Horse Play (closed)

Banir decides to visit the stables, and perhaps a friend

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Horse Play (open)

Postby Alea Davenport on January 13th, 2012, 2:52 am

Alea was relieved that Zygaud had appeared. Now that the horse was calm, she could deal with the situation more appropriately. The first thing she did was take of one of the two wool cloaks she wore and wrapped it around the naked Kelvic girl. "Please borrow this for a while. You... my friend is not used to seeing unclothed Kelvics." She had released the mare, trusting to calm the animals while she tended to the more sentient creatures.

She moved in front of the traumatized-looking Banir and made sure she was in his field of vision before laying a hand on his shoulder in what she hoped would be a comforting gesture. "It's all right, you can look now. This woman is a Kelvic, and not yet used to a human sense of modesty, but she is no-longer naked."

Suddenly, the words the Kelvic girl had spoken caught up with Alea's brain, and she felt compelled to protect the safety of the horses in her care and all animals in Avanthal. Leaving Banir's side for the moment, she turned back to the Kelvic girl and said sternly, "I would advise against eating anything in this town without first making sure that you are permitted to do so. Any living creature is under someone's care, and killing them will not be tolerated. The city works by different rules than you may be used to in the wild."

Having dealt with the most immediate concerns, Alea's mind fell to the task of what do do with the horses. She regretfully admitted to herself that trying to lighten her workload by taking too many horses out at once had probably not been the best plan. And there was probably something mildly unethical about leaving horses in the care of those who had not been hired by Frostfawn. With a resigned sigh, she led the mare back to her stall, and then started to put Firefly back as well. That was when she noticed...

"Banir, where is the colt I left with you?"
Last edited by Alea Davenport on January 14th, 2012, 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Blizzard on January 13th, 2012, 3:05 am

Blizzard smiled "I know I was just playing." She greatfully accepted the towel then apligized "Sorry. Didn't mean to. Would it be better if I morphed back?" She looked at the ape looking being and smiled in a greeting.

She heard the lady tell her this but she sighed "I know, I was just kidding around. It's fun to kid with the people around here. They always take it so literally though but I guess if your a natural predator, its hard to kid around." She smiled.

She noticed the ladies concern for the colt "I could help you look. And even round him up if I need to."
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on January 13th, 2012, 4:29 am

Sitting there in a pause as his thoughts slowly began to catch up with him. A downfall of Banir is that he took his sweet time when it came to thinking and speaking. 'Colt? What does that word mean? Oh wait it must be the young horse. What happened to it? Lets see I heard the noise turned, ran and,left, it.' Cold sweat quickly began to claim him as he felt Alea's stare upon him. Of what he knew about Alea she had a tendency to act irrationally. Even if he explained his reasons for his sudden abandonment of the horse. Most likely do something to his dismay.

With that thought in mind he quickly hurried out of the stable in search of the young colt. He knew it would have been smarter to ask for help. But his hood protected against cold and people seeing his face. Not against the consistent onslaught of words that spew from Alea's mouth like a never ending flood when she was upset. These thoughts made his feet hasten even quicker to his last known location of the colt.

In a panic Banir began to look around frantically to see the colt completely absent. Looking to the ground he spotted tracks in the snow. He wasn't intelligent, or even a hunter, but it didn't take a genius to follow foot prints in the snow. With his head looking directly at the foot prints he began to follow. Relentless in his pursuit he knew he had to find it. It was either get worn out or listen to Alea scold him, and undoubtedly watch as his ears fell off.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Zygaud on January 13th, 2012, 5:14 am

Bringing a large hand to his equally large head, Zygaud gave himself a slow scratch as he watched Banir run haphazardly from the stables. "Erm... perhaps we should pursue. I will leave Firefly here, this seems a safe place" he mumbled hastily in the general direction of Alea. Reaching back with the hand that contained his traveling staff, he hooked it into a series of loops upon his backpack and crouched down on all fours. For a moment he sat still in that position, chanting softly and gathering the Djed from within him to channel it into his legs as steadily as he could without putting himself in TOO much risk.

With a surprising burst that sent a rumbling through the ground beneath him, the gargantuan Jamoura took off after the Vantha/Isur hybrid known as Banir. Utilizing his limited Flux prowess to enhance his ability to move as he did so. With the added dexterity of his legs, and the power of his arms, he began to slowly catch up with his new acquaintance. Each leap that he took forward was something of a strain due to the Djed coursing through his legs, and he knew without a doubt that they wouldn't be feeling very pleasant in the morning. He prayed that the colt hadn't gotten too far, having seen the build and size of the thing he didn't think it could be THAT fast...

