A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Aello meets Cade, the barbarian whilst out in the Wildlands.

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Aello on January 17th, 2012, 3:07 am

Winter 6, 511 AV
Location: Unknown

Aello sat on the cool, forest floor, in the lotus position. The previous day's frost melting beneath her warmth far more quickly than by the glimmering heat of the noon-time sun. The subtle caress of gold, which seemed to glide silently across her cheeks, causing the girl to smile weakly as she raised her right hand a little higher. Nestled into the gentle curve of her outstretched palm was a single, dark grey stone. Its edges far from smooth, and rather worn, from the many times it had been trampled, or perhaps brushed over by one's hand. It seemed to roll, and then come to a point, like a pyramid, or mountain with an over-sized base.

The stone felt rather cold against Aello's skin. Rather rough, in comparison to the smooth nature of her pale flesh. As her fingers curled, shaping her hand into a crescent, Aello could not help but smile, as she slowly, closed her eyes, holding them shut lightly.

As soon as they were shut, Aello took a deep breath in through the nose, and out through her mouth, before beginning her meditation. A meditation in which she imagined herself at the foot of a rocky mountain. Something similar to the Misty Peaks one found near Lhavit. She pictured the dark stone, following its length upwards with her eyes. Following the uneven terrain. The crags. The tufts of green as vegetation grew into the mountain's side. She imagined it winding upward, skyward, into a jagged, snowy peak. Into the clouds, which seemed to drip a silver mist. She imagined scaling the mountain, climbing to the top, standing on the tallest stone, and looking out at the world for a time. Enjoying a bird's eye view. Shimmering blue lakes and streams. The tops of trees, bushy green things, which appeared to be broccoli heads. Birds soaring over it all. Over her head, calling to each other, as the sun sprouted in the distance.

As Aello pictured all of this, what it would be like to breath in cold, thin air again. Misty air. What it would be like to listen to the birds, and have the wind toss her hair wildly about, she continued to breath, in through the nose, and out through the mouth, over and over again. She imagined that the rock she held in her hand was her mountain. The very thing she had climbed to the top of, and now needed to descend. She imagined then, herself exuding her djed. The light purple mist, which would cover the stone as though it were a veil. Obscuring its view.

Aello imagined the light purple mist trickling out of the center of her palm, winding around the lowest portion of the stone, until it curled around its edges. Hardening into a sort of sticky substance, or something akin to ice. She imagined it fanning out from the stone's underside, trickling upwards like a stream. In every direction, she imagined it climbing, much as she had scaled her meditative mountain. She imagined it moving, winding, higher and higher, until it reached the stone's peak, where it came to a rest for a time, before cascading back down the stone, like a waterfall. Circling the stone over and over again. Falling into the spaces which had been left uncovered before. Seeping into the dark flesh of the entity she wished to shield.

Aello pictured herself covering the stone in its entirety with her lavender colored djed. She imagined it sticking, sinking into the stone's surface. She imagined it blocking out all light. The warm embrace of the sun. She imagined her shield keeping every golden ray from penetrating the grey bed. Imagined a shield far stronger than those she had conjured only a few days before.

Finally, several chimes later, when Aello was as certain as she could ever be that she had covered the entirety of her stone with a shield, she slowly opened her eyes, and simply stared at it. She could see the stone shimmering, something it had not done before. She could sense that she had done her job, although, she had missed a portion of the stone. A winding river of dark grey. Sighing, Aello passed her left hand over the stone, several times over. Silently wishing the shield away, so she could start over, with a fresh canvas.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Cade on January 24th, 2012, 12:13 am

The berthian barbarian was making his second trip this season out into the wildlands, his mission to hunt innocent critters for their meat and hides. This time he decided to bring the mule and wagon with him for the last trip included a lot of hauling and dragging of venison through the snow that could be more easily accomplish by the mule. It was a slow go for the wretched beast, with Cade at the reigns but the barbarian was in no hurry for he enjoyed the peace and quiet of such a trip. A small break from the urban war zone of sunberth, the smell of the slag heap and the rest of the pleasantries the city had to offer. Then again, it was home.

Up ahead Cade noticed a slim creature of humanoid form....a lone. Either this was a highwayman looking to take what was his or this was just a lone traveler. Didn't much matter to Cade for he was probably just as worse as any vile creature of sunberth and has done about every inhumane acts one could imagine. So drawing his crossbow and taking aim upon the stranger was a no brainer for the half blood myrian as the mule drawn wagon marched forth. What held Cade from firing was his curiosity, for this creature could have "value" to the barbarian. His target from what he could tell had no other form of transport sides his or her own feet which really did not give Cade the advantage for this ugly beast of a mule could go no faster then a walk through the snow towing the wagon.

