Tharoth was wandering aimlessly like he did during the days, Alvadas had the ability to show you places you'd never have seen before, despite spending decades within the city walls, there was no sense in trying to find a destination, in a city that constantly shifted, trying to find a tavern for example would only lead you to the market place, trying to find home would only lead you to the docks, wandering aimlessly was the only proper way of finding your way through the small, neat alley ways.
Night time was a better time to walk around Alvadas, the illusions were of a more darker, sinister disposition, reflecting the horrors of human nature, just the perfect environment for Tharoth, it also allowed him to track unsuspecting prey that would ultimately be offerings to his dark god Uldr, the dead of night was the perfect time to strike, to Tharoth's advantage it made trying to find the culprit of the murder almost nigh impossible due to the changing behaviour of the city, alas it was day time and he would have to wait for the cover of nights embrace till he could strike again.
Deceptively hobbling down the cobbled path, leading those around him to think he was frail, Tharoth noticed someone quickly dart past him, he could smell a path of anxiety that trailed through the alley ways leading straight to the man. Tharoth rubbed his filthy beard with his skeletal looking hand and smiled, his rotting, yellow-black teeth chinked together as he started to grit his teeth, his yellow soul-stealing eyes that unnerved all that came into contact with them stared towards the running mans direction. Using his scythe to lever himself onward, Tharoth made out after the man, out of curiosity or murderous intent, he himself didn't know, yet he limbed onward, still with the charade of brittleness and dependency.
Finally he found the man, the man who he so desired to see, for the reason was still unclear but Tharoth could sense a that this ones fate was undetermined. Continuing to walk slowly up towards the man, Tharoth tried to mingle unnoticed in amongst the crowd of people that made their ways to what ever destination they needed, this was harder than expected as the people tried not to cross paths with this dirty, disgusting spectre of death.
Elusively, Tharoth positioned himself next to a tree, with both hands on his scythe propelling himself upward, Tharoth inspected the man, noticing that he was engaged in conversation with one of the ape-like Jamoura.
The wind began to blow, causing ripples in the filthy material that made up Tharoth's robe, the hood of his robe just covered his evil eyes as he starred menacingly, his beard and hair, clattered like a wind chime of pain as the tiny bones and skulls collided against one another, he smiled once again showing off his rotting teeth.
He decided what his purpose was to be made of this man and if fate decided it, his newly aquired Jamoura friend.
The disturbing gaze of death its self, continued to watch. Ever scheming, ever plotting. |