[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Cil just wants to warm up by the fire.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Cilion on January 15th, 2012, 12:51 am

42 of winter 512 AV

Cil sighs happily as he enter the familiar tavern, petting Sen (A white-ish grey wolf dog) lightly on the head. He stops by the bar to just get some water, then goes to the hearth. He sits off, away from people (as much as he can by the hearth) simply petting the wolf and eating jerky from his pack. He looks rather forlorn over there, trying to warm his hands and stretch out after hunting, after that though he unstrings his bow, checks his coins and and food, then just waits, only here to idle time by and catch any news. The occasional locals exchange pleasantries with him and such, but he keeps to himself, prefering to listen than to speak.

He eventually gets bored and begins carving on some deer antlers. If it's seen they'd just be plain lines for now, very light. But, they become the scene of him chasing the deer through the woods, the different antlers telling the story of the deer's life and death. Once the scene is done he goes over them again, idling the time by as he gives more detail to the story, flushing out the background, adding in random forest animals in trees.
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Hadrian on January 18th, 2012, 5:29 am

It was cold as balls outside. Hadrian had the collar of his winterbane coat turned up, covering his mouth to hopefully allow air a little time to heat up before he sucked it down into his lungs. Pushing into the tavern, that became less necessary, but he began to walk toward the hearth all the same. He caught the eye of the bartender and waved off any immediate service, then hesitated when he saw the seat nearest the fire taken. Shaking off the pause, he went and found another seat, not quite so close, but close enough he could unbutton his coat, remove his gloves, and get warm again.

Someone brought him a hot cider and he thanked them, cupping his hands around the hot ceramic mug until his fingers thawed a bit, then set it aside so he could pull out some writing materials, taking notes from the wild rush of his thoughts, mathematical calculations of force and potential energy, with symbols both magical and mathematical, a shorthand for his view of the world and what he was doing within it.

When he paused to regroup and have a sip of the cooling cider, he caught sight of what the man nearest him was doing, the artful carving of some antlers; deer, he supposed. It brought to mind a whole discipline of magic that he had been ignoring for some time, the red-headed stepchild of magecrafting: malediction.

He cleared his throat quietly.

"Did you make the kill yourself?"
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Cilion on January 18th, 2012, 6:10 am

Watches him come in quietly, then goes back to his work. When Hadrian speaks up, he looks around to see who he's talking to. Speaking in Vani "Hmm...Oh..Me..?" He swaps languages to common, "Sorry..You mean me..? Yeah, I'm not that great at the carving though." His eyes turning a light shade of pink. "I'm not from Skyglow or anything.. Just like to honor the life of the kill.." He shows the carvings, his eye color becoming more vibrant as the emotion grows.

He eyes the man up and down. "I'm Cil...Cilion Frostfawn." He smiles politely. "And you are..?..In more need of a spot by the fire than I. Here take it." he stretches out an then moves to get up. "I'm marked by Morwen anyways, plus i've been here awhile." Cil packs up the antlers, folding them in cloth, and putting them away so Hadrian has room and moves to a chair next to where Hadrian's currently sitting. He then waves to the bartender who brings him some cidar, Cilion thanks him in Vani, and sips his cidar contently.

Back to common. "Mmm..Nothing better than warm cidar...Well..buttered rum, maybe, but i don't drink much.." He shrugs, not caring for trivialties as he wonders where Sentai's at, Chera and Vix too.
So you don't have to remember. Emotions are...Purple: Happy Bright blue: Wonder Green: Confusion Yellow: Fear Light red/Orange: Angry Pink: Embarressed Brown: Sad/depressed/down in anyway.
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Hadrian on January 18th, 2012, 9:17 am

He did manage to catch that one word of Vani, 'me', which made him smile slightly. Tiny victories were victories all the same. But he shrugged off the man's protests.

"Just because the Skyglows have the most artists doesn't mean other people can't be artists too," he opined generously, nodding as he leaned forward to take a closer look. "Better than I can do, I'm sure, but I have too many hobbies to be that great at any of them.

"I'm Hadrian Aelius. Oh, thank you." He pulled his chair closer to the fire, though he wasn't sure quite what to say about his boast about Morwen. It seemed most Vantha were, in fact, blessed by their Goddess-Queen. He smiled and drank some more of his own cider, an idle part of his brain wondering what magic he might pull out of such a carved antler if he were to engrave it with a malediction glyph.

"Ah, I don't drink too much either. Dulls the wits."
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Cilion on January 18th, 2012, 4:36 pm

"Hadrian, eh?...It's a pleasure..So far" He smirks, his own little humor coming around "And you're welcome about the chair"...He listen's and thinks for a bit, then, "Well, you're probably right about the Skyglow's not being all the artists..Or atleast you make logical sense." He smiles lightly "Exactly my take on beer..You don't know what's going on." He sips some more of his cidar, thoughtful, his eyes going to a somewhat dull purple color as his source of embarresment is now away.

