Yurp. Pet peeves and jelly beans.
Well, I'm new to this game, but not to roleplay. I like many things and dislike a few. However, this post is not for my likes and dislikes. It is for me!
Name : Just call me Rinati, stranger.
Age : Soon to be twenty?
Nationality : Canadian, eh?
Sex : No thanks.
Left or Right? : Left. Derp.
Blue or Red? : Red. He totally killed Blue's Raticate in the original Pokemon games.
Half full or half empty? : As my friend says, permanently full. After all, there is a such thing as air?
Hair Colour : Look at that awesome sexy 'u' in 'colour'... I mean...
Eye Colour : I like how I didn't get to finish that!
Favourite Fruit : I'm going to imagine 'cake' was a part of that and say I don't like fruitcakes. God, they are freaking nutty! <3 *loves her fruitcake buddies*
My Greatest Pet Peeve : People who walk like velociraptors and tyrannusaurus rexes. Like, seriously, what the hell? You're arms aren't that small and only that cute green dinosaur in Toy Story can look adorable with stubbies like that.
Additionally, if you make dinosaur arms and expect me to gigglesnort and take pictures, I'm going to go ahead and make this face: =3= and say : shame on you for mocking an extinct race! What if Mizahar sprouted dinosaurs and they realised you were making those faces and decided to EAT you? What then, huh? Or what if your forearms fell off?
D: <
On a random note, I like glitter.