He'd shortly caught up with Banir, giving him a curt nod as he ran alongside. Zygaud slowly adjusted the output of energy to his legs now that he wasn't trying to catch Banir specifically, lessening the strain just a bit as his pace was slowed slightly. A thought crossed his mind as they tracked down the colt... his magic, he hoped that those present hadn't noticed it. He wasn't sure how they would react to the knowledge of his powers. "I should be able to calm it down and coax it back once we get close enough, but if it startles we'll need to surround it. If we're lucky, Alea and that Kelvic will show up to provide some assistance. Oh, and... it's nice to meet you," Zygaud spoke hastily to Banir as they ran, his already deep voice being even lower due to the strain of focusing his magic whilst running.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Blizzard on January 13th, 2012, 1:07 pm

Blizzard watched the big ape like Jamoura named Zygaud stratch his head. Soon fter he'd ran off following the guy that thought he could actually catch a crazy colt. She shook her head then sighed and looked at the girl. "I'll go help. I doubt they can run the speed of that colt. The youngest ones are the hardest to catch because they think it's fun. And I doubt they would run about 45 miles an hour so feel free to join or watch I suppose."

With that, she morphed back into a snow leopard and dropped to all four growling which stirred the horses up a bit. She roared, then like a flash of energy she was gone. Out the stable door she followed the scent of horse and soon saw the two chasing the tracks. She ran faster and caught up with the two, she growled letting them know it was her. She ran faster takinng the lead using scent to track the horse.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Alea Davenport on January 14th, 2012, 3:36 am

A look of horror crossed Alea's face, and a second too late she shouted, "No, stop!" A predator like the leopard would only frighten the colt and cause him to either run faster or die of panic. Unfortunately, the Kelvic was long out of earshot by that point. She was tempted for a moment to run after them, but she was by far the slowest of the group. Besides, she was still holding Firefly's reins...

Then she realized her only possible course of action. Firefly has been tense in the presence of the Kelvic, but she was a sensible horse and had stood her ground even when the leopard roared. Knowing she didn't have a moment to spare, she saddled the placid mare more quickly than she ever had before. A few chimes later, she had mounted and was trotting after the rest of the group. She could not help but notice how much easier to handle Firefly was than her own Gilding. Firefly inspired enough confidence in Alea that she decided to urge the horse into a canter, something she'd never successfully done before without being sent headfirst into a snowdrift.

She soon caught up to Zygaud and Banir, though the Kelvic was nowhere in sight. That did not bode well. She pulled on the reins, bringing Firefly to a halt next to the boys. She marveled once again at how readily the mare responded to her instruction. But she had bigger things to worry about, like finding that colt before the Kelvic did something incredibly stupid. "Which way did that petching cat go?" she demanded tersely.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Blizzard on January 14th, 2012, 4:10 am

(ive had permission to do this part right quick so I'm not getting out of order guys.)

Blizzard was running through the snow following the scent when she realized she left the others behind. She looked around, but she might could mpress Alea if she calmed the colt. She began walking but when she had her head down sniffing, she smelt something even better than the colt. My clothes! she cried out to her thoughts. Finally! I can morph now! She sniffed the ground smelling for her clothes.

With each step she got closer and closer and the scent grew stronger and stronger. She kept thinking to her self about her clothes. It was taking her down a winding path that flowed in and out of the trees. She smelt he =r clothes right on the jack pot. She dug under the large amounts of freshly fallen snow and finally in a little neat fold, were her hidden clothes. She hid them from any wanderers and did so good of a job, she had trouble finding them. She unfolded them and picked up her red flower hairpin with her furry paws.

she sighed then morphed into her human form. She shivered from the sudden burst of cool air. She put her mid length white dress on. It frilled at the bottom and was flowy made out of polyesther, cotton, and silk making it extremely soft. She used her hand to pull a large strand of her hair back and used the red flower hair pin to pin it in place. She smiled then looked around looking for the others.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Yuros on January 14th, 2012, 8:19 am

OOCHello! Your favorite Dire Stag jumping into the mix! Lets see where things take us ;)

Though the wind chill was cold enough to freeze the blood in his veins, Yuros still walked the city streets without the protection of his cloak. Shaking his head, Yuros smiled, The Huntress shall not be pleased, but I cannot always walk about with the fur of another on my back. The Kelvic brushed a hand through is red speckled hair, casting his gaze up at the cold winter sky. Even after so long in the company of the two legs, Yuros still did not completely understand why one would wish to wear another's skin over their own. Was it that they were truly ashamed of their form? Or perhaps they thought their own pelts were too thin to protect them from the harsh environment. Chuckling Yuros thought, Perhaps it is a bit of both. When my antlers are gone from me I too feel vulnerable to the elements, and my pelt has shielded my form from injury many a time.

The wind scorched the Kelvic's bare skin, burning like fire and sending shivers coursing through his toned muscles. Touching his scared shoulder, Yuros could not help but miss his fur at that moment. It was certainly convenient in this city were winters were so unforgiving.

Yuros smelt the colt a few chimes before he heard its galloping hooves, and so the Kelvic had just enough time to turn and see the horse bolt past him as if the fangs of the Hunter was on its tail. Blinking, Yuros was for a moment too stunned to act, but as the silly beast crashed into a man's cart of wares the Kelvic snapped back into reality.

What a ridiculous beast! Does it not have the sense to know it endangers the lives of all when it runs so freely within the walls of two legs? Yuros considered for a moment leaving the beast to its rampages, but then with a shake of his head he knew that Alea would disapprove, If I leave the creature to its own bidding he may very well end up a snack for one of the White Furred Watchers... With a sigh, Yuros set off at a trot after the beast, undoing his shoes and discarding his leggings as he did.

