[flashback:Solo] Playing in the Sand

A four year old's day at the beach.

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

[flashback:Solo] Playing in the Sand

Postby Asada on December 24th, 2011, 9:49 pm

Sum 3, 492 av

Upon the shores of Mura , a four year old sat within the ruined embankments of a sand castle vigorously trying to push the wet soil back into a semblance of order with her small wooden shovel as tears trickled down her cheeks. As much as any konti girl liked the waters of the seas, the crashing of ocean waves against her creation was quickly becoming a source of stress for the little girl. Asada had spent an hour and a half, building the castle with a bucket her mother had provided, happily singing to herself all the while as she ventured to carry back and forth from the ocean the bucket for water to harden the sands.

Carrying the bucket had been hard for the little girl to manage, and Asada's mother had offered more then once offered to help her. But that politely offered assistance had indelicately refused with a staunch young girl's will of 'wanting to do things herself.'

Many trips had been necessary, and her little arms strained from the process, but soon enough Asada's sand castle had taken shape. Building its walls, and minarets, shaping windows with the edge of her shovel. All of it was time well spent imagining a bit of knights on horses coming and going from its gates on pressing matters as they ventured off to slay glassbeaks, and monsters.

Her mother asked if she wanted to go for a swim with, which had been answered by a definite "no" as she continued building her little world. The child's mind noticed little of things around her except for a promise to her mother not to swim until she got back. Blissfully forgetting the pasage of time, uncaring about the sand which got into her hair, the girl's imagination had let itself run wild.

Until the waves came in to ruin her fun!

Asada's meticulously constructed walls were falling now, and as much as she tried to stop it her efforts were for naught against laviku's swells! The sight of her castle being invaded by the watery murk of seaweed strands and a clamped shells of abelone's had been enough for a small frown to grace her features. But the final straw had been when a wave took her bucket from her out to sea even though she had her shovel still in hand.

It seemed that laviku was toying with her that day, as the bucket did not sink, but rather bobbed like a cork in the tide. Asada knew if she lost the bucket her mother would be furious... and worse she wouldn't be allowed back to the beach for weeks. But if she went out to swim for it, and was caught or got in trouble then her mother would be angry as well.

That was when the waterworks had started.

The four year old, Asada sniffled as she wiped tears off her cheeks as she wondered what to do...
Last edited by Asada on March 6th, 2012, 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[flashback:Solo] Playing in the Sand

Postby Asada on January 16th, 2012, 5:13 pm

Her lips puckered as she looked at her pail; just floating there off in the waters, tossed around by laviku's waves as it just taunted her. If she didn't get it back... if she didn't...

Her little hands would ball into fists as she gazed from the pail, to the beach, and then around to see if her mother was nearby. Then back to the pail again... it was mocking her.

This was so unfair! What could she do?

In minute fury she tossed the little shovel farther up the shore.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, her brow furrowed as a gleam of a decision came to her eyes. Closing her jaw firmly, she rushed into the waters, only to be thrown back by the waves and tossed on her bum. She choked a little, trying to breathe as her gills instinctively fluttered on her little neck,and her scales scintillated a purplish sheen as her frustration made itself known.

But that still didn't make the swallowing of water any less unpleaseant.

Growling in frustration she'd push herself to her feet just in time to have another wave toss her back down to the shellstrewn sands. As she sputtered, a sharp pain in her palms informer her she had cut herself, and now the saltwater tears fell for a different reason amidst the waves' fury.

But still, Asada was a fierce little creature, and though she wanted to cry out for her mama she screwed her face up in a pout and bit her lip so she wouldn't yell. She forced herself to her feet yet again and moved farther out as she braced herself for the next wave as she made her way towards her bucket. Unwilling to be flattened again, the little konti girl would hunker down and dive forwards; diving beneath the wave this time as the surf rolled over her, kicking her feet with all her might as the wave passed to propel herself forwards.

Her vision narrowed to the source of her ire; Asada could see it now, her bucket was in sight only ten feet away. Kicking hard, her journey was a little closer to completion as tiny little fingers, webs flared out as Asada swam, reached for the object. Closer... closer... how much farther did she have to go?

A wave rolled over top of her, pushing her back to the shore as laviku seemed to torment her.

She kicked harder.

Closer... Closer... an outstretched arm...

Tiny fingers would curl around the handle of her precious bucket as the little tyke turned back towards shore. Her eyes would widen in panic as she realized she had been pulled out farther then she had ever wanted to go, at least a good hundred feet from the shoreline. Still holding the bucket, she kicked for shore, only to experience the drag of water in her pail holding her back. The thing was becoming heavy, and she feared it would sink below the ocean, yet... yet ... she was getting weaker.

