A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

Postby Rue on June 23rd, 2011, 10:45 pm

“Oh yes,” came Rue’s brisk reply as she patted Micah’s head softly. For as long as she could remember the pup had been an intense trouble maker. It seemed that wherever they went Ionu’s mischief and trickery plagued the girl in the form of that dog night and day. Of course Rue didn’t really worship any of the gods but she wasn’t disrespectful either. Grabbing hold of Pips neck she pulled him to a halt. The dog licked her cheek and went to sit by Renaria’s side. Rolling her eyes the Kelvic gave Micah a soft pat once more before looking to the other Kelvic.

Tilting her head softly she wondered what kind of Kelvic Renaria was. By the way Pip was acting it would seem she was a dog breed, but she didn’t look like it. Her build wasn’t that of a bulky dog, it was more slender. A cat would be out of the question unless Pip really was stupid. This wouldn’t be stretching it too far in Rue’s mind. Perhaps a fox? None of the immediate predators came to mind at least none that Pip would be comfortable around. A quick thought came to mind. If Renaria had a pet then perhaps that could lead to some insight, since Rue felt awkward about approaching the subject of race.

“May I ask if you have a pet?”
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A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

Postby Renaria on June 28th, 2011, 7:56 pm

A single eyebrow raised at the teller's answer. Her gaze flicked back to the excited dog, following his movements. She wondered if there was any part of it's mind that was telling it to take caution, but watching its face, she doubted it. Perhaps he was just used to the Kelvic race? Renaria had no doubt in her mind that the girl was one too.

She looked back up at the young teller and the pair seemed to be scrutinizing each other with similar looks. The girl was small, so she was either very young or she shifted into something small. Renaria suddenly hoped she wasn't a prey species. She blinked and refocused her attention as words registered in her mind.

"A pet? Oh no. Other animals don't really like me that much." She glanced at the dog calmly seated next to her. "Well... usually."
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A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

Postby Rue on July 2nd, 2011, 5:13 am

“Oh,” Rue uttered in return. Her reply had given her little insight on the question burning dully in her mind. What could she be? There seemed to be little harm in asking, yet the question was dry on her lips. She searched for the answer in Pips eyes. In turn the dog wagged his tail happily, foolishly unaware of his owners confliction. Renaria had given her no trouble so far, but if other creatures did not like her, what was to say that she would not like her as well? Could she be some type of fearsome beast that no animal, save Pip, would go near?

Rue’s breath hitched in her throat. What if there really was something to fear, something that she had been so naïve as to not notice? Stress began to course it’s way through her and her fight or flight instincts started to kick in. In her haste of an adrenaline rush she stuttered out,
“W-what kind of p-predator are y-you?”
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A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

Postby Renaria on August 1st, 2011, 7:37 am

Renaria studied the girl with curiosity. Her expression was hard to read. It seemed as though she was confused about something. Renaria herself was smiling brightly, happy for the company, and amused by the girls funny little dog.

She heard the tellers breathing falter for a minute, and she looked up sharply. Her eyes were different, they seemed suddenly afraid. Was there something behind Renaria? No, she would have felt it. Then what?

“W-what kind of p-predator are y-you?”
Ah. Renaria paused before she answered. "I uh... I'm a cat. A snow leopard..." Her expression was calm, but her eyes held the slightest hint of worry. Was the girl going to run? She hoped not. "Please, I can see you're scared. But I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." She flicked her gaze to the dog still seated next to her, and gently rubbed it's chin.

Please accept my huge apologies for such a late post. I've been insanely busy both ic and irl since I got back from my holiday!

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A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

Postby Rue on August 6th, 2011, 8:31 pm

Pip really was stupid. If Renaria was a cat, a snow leopard even, then why on earth would the dog go near her? It didn’t even seem plausible in Rue’s mind, yet here she was, Pip relaxing next to his master’s natural terror like they were good friends. It angered the girl slightly, but her attention shifted to Micah, the dog was sitting comfortably, tongue lolling about, oblivious to his owners distress. Neither of them had been any help in warning her of danger.

Renaria promised her no trouble, which was believable as she hadn’t done anything that should cause worry yet. Rue relaxed once more, though she could feel the anxiety still coursing through her veins.

“I’m a bird, a Finch.” She stated. Pip gave a soft bark at his owner in a chiding manner as if confirm that her fear was irrational at the moment.

oocOh don't worry about it. :)
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A Game of Cat and Bird? (Ren)

Postby Cheshire on January 3rd, 2012, 6:14 am


Character: Rue
Experience: Observation +2, Fortune Telling +2, Meditation +1, Interrogation +1
Lore: Tarot Cards and their Meanings,

Character: Renaria
Experience: Observation +2, Interrogation +2
Lore: Tarot Cards and their Meanings,

Additional Note: I graded on the off chance these characters would return. Great thread you too! PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
When I was just a kitten,
They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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