Pretty in Pink (Cara)

Krivak Meets a Vicious Group of Foes He Can't Defeat

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Pretty in Pink (Cara)

Postby Krivak on January 7th, 2012, 6:56 pm

Krivak settled into his stall, his head near his trough, he was ready to have all of the blasted ribbons out of his fur. He watched as the female emptied his old water out. The water swirled away. He turned his head away and watched the female at work. He mooed in appreciation at her. Then he heard a loud splash from his trough. He looked back, slightly bewildered. There was fresh water in his trough. But the woman hadn't put it there. He looked around, searching for any other source. He saw no other people, nothing that led water to his trough.

He looked down at the water skeptically. It looked like any other water. Nothing seemed strange about it, and he was sure the woman wouldn't do anything to hurt him. He warily lapped up a mouthful of water. It tasted different than normal. Not bad, just different. He continued lapping up the mysterious water, while the female began brushing his coat once more. She removed several more of the bows much to Krivak's delight.

When he finished drinking the water, he shook his head vigorously to shake the water from his chin hairs. The shaking had caused Allana's bracer, that always hung from his neck, to swing up and clang off of one of his massive horns. He wasn't worried about damaging the horn, nor the bracer. Both were stronger than they appeared. His stomach rumbled now, and he hoped the female would have some tasty treats. Too bad he couldn't tell her that he loved fruit.
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Pretty in Pink (Cara)

Postby Cara on January 8th, 2012, 6:48 pm

Cara pushed the brush against Krivak's fur over and over. Forcing the knots out as she drew it down the soft fur, and then pulled her hand away, only to start back at the beginning. "See this isn't so bad," Cara whispered, as she moved onto another bow. Unraveling it slowly before placing it in her pocket with the others. Before moving onto the next section of fur which rested underneath. "Look at all the good that came of this. You got some nice, fresh water. Your coat is going to look better than ever, you're going to get a treat," Cara smiled. "Look at all the care you're receiving, you spoiled thing you," Cara chuckled as she tore away at Krivak's fur, releasing the knots before they so much as had a chance to scream in protest.

Swiftly, Cara moved onto the next area, untying the bow, working away the knots, before moving onwards. Over and over again, until nothing was left. Smiling, she circled the yak, checking to make sure everything was gone, and everything looked fresh and neat. "There," Cara commented as her eyes sparkled a deep violet, "they're all gone, and your coat is nicely brushed," her smile widened as she put the brush away and gave the yak's flank a few soft pats. "Now how about that treat? Why don't we see what we can dig up in this old place, before we go extract our revenge, shall we?" Cara asked. She raised a single brow, as though awaiting an answer from the yak. Waiting, staying silent for a moment.

"You just wait right here, and I'll be right back," Cara commented as she strode out of the stall and into the central walkway. She moved down its length, to the right of the yak's stall, until she came to the end of the road. There was a bin there, situated next to bale upon bale of hay. Inside the bin were a number of different types of fruit, largely imported from the outside world. There were a few grapes, apples, pears, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis and more. Shrugging, and thinking that the yak would appreciate an apple as much as anything else, Cara pulled a shiny red one from the top of the bin.

With a small smile spread across her lips, Cara made her way back to Krivak's stall, and held the apple out to him. Placing it just below his lips. "As promised, a treat for having been put through so much," Cara whispered, her eyes sparkling. "Eat up, for there is much to do in preparation. Many deer to mark before we deliver them to Daluna."
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Pretty in Pink (Cara)

Postby Krivak on January 8th, 2012, 11:46 pm

Krivak cooed and mooed as the kind female finished working him over. He'd never tire of being pampered like this, it had been far too long. Now that he thought about it, it had never occurred prior to his freedom. This city wasn't so bad. He wondered if he could build a strong herd. Maybe, if he could find the right cow. Some of the local muskox had some decently strong looking cows. But none had met the same standards that Allana had created way back when. It saddened him to think that his lineage could possibly die off with him.

The woman's voice pulled him out of his funk and then he saw her walking away. He mooed after her sadly, not wanting her to leave. She continued to walk on, and he let loose a mournful moo. And much to his delight, she returned. She placed her hand in front of his mouth, and sitting upon it was a shiny, red apple.

The kind female had returned, and with an amazing treat. He looked from the apple and up to her eyes. He saw that they were a deep and sparkling purple now. He always loved the locals' eye trick, and found hers quite beautiful. He stared up at it for what felt like a long moment, wondering if she would ever see him for what he truly was. He then licked her once upon the cheek, and grasped the apple between his teeth. He chewed it up slowly, savoring the juices, and tucked his head in her arm pit. She was a very kind person, by far the kindest he'd met since he'd arrived.
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Pretty in Pink (Cara)

Postby Cheshire on February 10th, 2012, 3:36 am


Character: Krivak
Experience: Observation +2, Investigation +1, Intimidation +2, Running +1
Lore: Musk Ox Mating Seasons

Character: Cara
Experience: Animal Husbandry +3, Bodybuilding +1, Grooming +3, Reimancy +3, Observation +2

Additional Note: I loved this thread. Fantastic job! PM me with concerns.
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