by Alea Davenport on October 31st, 2011, 10:16 pm
Alea looked from the bear cub to the guard and back again, several times. Was this supposed to be the "bear who knew everything"? The guard didn't look like a bear. On the other hand, maybe this was someone who could help her. At the very least, maybe they could understand each other. "Can you help me? You see, I've just arrived here and I don't really know where to go or what i should be doing -" She broke off quickly, realizing that this person might not speak Denvali either. She tried again in Common. She struggled to remember the right words, and spoke as if from a script, but with her eyes closed tightly as she concentrated. "Excuse me, can you help? I am newly arrived here." She looked between the bear and guard again, waiting for one of them to respond.