Hello! I'm none other than the great and fabled Velnerin! I have... wait. You haven't heard of me? I can tell by the confused look on your faces. Oh, what should I expect? I did just create this name. Silly me.
1. Well, you guys an' gals can call me one of three things I guess. Velnerin, my character I created for Mizahar; Matthew, which is my real name, or Captain Awesome.
2. I used to frequent a forum named Avariel.net, which was a PbP forum as well as this one, but I didn't have the internet for a while, and when I got it back the forum was gone. So, I went searching for another forum like Avariel, and I found this one. Which I think is better already because it all takes place in the same world, whereas in Avariel each thread was the thread-starters own world.
3. Well, fizzlesticks! I already answered that one.
4. Hmmm. All of 'em, really. Playing the always thinking and worrying wizard striving to learn more about his ancient techniques, playing a charismatic rogue who comes up with grand schemes, to the short tempered beserker who always gets into a large bar fight when entering a new town. I guess you could say that I go through moods.
5. I don't like writing about futuristic settings very much, but that's not to say that I haven't done it. I really enjoy writing about fantasy. A time when magic doesn't only exist, but rules supreme. Fey, giants, gods and mortals. I mean, what more could you want? Besides a dragon...
6. My favorite thing has defiantly got to be the history. This place already has a history, so it's going to be fun becoming part of it.
7. Some of the links don't work, at least for me. And the wiki article doesn't work for me. Other than that, nothing.
8. To become a part of this world, to make close friends and to forget the troubles in the real world. And I also need to become a better writer. I haven't written in a while, and I fear I've lost what skill I had gained in the past.
9. Nothing really. You peeps have done a real good job at detailing Mizahar.
10. I would like to talk about Repo Man: The Genetic Opera.