Happy Birthday, Colombina!

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Happy Birthday, Colombina!

Postby Nickorius on April 2nd, 2010, 4:42 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <--- mine's in caps which means I'm the happiest for you and thus your favorite :D
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Happy Birthday, Colombina!

Postby Charon on April 2nd, 2010, 8:19 pm

I hope you have an absolutely awesome birthday for an absolutely awesome girl! Have a great one H!!
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Happy Birthday, Colombina!

Postby Colombina on April 10th, 2010, 6:20 pm

HEY! How cool is this?! I got a birthday thread, full of all my favorite people.

If you aren't in here, you have failed me for the last time.

Thanks for the cakes Goss and Cay, and the walrus from Lim, and the "interesting" article from my Mija. You guys know what I like: weird or pretty things.

All the lovely birthday wishes made my day, you guys are rad.

So here's love to my homeboy Sam, Jenalicious, My fave Dego luv, Goatlady, Mija, Most Excellent Malia, beautiful Kammy, Mishy <3 my girl, the gentleman Sorian, St. Nick, and Ferryman. You do me proud.
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Happy Birthday, Colombina!

Postby Jaeden Kincade on April 10th, 2010, 6:40 pm

Happy Birthday Bina.

Go out, cut loose, have a good time. Your birthday only comes once a year after all.

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Happy Birthday, Colombina!

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 10th, 2010, 7:52 pm

I have failed! *is contrite*

Happy Birthday H, I got you a present.

Present! :

It isn't a lightbulb.
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Happy Birthday, Colombina!

Postby Satu on April 10th, 2010, 8:06 pm

So.... if I failed you for the last time, but it is also the first time I've failed you... do they cancel each other out and now I am just awesome by wishing you a VERY HAPPY, SPARKELY BIRTHDAY?

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and the ever lovely and helpful Hex for putting it all together!
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