It takes him a bit to start up more conversation, but eventually he decides to talk to the man. "So what brings you up here to Avanthal..? Most people don't come for sightseeing, pretty or not..It's too cold for them." He sighs.."Don't understand how you all could live down south to be honest, all that heat sounds uncomfortable..And..There's Vix."

He's looking at a little ferret scampering around in the tavern. Cil grins lightly, his eyes becoming a more vibrant purple as he clicks his tongue and whistles for Vix. Who abruptly runs over and jumps, then climbs up to Cilion's shoulder, where Vixel perches proudly. Cilion pet's and scritches him with a finger. "Hadrian this is Vixel, he doesn't bite." Cil extends his arm and Vix walks along it to sniff Hadrian, then scamper back to his shoulder perch, both of them now in good moods. Cil looks aroiund in his pack for some jerky to break up nice and small and share with Vix, then offers some to Hadrian. "It's deer jerky, Want some..?" He pops some in his mouth, and packs the rest back up one handed.
So you don't have to remember. Emotions are...Purple: Happy Bright blue: Wonder Green: Confusion Yellow: Fear Light red/Orange: Angry Pink: Embarressed Brown: Sad/depressed/down in anyway.
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Hadrian on January 19th, 2012, 3:09 am

"Ah, some friends and I are off seeing the world." He grinned. "I hadn't been to Avanthal since I was a boy, and it's certainly more spectacular during the Winter from what I've seen."

But conversation tapered off for a bit until he was introduced to the ferret. "Hello, Vix," he said, offering fingertips for the curious little creature to sniff, then watched him hurry off for feeding. He accepted a bit of the jerky with polite thanks and began chewing on it, eventually sipping a bit of cider to help render it down to something he could swallow and digest.

"What about you?" he asked. "I assume you are a local, but other than carving antlers, wrangling ferrets, and maybe preserving deer meat...?"
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Minosayaa on January 19th, 2012, 4:31 am

Mino came running in the door, (As was normal around here) clad in only an overly big sweater dress. She had once again forgotten shoes. Mino spent some time watching each and every person, most greeting her happily one burly old man even gave her a deer bone.

Chewing on the bone Mino made her way to two men talking. She sat down by them listening to whatever they were talking about.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Cilion on January 19th, 2012, 4:54 am

"I'm a hunter. So i don't just preserve it, i go get it too." He grins lightly. "Not that lazy..Just a little bit.." He pet's Vix thoughtfully, still munching on the piece of jerky, then finally swallowing. "And it's not just ferrets, I live with Him, a fox, and a wolf dog...Both also exellent hunters...And probably asleep..Actually, Vix being here is odd..Ferrets sleep alot. He grins "Like 18 hours or something is the average.."

He shrugs. "And then i've been meaning to get a job at the stables..I'm over therre enough...Just a little forgetful or busy everytime." He smiles "What'ya gonna do, eh?" He notices Mino now, and goes quiet..Shyness is back, and Vix isn't big enough for him to be himself. He gives a half wave to her, and begins scritching Vix,. With a click of his tongue Vix runs across his arm, spinning around it quickly for fun. Cil connects his arms and Vix ends up running in circles, spinning under and over his arms, then over his head to start again. When they both grow bored of this, Cil chuckling quietly, Vix jumps down and goes to sniff Mino, his wet nose poking at her feet, before he tries jump up into her lap, and sniff her. But, he has a short attention span, and gets bored, coming back to climb up Cil's outstretced arm and onto his shoulder, king of his own little world.

Cil's voice is quiet, his eyes a bit more pink then purple."He approves...And he thinks he's ruler, so that weighs alot." His smile is small, only half forced though, that's a good sign.
So you don't have to remember. Emotions are...Purple: Happy Bright blue: Wonder Green: Confusion Yellow: Fear Light red/Orange: Angry Pink: Embarressed Brown: Sad/depressed/down in anyway.
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Hadrian on January 19th, 2012, 5:48 am

The young woman's appearance put Hadrian off slightly, as he was, in general, socially awkward and not used to people just wandering up and sitting down. But between the slightly wild flavor of her aura and the way she was going to town on that bone, he guessed she was a Kelvic, and that would explain a lot of the behavior.

"Well, if you have any antler or bone that you don't want, you can always give it to me for magicking. Or if you want me to enchant one of your carvings, I can do that too. No charge because I'm still learning the art."
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[The Red Diamond Tavern] Just relaxing..he hopes (100% open)

Postby Minosayaa on January 20th, 2012, 12:57 am

Mino waved back, and upon finding a small furry friend was very happy. She sniffed back at her new friend. Not many people brought pets here, it was a happy surprise. Back at the hold animals ran about here and there.

Finally Mino spoke, "I catch deer too!" She smiled proudly. "I pull the sled!" She knawed on the bone, "Really, really fast! Do you guys know there's something really big in the forest?! I've seen it!! But, I can't catch it......." As fast as she became hyper her tone became sad. Not just because she couldn't catch said creature but that she had lost her master too. They were suppose to catch it...suppose to.

With that Mino went back to chewing on her bone.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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