Struggling, Asada would feebly kick to shore as another wave tumbled over her , sending her spiraling beneath the waters edge. Sure... it was true a konti wouldn't drown, but farther out from the island in laviku's waters were things that would eat them! Still... a small shout of dismay was released underwater and she'd kick towards the surface, her limbs feeling leaden with fatigue as she tried to make it back towards shore. It may have only been five or so feet deep here, but to a four year old that was still a good many times her height.

Another wave would roll over her, slamming her painfully back down into the sands of the ocean floor as the tidal pull of the swells dragged her deeper into the oceans depths. She had been a fool to not realize where she was, she was drifting ever closer to a series of rock pools, and the waves might dash the little four year old against them. She'd let out an underwater scream again, closing her eyes as she was tossed by the sea's fury, it's deceptively calm waters of the surface nothing compared to the tidal pools near the shore line. A full grown man could have been swept away, and found themselve choking... what could a little girl do?

In fear, she still fought frantically to kick away, still holding onto her little pail as it drug her down to her fate... She would scream again and close her eyes as the rocks seemed to come for her, only to find herself wrapped in soft arms. Scared eyes would open to find herself enshrouded in floating white hair and she would feel the pressure as the arms of her mother would hold her tightly to her breast as K'lala kicked hard for both of them, taking them back to the shore. The little girl was shivering, when she was deposited upon the warm sands, her little pail was tossed down after.

There was nothing said between them; nothing which could be said as the child kept her eyes upon the sand and cried out her tears as her mother held her for a few moments until rearing back to slap her lightly across the face. Asada could feel her mother's anger at her, and K'lala's voice confirmed the child's woes as a brief, yet forceful touch would turn her all around as her mother sought to see if she was hurt. Forcefully large hands would turn her palms over and open her fingers probe the slight scrapes on her palms. Seeing only the scratches and bruises from the rough swells her mother would clutch her closely to her. Then the yelling began, "I told you not to go in the water without me! What were you thinking, Asada!?! You could have been hurt or worse!"

The chastising went on for quite awhile until Asada's crying faded to sniffles and little hands merely played with her mothers hair as she calmed herself. But then, after that time had passed, K'lala would pick her up and place her under a tree, telling her not to move as she was being put in the dreaded, and evil, 'Time Out.'
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[flashback:Solo] Playing in the Sand

Postby Asada on March 4th, 2012, 11:25 pm

Time outs weren't fun, no they weren't fun at all!

It wasn't fair!

Every time she tried to open her mouth to explain herself, all the young konti could do was cry. Indeed she did cry until her voice was hoarse, and her eyes felt puffy and awful. Eventually, her mother calmed down enough to let the poor girl sit beside her to take comfort in her presence. If perhaps Asada had been a little older perhaps she'd realize her mother's actions were spurned on by her fear for her child. But for now, all she could do was simper and cry and demand the comfort all children wished for as her mother stroked her hair back from her eyes and held her close.

Eventually, her mother forgave her as all mothers do and the little weepy tyke was sent to run and tumble on the beach after being given a stern lecture to stay out of the water for the rest of the day.

So little Asada spent the rest of her day like many other children did, tumbling and cartwheeling in the sounds, uncaring of how dirty she could really get, even if it made her dress and swim clothes filthy and caked with sandy grit.

A series of forward rolls brought her nose to face with the most peculiar and fascinating creatures. It was a hermit crab skittering on its legs towards a small pool of water, clacking its claws to make a stacatto sound of music just like a pair of clappers some of the women used while dancing. Laughing and giggling all the while the tiny tyke got up to spin around the wondrous little creature, making sure to keep her toes away from the crab's claws as she danced and clapped. Mimicking the animal's behavior much to her own amusement.

"Come here Asada, it's time to go home."

Giggling all the while little Asada ran to her mother's side, her harrowing day at the beach long forgotten by now. "Momma, Can we go to the kelp forest next time?"

"Of course dear. But next time you swim only with me. Alright?"

[b]"Yes momma." was the only reply as the two walked hand in hand back towards the isle, the little one singing all the way about the crab and impersonating its claws the entire way home before she got sent to the dreaded 'bath' and twice her mother had to chase after her when she tried to get away like a slippery fish. Finally, then came bed and a good night's rest in Nysel's embrace. Her little dreams filled with wondrous musings of being withing the waters and catching a fish with a pail as she built a castle filled with knights and horses no wave could tear down... just to prove it could be done.

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[flashback:Solo] Playing in the Sand

Postby Cachet on March 18th, 2012, 3:38 pm


Asada :

How to build a mediocre sand castle
Life is indeed unfair
Choosing the lesser of two evils

Conclusion: Such an adorable little Konti thread!

Anything seem out of place? Any questions please feel free to contact me ASAP.

Listen to the island
The waves and wind
That is the pulse
Note it, feel it
And become one with serenity

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