The stranger was in the distance and now it was his or hers turn. Quick glance the stranger would be able to tell the wagon's driver had a crossbow trained upon him but that would almost me normal formalities on this side of the world. "Your move" He whispered to himself, hoping the stranger would make a run for it.... target practice was always a moral boaster for the barbarian and sides, he liked the chase. The question was, who was the prey and who was the hunted?
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Aello on January 24th, 2012, 2:58 pm

As soon as her canvas had been stripped clean, Aello closed her eyes and resumed her deep breathing. In through the nose and out through the mouth; her chest rising and falling slowly but steadily, over and over again. Her breath escaping with a delicate sigh, into a cloud of silver smoke about her lips, which slowly dissipated into the clear, cool masses which surrounded it.

As she sat in silence, Aello concentrated on her rock. What it looked like. The shades of grey it encompassed. Its shape, how it rose into a point, like a mountain. She thought about which portions were flatter, and which were jagged. Which ends were sharp, and which ends rounded. As she took another deep breath, in through the nose, and out through the mouth, she imagined her djed trickling out of her skin. Winding upwards, sliding along the sides of her rock. Rivers flowing north, not south. She imagined it sinking into the curled edges of the rock. The small, carved out portions.

Aello imagined it filling the empty spaces. The deep spaces, as it flowed to its peak, and then cascaded back down. Over rough beds, and smooth. Over and over, winding itself around the rock as though it were a spider building a web. Covering every portion in a rather thin shield, designed to block out the light.

After a time of working on her shield in silence, trying to balance everything out. To shield in an even layer, Aello opened her eyes to find the stone shimmering again, causing her to believe she had done her job. Smiling, she passed her left hand over the rock again, slowly dragging her djed away. Wiping her canvas clean. Sighing when she had finished, she closed her eyes one last time, and resumed her breathing. This time, as she worked, she passed her left hand over the stone, imagining that her hand was the sun. Her djed its warm, golden-tinted rays, shining down on the world. Her earthen bed; her hand. She pictured it illuminating the side of the mountain. Resting on its windward side. Slowly bathing each inch of it in its light. After everything had been doused, Aello inched her hand upward, following the projection of the sun. Its flow from one end of the sky to the other.

As she moved along, Aello felt as though she could sense something in the stone. A sort of cool air, which sent a soft, tingling sensation through her flesh. She smiled as she concentrated, proud of herself, for she felt as though she were making progress, and getting better. As the next section of the rock found itself encased within one of Aello's shields, the girl moved on to another portion, only to find that something was disturbing her peace, her concentration.

Finding the interruption somewhat disturbing, Aello's brow furrowed as she tried to make out the sound. It was something akin to footsteps, but more of a clicking sound, as though the animal had hooves. Thinking it may be a deer, Aello shook her head lightly, and tried to draw herself back into her shielding work. But, something kept nagging her, begging her to pay the sound more attention; for if it were a deer, the steps would be softer. They wouldn't seem to make the ground tremble beneath their weight.

Confused, and perhaps a bit frightened by the noise, Aello found herself calling to another of her magical disciplines, forcing her auristics into play. Instantly, despite her having kept her eyes closed to the world, everything lit up in a wild display of vibrant color. Off in the distance, to her right, Aello could sense a number of things. An animal similar to a horse for one, the outline of his form glowing a bloody red. A large wagon, atop which a man seemed to ride. His aura also a deep red, but closer to the shade of a garnet than actual blood. As she listened, she thought she could hear the clash of metal, telling her that he was indeed, a fighter. One who knew the art of the blade, and also, lived by those who fought often. Yet, as she studied him, and his aura, the girl began to find things all the more peculiar, for trained on her was a weapon. A crossbow, similar to those some of the hunters back in Ravok would use when out in the forest.

Quickly realizing that she was in hostile territory, Aello took another deep cleansing breath as her concentration finally broke, and her left hand fell back to her side. Her shield instantly dissipating, as she finally opened her eyes. "I know you're there," Aello called. "And that you're carrying a crossbow. Although, if you really did mean to kill me, I don't think you'd be pointing it quite so high." Aello paused for a moment, taking the time to stare at the stone in her hand, and consider whether or not she should get on her feet to face Cade. After a time however, she decided it best to simply stay seated, the man being too foolish to know what he was doing with his bow, as far as she was concerned.

