Ok...quizzy question things, lets see.
1. Name - or what you'd like to be called!
Chris works.
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
When I think...at least 10 years (scary...thats nearly half my life, not quite, but nearly). Variously PBP boards, MMORPG's with roleplay guilds but mainly PBP's including Star Trek, Sci-Fi and lots of Fantasy. Most people here will probably know who I am anyhow.
3. How did you find us?
Goss, Nikki and a battalion of others poked me and said 'this exists and is cool!' Which I totally agreed with when I got time to read stuff then got dragged off by real life. But i'm back now and have time to actually read in more detail and do stuff.
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite?
Definitely PBP, simply because of the depth of the interactions and the surprises that can come out. Is it a no-no to say I dislike D20? Sorry...can't stand the over reliance on dice to decide whether i'm able to knock a table over. I probably just played with the wrong crowd heh.
5. What do you like to write about - not write about?
Philosophizing. (Is that a word?) I love conflicts and what they do to characters, be that the result of physical conflict, political or the use of magic and social conflict, I love working out the reactions of characters and playing through the emotions involved.
Pointless socializing is beginning to wear me thin...if there isn't a goal somewhere or a conflict to be played through between characters I get dangerously bored with 'hello my name is xyz tell me about yourself'. But I'm trying to work around that!
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
All the cool stuff and cool people. Nice magic system, nice clean easy to understand history and lots of interesting races, so much to explore and it seems like there is a rich mythology under it all to go investigate.
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
Hmmm. Actually I do have something to put here. I found it quite hard once i'd passed through the Intro pages and the initial map to get a view of the 'style' of each of the main...what would you call them? Kingdoms? Areas? I know overviews exist but they seemed buried away a bit.
Also some history on how they were generated from the initial countries AV would be nice... dunno if there is an article on this? Just would knit together then -> now for me.
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience?
No limits I suppose. Let a person go out and explore and take themselves where the character wishes to go and learn about all kinds of things that haven't existed before...and to do this with many wonderful people who want the same thing and love writing (Which I know all here do so I have no doubt it'll be great).
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
C.F. My above point on history and continuity. In addition i'm more than willing to help eek out the missing bits on magic, I appreciate everything is in production.
Also, I may just not have found the right article yet but maybe more general details on religion and the gods? Where did they come from, why do they walk around etc? I'm suspecting I just haven't found this yet so please ignore it if i'm missing an article somewhere. Also how worship works etc etc.
I have found the general religion article but i'm curious for more details, especially the stuff that would be common knowledge such as worship and similar. No rush though!
10. Anything else you want to talk about?
Nope, just great to find somewhere new to explore and i'm looking forward to it.