[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 14th, 2011, 3:28 pm

My mum treated me to it! The last time I home-dyed my hair red it was super bright, and then for some reason went purple after about a week!

It's not that bright now, it's a really dark red.
Because it's not a nice picture...
...it's under here :
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Paragon on December 14th, 2011, 3:40 pm

Not a nice picture...? You look lovely! I love the shade of the hair (but then I always love red hair), I'm just jealous because being a male my hair would look a little weird that shade LOL.
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Kendall Saarinen on December 14th, 2011, 3:42 pm

Emma! It looks so great. Totally not a bad picture :D

And congrats on 100+ posts in your scrappie! Medal time!
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 14th, 2011, 3:56 pm

Aha well thanks you two!
I always loved red hair too, which is why I decided to get it (:
I was red a while back (professional dyed, not the failed one that I did!) and then I went on holiday. The sun faded it to ginger haha!
Anyway, I love the colour :D

And Paragon, I've seen guys with hair redder than that! One of my closest friends dyed their hair bright red for a dare and it actually looked so good he kept it (:

I'm all excited now because I have a shiny new medal. I totally didn't realise my scrapbook had been used that much!
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 14th, 2011, 11:24 pm

My sister just sent me something I found quite interesting (and amusing).
It's a picture that shows the statistical differences between "cat people" and "dog people".
It's a really long image, so I shall link it here (:

So... are you a cat person or a dog person?
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Bolden Denusk on December 15th, 2011, 12:18 am

<3 it! I'm a dog and cat person and that chart is scary accurate.
By the way, your hair is sooo posh looking! Mine's only orangey/light brownish colored.
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 15th, 2011, 1:01 pm

We finally got the Christmas tree up! We’re going to get some mini crackers and some candy canes for it at somepoint too. Sadly it’s not a real tree since our cat will try and eat it and drink the water it stands in, and apparently they’re poisonous to cats. No idea if it’s true, but better to be safe (:

In other news, my parents are planning a New Years skiing trip. I’m actually really nervous about it. Don’t get me wrong, I love skiing. We’ve been every year for the past 4 years. It’s just last time I went I almost killed myself (by accident - I’ll shove the story under a spoiler if you’re interested). But I do love Switzerland...

Story-time :
Okay so, skiing last year...
Basically, on the second day (of a two week holiday), I was up the top of the mountain with my dad and we were going to ski all the way to the bottom. We were told that it was an unusually icy year, so we had to be careful. Thing is, when you’re moving at speed it’s kind of difficult to differentiate ice from snow.
We got to a particularly steep bit where you have to zig-zag a lot otherwise it all goes wrong. Lucky me, I hit some ice. I was going pretty fast anyways, since it was so steep, and the ice just sped me up even more. Because it’s impossible to grip on ice, I couldn’t turn. I have no idea what actually happened next, because it’s blank in my memory. All I remember is bright white. Apparently I flipped over the front of my skis three or so times, going downhill.

The next thing I actually remember is lying on my left side with my dad knelt in front of me. I remember that I couldn’t move or even feel my right arm and leg and I freaked out. Anyways, feeling came back and luckily there was a little cafe right near us. I had 2 choices; air ambulance or skis.
After maybe 15 minutes I could walk around quite easily with no pain at all anywhere. So I skied the rest of the way back. It took about 2 hours and that was at a normal pace. The next morning my mother insisted I go to the doctor to double check because my knee was a tiny bit stiff. So we walked 2 miles to town and I had an x-ray on my arm and leg.
I had a fractured knee and elbow. My knee was fractured in such a way that I had to have an operation the same day if I wanted normal use of it again.

So yeah. That’s that. I spent 2 weeks in hospital and then 2 months housebound and totally dependent on other people because I couldn’t walk.
On the upside, the accident and subsequent boredom from being home all the time led me to Miz. Yay (:

So yeah, from that ramble, hopefully you can see why I’m rather apprehensive about another holiday haha.

So if it goes ahead, I’ll be gone from the Wednesday after Christmas to about the second week of 2012.

And my sister sent me this yesterday. Not sure on the actual picture, but the text made me think.
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 22nd, 2011, 9:41 pm

Just a quick note to say sorry for delays in my posting.
My granddad was in hospital, but it's all good now. I'll get caught up with things tomorrow.
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 29th, 2011, 8:01 pm

Sorry for not being here for a while now.
I've been having a crappy time recently. It seems the universe is trying to end my year in the worst way possible.
Hopefully when I'm back at Uni in the new year I'll have the focus I need to get back in the swing of things. Until then I just don't have the concentration to sit down and write things out.
I'm sorry. But I will be back, I promise.
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Bolden Denusk on January 2nd, 2012, 8:17 pm

Thanks for letting us know hon
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