Timestamp: 78th of Summer, 507 AV
Carsten was heading back to the Librum, after spending the night drinking with Diego on his ship. He had acquired a half-filled keg with ale from his return from Syliras, and together with his First Mate, Flamingo, they had emptied it. Carsten drank less than both of them, he had never quite fancied ale, but he knew how to be polite, and had drunk enough to feel dizzy as he walked back. The dock was dark, and the only other people were other drunken sailors. His walk was steadier than all of them, and the sound of his leather boots against the wet and dirty wooden planks was almost soothing.
Then he heard a cough to his left, against a small building squeezed between two larger. “I remember you…,” he said, and Carsten stopped and turned. A man was sitting up against the small building, his head was too small for his very large body, and his voice was raw but soft. In his right hand, he had a small waterskin, but Carsten doubted it contained water. He did not have a left arm. “I remember you, from last year. From my tournament.” He rasped, and his eyes were alight, as if remembering everything. Then Carsten remembered. “First Mate Enar… What happened?” he said, but Enar seemed almost taken aback by the cold, gruffness of his voice. He looked pathetic, his face was dirty and his clothing was even dirtier. He took another swing of the waterskin, some ale was running down his face, cleaning away some dirt, revealing in the moonlight his tan skin. “After my tournament… The captain was not happy. We were in fights all the time after we set out, often publicly on the deck.” He sounded sad, as if he was hiding something, something that he could have avoided. “One day, he decides to cut off my arm. I don’t know why, no one knows why. The crew rose up, threw the captain and his supporters overboard. But it was too late for my arm.” He said even sadder.
Carsten was thinking over the story, but he did not know what to say. “I am sorry.” Was all he could think of. “Don’t be!” Enar said and waved his arm. “It is not your fault that I can no longer sail. That I have nothing to live for.” He said, and a sob escaped him and he took another swing of the wineskin. Then he simply dropped it, and got up. He went up to Carsten, and looked him straight in the eyes. His breath confirmed Carsten’s suspicions that it was not water in the waterskin, but he only focused on his eyes. He saw that he was not as broken as he appeared, pride and strength were still in those eyes. “You are a duelist. Let us fight once more, to the death. Don’t let me die in the gutter like this!” he said, his entire body told Carsten he was serious. “That would be murder.” He said, trying to calm Enar down while attempting to think clearly, which was difficult while intoxicated. Enar said nothing, but only looked at Carsten, pleading with him. “But I may have an idea.” He said, and walked back towards Diego’s ship.