Character Goals
- *Listed in order of importance to the Character
- Teach the lessons of the Aperture
- Recruit members
- Reach a deeper understanding of biology and medicine
- Form the Cult of the Devoted Edict
- Restore the Crenshaw name
- Find the last known whereabouts of his daughter
- Convince her (or her accomplice) to confess
- Exact his revenge
- Reintegrate with Nykan Society
- Secure shelter - see An Unexpected Sanctuary
- Obtain food - likely by fishing and trading
- Learn a trade or job - Ren might suggest the Infirmary, check the library for information on Medicine
- Make Friends - this will help with blending in
Needed Skills
*Listed in order of importance to the Player
- Medicine
- Learn from a book at the Nykan Library
- Learn from the Infirmary
- Possibly learn from [Flashback] A stitch in the Clandestine (working title) TBA
- Learn from any number of battles in the Aperture either flashback or otherwise
- Philtering
- Learn about it as a companion to Medicine from a book in the Library
- Learn it while working at the Infirmary
- Herbalism
- Learn from Infirmary
- Possibly learn from [Flashback] Escaping the World Scar (working title)
- Learn from trips to the Aperture
- Other than those skills, Weapons : Daggers, Fishing, Sailing and STORYTELLING!
Proposed Threads
- Modded thread for joining the Infirmary
- Seeking answers from the monks - could turn into a chase/battle scene depending on who joins
- Some sort of bar scene so Ezra can get a grip on what life is like now
- Meeting of a Zith (X)
- Flashback about first aid on a ship as a cabin boy
- Flashback about the Dourdem Root
- Flashback surviving the Aperture (WAAAAY DOWN THE ROAD)
- Forming the cult of the Devoted Edict
- Extracting revenge against the healer, the faithful and the Jezebel.