The note found in his lab when he returned was strange enough, but this… what was this and why was it in his lab? Outdated piece of work was what it was, and he did not order this. Who in their right minds… The nuit would go up to it and examine it closer before nodding and finishing his thought. Who in their right minds would order this hunk of junk? What does it even do? Sit there? Stand? Talk? Move? It didn’t seem so.
Perplexed he looked over the note again, reading it and then rereading it. Strange, it was all very strange, but it was not without explanation. Or a series of possible explanations. Things could always be explained if one would think about it. There was nothing, not even magic, that could not be explained in one way or another which could relate to something else. The interconnectedness of events was something to examine and observe, dissect and make assumptions. For with this passive understanding of events and how one thing leads to another comes a more innate understanding of the future. With this many thoughts popped into his mind. Did Karte send this to him? If so what purpose did it serve.
Pondering this mystery for a moment he would go to his desk, which was covered in papers all nicely ‘ordered’. They were mostly detailed accounts of what he did day to day. Qiao was adamant that he record his findings and his work everday. It was a tedious process, and one that he did not enjoy, but it severed some purpose. Perhaps he had just forgot that he ordered this… turning he gave the statue a quick glance before turning back, thing. Though after much searching he found no evidence of such happenings. Strange indeed. Setting the note down with the rest of his papers he went back to examine the piece more closely.
The least the artifacts department could have done was clean it up a little, the nuit thought, crossing his arms before swiping a worrying finger over the surface of the thing. Grime and the dust of time was caked on it. Disgusting, but he would have to deal with it. How unsavory the situation was he wanted to figure out why today and why now? He was into his all-important research. This was a distraction and not a very clever one at best. This thing is an artifact uh? He has seen children make better ‘artifacts’. He mocked the creator out of spite for interrupting his day and his plans.
Ray was about to turn away when a glimmer of light caught his eye and drew his attention once again upon the statue. What was this? He asked himself his hand grabbing the hem of his robe and making it into a makeshift glove, the robe balled in his fist, he used the aging cloth to clean off the inset gem. Was it this gem which made the, er statue, an artifact? The free hand reached to touch it, slowly, as if he was afraid of the thing biting him or something, if nothing too obvious happened he would touch it with his fingers. At the same time he would decide to get a better look at it, a more in depth look at it.
He did not know much about Auristics, but there was a multitude of things that could be gleamed by examining an aura. Using the easiest method he knew how his hand flooded with Djed trying to pick up traces, hints at which would allow him to identify what this gem was, or perhaps how powerful it was. The insights which would come to him were not visual, but rather feeling, vague hints of what was more as his skin brushed against the surface. He would use the touch as a catalyst, a mental cue, to switch all his attention to the one aura in front of him. Touch could convey and direct attention, it was a powerful sense and one often underappreciated. Then he would just stop, stop moving, stop thinking, stop everything. All that existed was him and the aura which he was trying to read. He could feel the details getting clearer, the feeling and vague inferences he could make getting clearer, but alas he was only a novice at this art. Concentrating harder he willed himself to further feel the aura, trying to get out every last fact he could at his skill level. This process however was extremely draining both mentally and physically and when the nuit could not take it anymore he retracted his hand, content that he did his best and stepped away from the statue.
Though the step away did little as he stumbled feeling slightly tired. He put a little too much effort into that and without a hand reaching to catch a table nearby he would have fell. This was why he did not use Auristics much at all. It was useful, but everything had its price, especially unseen information. ”What are you?” he asked looking, ”And why are you here?” he verbally stated his questions as if half-expecting an answer. Was karte involved in this somehow?