The Berszerker and the Pycon (Falix)

Banir meets a new and small acquaintance

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

The Berszerker and the Pycon (Falix)

Postby Banir Ironwood on January 20th, 2012, 5:03 am

Actually smiling beneath his scarf he felt like a story would make their little walk far more pleasant as they moved through the ice city. The usual deep ruby red of his eyes rimmed with a light greenish yellow. He was curious as well as happy to a degree. He even relaxed a little as he lent his eyes to her for a moment. Careful to slow down and keep away from the main traffic of people he spoke while looking at his new friend.

"It would be nice to listen to a story." He said the whole sentence without a pause. He was quickly grown more comfortable with the Pycon, she had yet to demand anything from him. In fact she had seemed quite nice, clam, and far unlike his other friends. His curiosity in her almost rivaled the similar one of the Jamoura. Finding himself wanting to know more of his small stature friend. He didn't dare ask the questions in his mind though. Not yet t least. It would also be very rude to interrupt his friend while she wove a story for him.

Silently he walked his eyes half on her and half on where he was going. A slight eager feeling over took his mind as he patiently waited for her to speak. He'd never heard a story being someone's 'specialty' and this got him to wondering how good she was at it. His mind began to loop once again; a sad habit he had come accustomed to due to his lack of socialization. It was off in its ever going loop after loop of thought, he snapped back when he heard her begin almost missing the grand start of her tale.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"
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The Berszerker and the Pycon (Falix)

Postby Falix on January 20th, 2012, 6:17 am

She smiled when he agreed to the story. she began her tale even though he wasn't immediately paying attention. She had decided on a mixed story that would mix several genres not knowing what her new friend would like, this story was actually more to test the waters then anything else. " long ago, when the humans were first arriving on Mizahar a small village was ransacked and destroyed in a single night. how did it happen? well i'm going to tell you! You see, the Village was, while rather small, it had large fields but there weren't enough people in the village left to cultivate the ground. Because of this a large group of Landspawns appeared. The village, made up of humans, had little success killing the group before it was quickly destroyed. However there was a small glimmer of hope.

A young boy had managed to evade the Landspawns. The human boy was about the age of 19, but he had been born with a mutation and had white hair. He was strong and knew some rudimentary sword skills. he had been out collecting wood when he heard the ruckus back down in the village. He dropped the wood he had already been carrying and rushed to see what was happening. He found that the landspawns had raided his village. Enraged, the boy ran to his home where his father's sword rested. He took the weapon and then followed the tracks of the Lanspawns. When he caught up to the group he found that they were attacking another town.

The boy brandished his father's sword then ran into the village. fueled by his hate for the creatures he slaughtered them, not one could even get close to him. However he was only a human child and finally his anger wayned and he became tired. It wasn't long until he could fight no more, thinking that he was about to join his parents in the after life the boy dropped to his knees. But even in this dark time, his actions had rallied the villagers and they attacked the remaining Landspawns with farming tools or anything they could find. Finally the battle was over. The boy had been wounded in his long fight and was taken to the village leader to have his wounds treated. it was there that he met the young daughter of the village leader, and as luck would have it she would be the one to remain by his side while he healed. The pair fell in love as time went on and when he was fully healed the Villagers proclaimed him as a hero and the Village leader told the boy that he may have anything that he desired.

He only asked for one thing, to marry the village leader's daughter. The leader was a bit hesitant at first but he granted the boy his wish. The two then married and lived many happy years together in peace until they came to the end of their life. The two had bore many children, and the children knew of the tales of their father and when their parents passed on, they passed on the story from generation to generation, so that their father and mother would never be forgotten in the sea of time."

Finished with her tale she let out a contented sigh then relaxed more before yawning and stretching. "I hope you enjoyed my tale...but I'm sleepy now." Without another word she slipped under the metal shoulder guard and fell to sleep there, happy to have a new friend to share her tales with and happier still to have found someone as big as him that could easily keep her safe.
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The Berszerker and the Pycon (Falix)

Postby Cheshire on February 23rd, 2012, 3:59 am


Character: Banir Ironwood
Experience: Carving +2, Interrogation +1

Character: Falix
Experience: Observation +3, Interrogation +1, Storytelling +1

Additional Note: Good thread guys. PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
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They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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