Time Stamp :: 2nd of Spring 495BV The watchtower just marked the changing of the seasons just a couple of days ago, so the snow on the ground in the chill in the air was still there. It wasn’t unremarkable really. It’s not like Corpus could change the immediate surrounding areas from cold and white to warm and green. What he could change is his location. From outside to inside! And that is what the four year old did. Shivering as he stepped into his uncle’s residence he pushed the door shut just as his sole-provider and care-giver’s voice called from down the hall, “Corpus, in here!” Uncle Marthos was all about the lessons today it seemed. “Coming uncle.” The young child managed to squeak in response as he shrugged off his outerwear and hung it close to the fire to get warm. Warmth and a good lesson it would appear. Making his way down the hallway Corpus could feel the hair on his neck standing up on end, It was a rather odd sensation, and not one Corpus was truly accustomed too, even though in this household he should’ve been. Pausing for a few minutes outside of a door, the sensation being the strongest here, Corpus knocked softly before opening the door and coming in. It wasn’t what Corpus expected to see, but it wasn’t entirely outlandish. It was a lesson alright. Standing before Corpus was his uncle Marthos Aeternum, a small table to his uncle’s right which had a simple ring roughly the size of a tea saucer placed there. The ring was made of a metal of sorts with small “This is a small ring my dear nephew. As you can see, there are two “Today you will be learning how to charge a portal. I have already placed chargers into the ring and started the charged process. You will finish it.” It wasn’t the words now that caught Corpus’s attention, but the small ornate dagger his uncle produced from within his robes. “In order to charge a ring with your djed young Corpus, you have to first give the portal a glimpse of your djed, a taste if you will.” Holding out the dagger’s hilt towards Corpus Marthos smiled, almost as if he was remembering his first time. “Don’t be afraid, you won’t feel a thing. I assure you that.” Corpus gulped and nodded, his uncle was his sole-provider and guardian, his uncle would never seek to hurt him… Would he? No, no. He wouldn’t dare! With a hestitate hand Corpus wrapped his hand around the hilt and relieved his uncle from it’s weight. A sturdy and slightly heavy knife Corpus hefted it’s weight and looked upon his uncle for further instructions. “Now what uncle?” It was a question any skeptical child would ask, but it wasn’t the way a child would ask it. Oh no, Corpus Aeternum asked it in a fashion that was determined to learn the trade of Alchemy. “Now you prick yourself young Corpus. Upon the finger.” With those words pouring from Martho’s lips the young boy raised a finger to the razor sharp tip and hovered over it. “Come now Corpus, it will only hurt a second. I promise.” Corpus gulped once more, sweat appearing at his brow, the hand holding the dagger turning a vivid white at the knuckles. Corpus squeezed his eyes shut and pressed the finger tip down against the blade’s tip. There was a small prick and his uncle’s hand pulling the finger away from the dagger. “Very good Corpus, now… Place the finger against Once the finger was in place Corpus’ uncle removed his hand from the boy’s and murmured into the boy’s ear to concentrate on the flow of djed into the charger. This didn’t happen though, the poor child could only concentrate on the possibility of conjuring something horrid, the flow of djed didn’t occur. The ring didn’t sputter or spit any djed sparks, nor did it glow. Instead, it sat there, on the stand. “Pathetic Corpus, I know you can do better.” OOC: Editted parts to allow for corrections, as allowed by Fallacy. |