"I'm sitting down," Aello whispered, as she curled her fingers into her palm, and rolled the stone around a little. Letting it glide against her skin, and cool her flesh. Leave bits of sediment upon it. Grains of dirt. Such a shame he had to come and interrupt us, and our work, Aello thought, as she kept her magic trained on the stranger, on his weapon, which seemed to her, to come no closer to being correctly directed at her.

Sighing, Aello smiled silently to herself. Even if he lowers it a bit, it'll be too far to the left... I think, she thought, as she waited for the barbarian to make his move.

OOCAny reference to the mountain is the stone.

P.S. Aello never actually looks directly at Cade, she uses her magic to keep an eye on him for her.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Cade on February 2nd, 2012, 10:21 pm

The barbarian kept his gaze upon the upcoming stranger, the sights of his crossbow bearing down on the person and still no movement sides a light plump to the ground where the stranger sat.... calmly. Cade was awe stricken by the sight for he had been use to people fleeing or at least preparing for a fight. No, this person just sits down in total submission. "heh!" The savage grunted " This is going to be easier then I thought".

The wagon came to a full stop only a few feet from where the light framed stranger sat. Cade lowered the crossbow and placed it on the driver's seat while he dismounted from the old wagon, keeping his right hand close to the hilt of his sword. The stranger could be playing possum and the brute warrior was not about to take chances if he was the prey and not the hunted.

Stepping a few feet closer, the barbarian could see the feminine features and the curves of her body, even in her winter garb. The mere aspect that he was dealing with a woman exited the half blood savage with the thought of many illicit possibilities in mind. "Play nice woman and things won't need to get rough!" He warned with a wolfish grin upon his face. His left hand reached for the edges of her hood, drawing it back over her main of beautiful brown hair and giving Cade a better look at the prize before him. His sevfran blue eyes studied her structured cheekbones, her milk pale skin, chocolate brown eyes and soft lips making his heart thump hard against his rib cage as his blood boiled in lust for her.

"Now, you are a creature of beauty" The barbarian commented in a low tone of voice rich with the myrian accent. Now he was conflicted, such a creature of beauty did not need to be treated like any other whore and ravaged to his likings and tossed aside. He could try and woe her, who knows she might be attracted to such a man. If not, it would possibly pain the barbarian to have to mess up such a pretty face just to satisfy his needs. A phantom pain to his abdomen reminded him of those many years ago the first time he forced himself upon a girl did not end in the manner he desired. He still wore the scar upon his flesh but he was a man of prey and his animalistic needs always found the better of him.

Time to rest the waters,. Cade reached out as gently and as softly as he could, touching her cheek with the tips of his two fingers exciting himself at her soft skin. "Such beauty!" He commented once more trying to gain the girl's focus for he wanted swim in those deep brown eyes of hers, but her focus was else where that Cade could not see sides a silly stone.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Aello on February 3rd, 2012, 11:58 pm

Aello watched idly as the barbarian neared. A smile crossing her lips as she watched his aura sway. Confidence billowing out around him. Flaring like a fire. This is going to be fun, she thought, as she closed her hand around the stone. Letting its points sink into her skin, its cool nature keep her alert as the barbarian stepped down, and approached her. As he stopped in front of her and lifted her hood from her face, slowy forcing it onto her shoulders. Into a pool of fabric somewhat similar to a scarf. It wasn't until that moment, when the fabric fell, that Aello bothered to look up, into the barbarian's eyes. As she stared, there was a glimmer of recognition. A ripple, as lust came to the forefront of the man's aura. But, even if it hadn't shown up there, she could have seen it in his eyes, in the longing that lingered about the edges. The hunger.

Slowly, Aello's hand unfurled, and dipped forward. The rock tumbled onto the forest floor. Her hand trailed upwards, until it found Cade's hand. Until her fingers had woven through his. Her eyes sparkled as the rock's grit sank into his skin. As her smoother skin met with the sharp contrast of his own; callused and rough. "Thank you stranger," Aello whispered, her voice sounding both breathless, and far away. She leaned into his hand a little, before casting her gaze down towards them. Her eyelids falling to the middle of her whites, giving her a far shier appearance than she was letting on with the rest of her actions.

