of the grasslands under seven common rules. I feel a bit edgy about having them being written up as worshiping different gods in different clans (not sure who suggested that but I really disliked that idea because it strayed from the original ideals of the clan). Truthfully their big three is Caiyha, Semele, and Zulrav... and really not too many others. So.. in that light here's the rules... as added too the wiki.
The horseclans of Cyphrus are united under a solid set of common laws. The laws do not differ among the clans but instead remain firmly seeded in seven simple yet unbreakable laws.
* Windmarks are earned not owed. Full clan status is awarded to only those individuals who have earned their Windmarks. And as such, those bearing windmarks will be welcomed, protected, and provided for by the pavilions and thus the clans. Those without windmarks have no status and are owed nothing by either pavilion or clan.
* All Drykas will work equally hard in their areas of expertise to provide for the benefit and
* Strider horses are sacred. To harm or abuse a strider is as serious as harming the clansman who's bonded to it. Cruelty towards a horse is grounds for exile - on foot.
* The clan is sacred. Obedience is due to its Ankal. All Drykas will be there when the clan needs them.
* Dignity is sacred. When a fellow Drykas is wounded or incapacitated beyond recovery, the clansman must be ready to assist them towards reincarnation and a better stronger younger form.
* Respect and defer to the word of your Ankal. Infighting will not be tolerated. All disputes should be taken to the Ankal who will facilitate or negotiate a resolution. The Ankals word on all disputes is final.
* The Web is sacred. No Drykas will alter it maliciously or instruct a non-Drykas as to its usage. All Pavilions are responsible for sharing equally in its upkeep and maintenance.