Free from the constraints of his shoes and leggings, Yuros ran after the silly horse, ignoring all stares that he might receive from those who saw the kelvic sprinting naked through the snow. Breathing in deeply, the Kelvic let his mind shift to its wilder side, and with it his body changed as well. In a flash of light the man was replaced by a stag of immense proportions, standing 7' tall at the shoulder and his antlers stretching another 7' from his regal head. Breathing out a stream of white, Yuros called out a cry filled with beastly passion and wild ferocity. It was the sound of a forest king letting all know that he was near.

As the colt rounded a corner Yuros lengthen his stride, the feeling of the wind in his fur setting his heart on fire with the sense of freedom that came with the pounding of his hooves on the ground. Another bellow echoed through the city as the Kelvic quickly gained ground on the horse, his longer strides making up for his late start. Soon he came abreast with the horse, and then passed him all together. Leaping high, Yuros landed heavily on his front hooves, scattering snow and stone as he whipped his great frame around to aim his intricate crown of ivory at the charging horse.

Startled, the beast reared and let out an ear splitting whiny, falling back on all fours and trotting in place. It made an attempt to escape down a back alley, but another powerful bellow stopped all movement from the creature. Straightening his neck Yuros stood tall over the horse, the light of the sun reflecting between his antlers gave the Stag's usual regal appearance that much more authority. Tossing his head the Kelvic bent down to look the beast in the eyes, blowing a stream of air in its face as he took in the creatures sent, and he was surprised to find a familiar one mingled with its own musk.

I smell... the Huntress... and the man of Rage and Fear... Raising his head Yuros sniffed the air, wondering if Alea was near. Grunting and tossing his head, the Kelvic looked down at the horse, who seemed to have calmed for the moment, and inspected the beast with a critical eye. With an inward sigh Yuros came to a decision, and with a few brief sounds instructed the horse to follow. Admittedly the Kelvic was not fluent in such a dull and barbaric language as the four legged back beast, but still... another creature of Hooves and Running could at least understand a simple command. Tapping his own hoof several times Yuros motioned with his head for the colt to follow him, certain that the lesser creature would.

Now heading back in the direction the colt had come, Yuros kept his nose in the air, trying to find any trace of Alea's sent. Following his nose the Kelvic continued down the street, hopefully running into the group before long.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on January 15th, 2012, 1:26 am

The weight of air tore at his lungs, his heavy foot falls smacking against the ground as he followed the tracks left by the colt. He was almost oblivious to Zygaud as he thundered beside him. Not liking introducing himself in such a way Banir simply nodded at his newest acquaintance. Passing by people and shops worry crept into his mind fearing the injury of a bystander. 'Faster you idiot faster!' a familiar voice shouted in his head. To the command of the voice the large man forced his limbs to move even faster despite their pained protest. Without a doubt this would end up hurting later but to avoid being yelled at it would be worth it.

As he bolted his way towards the colt he saw a few bits of clothes left in the street. Deciding to ignore what he had seen he moved onward. As he wove his way he saw a recognizable large furry hide. Though that was all he was able to see as he found himself quickly falling forward. His foot had caught on a rock while he was distracted. In his eyes the world turned to a blur then darkness as his face met the ground. There was a light crack when his face landed breaking through the snow to the hard ground he had been running on moments before. He hit the ground quite hard and even managed to skid forward a few inches before stopping.

His gruff voice began to groan in pain as he felt the heat of blood flow from his nose. It was most likely broken, or at least he thought it was from how much pain he felt. Slowly he began to stand up his scarf had been pulled down during the incident. His face was covered again when he put a hand over his mouth and nose. Holding his hand in place as though it could remove the pain he staggered a little.

Banir wasn't strangers with pain, the two have met numerous times in his past. But he still was thrown off his senses from the sudden impact on his face. Slowly as his mind began to collect its self he felt pain in his knees and his right arm. But then he saw the colt, the one he had lost. Taking a few hopeful steps forward he stumbled and ultimately had to sit down. His body had yet to react to the slow growing pain in his legs but he was tired. Slowly his mind began to wonder if he should take a quick nap.
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Horse Play (open)

Postby Zygaud on January 15th, 2012, 1:52 am

His breath coming in short gasps, Zygaud skidded to a stop beside the fallen Banir. It seemed that the hybrid had fallen down in just about the right place, as the colt and an unfamiliar creature stood not far from them. He approached the pair of hooved-animals rather cautiously, though both seemed relatively calm for the moment. After surveying the larger of the two creatures, the one with massive horns coming out of its head like a statue, he realized that it wasn't just a beast. There was a familiar intelligence in those eyes, another Kelvic? It seemed Avanthal had more in-common with the Spires than he'd previously realized. At least in that there were certainly plenty of Kelvics around the place.

Zygaud extended his hand to the stag in a peaceful gesture. "Greetings... I see you've found the adolescent horse that we were after. I hope it hasn't caused too much trouble," he spoke slowly, his rumbling voice calm and even. Hopefully the stag was an ally, he'd already exhausted a generous portion of his energies trying to keep up with the chase.
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