"Although, it is a bit forward of you to say," Aello whispered. "And not at all desired, especially when one knows what lingers within in the confines of your heart." As the words left her lips, Aello guided their hands over to Cade's chest, allowing them to settle upon his heart. Slowly, she pulled her fingers away, and returned her hand to her side. "Lust, but no love." Aello's eyes seemed to glimmer all the more as she spoke. "Only desire for things you could never have." Inwardly, the aurist chuckled to herself, she wondered how the giant would react to her words. Wondered if she'd be needing her dagger after all.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Cade on February 16th, 2012, 3:55 am

The beauty before him was playing hard to get. The barbarian had made his lustful intends some what blunt and she, with out fear had turn him down in such a witty way that the brute found insulting. His wolfish grin slightly exposed his fangs in anger by her non compliants. Maybe he was to be more blunt?

"I think you have a few marbles loose, so maybe i will make my intentions a bit more clear with a explanation of your sitaution" His own hand moved to the pommel of his sword as he slightly leafed his body towards her. " You are alone out here and I have a hankering for you beautiful ass. Now its either you just play nice and we both come out on top of this, me being satisfied and you still in one piece. Or we can go the hard way where I still get satisfied and you not so much in one piece. Your choice love?" The barbarian explained in a calm deep voice, his right hand clearly on his sword while a bulge in his pants was more evident of the lust he had for the girl.

He was going to have her one way or another. The only thing that struck the barbarian's worry was not once had this beautiful stranger showed a inch of fear. But his lustful needs washed that to the back of his mind as his left hand groped for her breasts. That was the test to see if she was going to play nice or not.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Aello on February 17th, 2012, 1:49 am

"Do you really believe you need to make them any more clear?" Aello asked, her eyes sparkling dangerously, as they followed Cade's hand to the pommel of his sword. "Now, you may really want something stranger, but that doesn't mean you're going to get it." Aello chuckled. "On second thought, you're definitely not going to get it. Now, I'd suggest you play nice, and not try anything too stupid, if you'd like to keep what you hold most dear..."

Aello's voice trailed off, as she followed the man's hands. They were coming closer. Ever so much closer, into a space they did not deserve to dwell. Into an area they did not belong.

Instantly, Aello's arm flung upwards. Coming underneath Cade's own, and knocking them away. But, not before his fingertips had the chance to brush over her skin. The rise of her breasts. His touch was cool, sending a sharp tremor down the length of her spine. A tremor that caused the woman to shudder, as his nails flicked her nipples.

Petch, Aello thought, as she drew in a single, sharp breath. Her eyes widening a little, now that she had begun to tempt him. Force him to long for her all the more, in his desire to sate his lust.

Aello could feel her heart beating a little faster now. She could hear it thumping in her ears. The sound reverberating off the drums. Growing louder, and louder, as she tried to draw breath, and although she had not exerted herself in any way, she found it all the more difficult, as time wore on. As her eyes, remained locked on his, and her magic, studied him. Scrutinized him, all the more. Watching the way his aura wavered, and then billowed with a new found heat and intensity.

Forcing herself to overcome the physical sensations she was now feeling, Aello's right hand dove for the folds of her dress. The slit that ran up alongside her leg. She forced her hand under the fabric, towards the hilt of her cursed blade. She could feel her fingers brushing up against it, as she took a cautious half a step back, and allowed her fingers to finally, sink into the black. To wind around it, before she pulled it free. A metallic ring shot through the air, as it came to. The silver metal sparkling in the light, as its point rested delicately just below the girl's elbow.

Fool, Aello thought. You should not have done that, her mind added, as she sprang forward, and brought her dagger up, before swinging it back down, at a slight angle, at Cade's hand. The one that was holding the pommel of his sword. As soon as she struck, she'd dance away, waiting, wondering, what the barbarian's next move would be.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Cade on February 23rd, 2012, 6:13 am

The barbarian's battle instincts kicked in as his prey thrusted forward, stabbing at him with her well handled dagger. Cade jumped back as the girl's blade sunk into his thigh forcing the savage beast to roar in pain. It was obvious she was aiming for his sword hand but Cade made the right choice to step out from her initial attack route but he wasn't fast enough to save his left leg. Aello with cat like reflexes bounced away from the barbarian just as he drew his sword and with one fluent motion slashed out at her. But unlike the barbarian, the girl was able to dance out of range forcing Cade to realize why she was not afraid of him. She was fully confident she could handle herself against him..... a prospect that the half blood myrian might be agreeable with.

His left hand felt for his wound, it was high in the leg and a few inches left from his manhood. That realization brought Cade to a knew level of how dire this situation might get.

" You whore?" He growled, pride keeping him in the fight when he damn well knew he should of just left her alone. "I guess both of my swords will be sheathing you this day?" The threat came from clenched teeth gritting with anger as his svefran blue eyes flared with blue flames of rage. His sword rose into the high guard, his right foot forward instead of his left for obvious reasons as the point was held directly above his head. From this position the barbarian could rain down powerful and accurate slashed upon the knife wielding girl once she got into range of his reach.

Knowing that his mobility had been hampered, Cade decided to play this out smart and trying not to let his rage get the better of him for his adversary was by far more agile then he was, he needed her to come at him again, and if she did come into range the attacks will come from the roof in either a right slash or a left slash depending what side she will pounce him from.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Aello on February 24th, 2012, 5:16 pm

Aello's eyes glimmered as her left hand slipped past the fabric of her dress. Hiding behind the billowing pools as she reached for the hilt of her second blade. "You wish," she whispered, as her fingers brushed up against the cool black. As they crawled over its length, until they could wind around it as though they were five slithering snakes. She could feel her palm sinking against the wire hilt. The cool nature of her weapon. She smiled wickedly as she tore it away from its sheath. Ripping it out and into the open, she allowed the second blade to dangle by her side.

The aurist glared at each of her blades, and then Cade's. Held high, prepared to strike, to block. She could feel her heart hammering with anticipation, as she watched the man's aura mounting with determination. Billowing with lust. She could sense it in his heart. That tingling sensation it brought the body, among other things. She could sense herself biting her bottom lip, her eyes sparkling with every feeling Cade felt, as she tightened her grip around each of her daggers. She decided that she was going in for another strike. Now, before he came for her.

Strengthening her resolve for one final moment, Aello took a deep breath, in through her nose, and out through her mouth, before darting forward. Her arms held out at her sides as she swept ever onward, towards her opponent. She ran for his left side, thinking it the weaker end of his defense, solely based off his grip upon the sword. As she came closer, Aello brought both her arms up, twisting the blades as they twirled towards the underside of his arm. The sword coming after her, trying to beat her away. Cut her away. She could feel its hungry breath of air upon her back. Matching its master's desire.

Inwardly, Aello could sense herself cringing as she dropped her blades back to her sides, and ducked her head, so as to remain unharmed by the enemy's blade. As she darted past, she could feel the air following her, as she turned. As her body twirled, her arms swinging out to her sides, as she attempted to strike the man's right arm, which she hoped would now, still be left open. She'd dance past, back to the beginning, where she'd stop for just a moment, as she drew her left hand back, and then, tossed the silver blade at Cade's uninjured leg. Just below the knee.

The aurist would throw it on its side. Having it circle through the air as though it were a boomerang as it came for him. More than likely too low for him to block with this sword. Even if he had more skill than she could sense. Smiling to herself, Aello knew it was only a matter of seconds before he buckled. He fell to his knees, bowing to her. Her strength. Her cunning. Her skill. Her beauty.

"Nice change of pace to find a man on his knees," Aello would whisper, her words holding a playful edge, as well as a sense of menace, and yet, grace. "Begging for something from a woman. The chance to enjoy her. The chance to please her. A single shot, at having his life back." Aello chuckled as she took another step back, out of reach, and raised her cursed dagger to her lips. She closed her eyes, and kissed it calmly a moment. Marveling in just how much the metal chilled her to the bone. Made her feel as though the dead walked with her; always.

"Is that your one wish stranger?" Aello asked. "To have your life back?" The dagger cut her lips in half. Made them seem like two, slender, rough edges. Spewing darkness. Yet, the truth.

Aello pulled the dagger away, returning it to her side. Her thumb ran over the hilt. Her eyes bore into his head. Waiting, wondering, what his pitiful heart held. What his words would say.
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A Barbarian's Beauty (Cade)

Postby Cade on March 15th, 2012, 10:57 am

The barbarian's bloodied legs sank into the snow as he was involuntarily placed to his knees by the woman's quick dagger work. The half blood savage knew he was bested, there was no point in fighting against the creature of swiftness. She offers mercy to a man not worth such for the devious plans he had for her and her body. But there she was, backing down from the kill and giving beaten warrior a choice of life or death.

" I wish to live" He muttered with out hesitation. The woman beat him, there was no shame in losing to a person of better skill. Now, his life he knew will be in debted to her all he could now do was wait to hear her price. His svefran blue eyes were extinguished from the flames of battle and now the starred deep into hers "I am yours".
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