[Sanctuary] A Gathering of Sapphires and Emeralds

Wherein Leto, Ronan, and Kavala all meet up at Sanctuary.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Sanctuary] A Gathering of Sapphires and Emeralds

Postby Leto Sunsinger on January 17th, 2012, 3:50 pm

As Kavala spoke about the two of them taking wives, Leto winced a bit, but didn't show any outward emotion towards the fact that he wasn't attracted to women in the least bit. He might try to take a wife at some point, but that was if he could even get aroused by a woman, enough to have a child with her. It was a difficult thing, and something that Leto struggled with inside of himself every day. From the point he was born, life was all about growing strong, bonding with a strider, taking many wives, and helping the pavilion and the whole of Endrykas. Well, he had certainly bonded with Arias, helped the pavilion, and was helping Endrykas with his glyphing skills. But it was the taking many wives parts that was his problem, and Leto struggled with it more than perhaps anyone else.

Looking towards Ronan and Kavala, he let a smile gleam through to hide the pain in his heart and eyes when Kavala had spoke of taking wives. "I will always be a teacher to Sama'el, and in doing that, I'll stand by him no matter what. If he accepts me into his pavilion, i'll gladly enter it, and work with him, continue teaching him, and help him to the best of my ability. Nothing will change my mind about that, that much I can assure you... As for if he'll accept you into his pavilion, i'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with it. You seem quite an able woman, and you've put this place together fairly beautifully, so I think Sama'el would be glad to have someone of your abilities around..." he said, noting to himself how truly capable Kavala seemed to be, considering she had managed to build up this place known as the Sanctuary around them all, and was managing well by herself. Just think of how she'd manage with the support of a pavilion in Endrykas, if she ever decided to move there. Even if she stayed here, Leto was sure that Sama'el would be glad to call her a sister...
Back again... for a lil longer this time I hope.
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[Sanctuary] A Gathering of Sapphires and Emeralds

Postby Kavala on January 24th, 2012, 4:48 pm

Kavala glanced up from what she was doing, met Ronan's eyes, and smiled. "I'm just speculating, Ronan. Don't worry about it. I'll ask him myself." The way she said it left no doubt what she meant. The Drykas had subtle rules and regulations, long standing traditions and a history that was more vast than most peoples on Mizahar. Kavala understood that and respected it. She'd talk to the Ankal about her own issues because she respected Ronan and Leto to much to ask them to do it for her.

She listened to Ronan's words, then smiled at him gently. It was almost flirtatious as she looked thoughtfully and then laughed a little. "Men. You think to destroy the thing and patch it. Women would see it differently, Ronan. I've learned to look at things through men's eyes sometimes. You should see things through women's as well. We'd never tear a corner from a tapestry. If something is missing, something glaringly so, we'd unweave the whole tapestry, save all the yarn -its key component - and then reweave it so no one noticed anything was missing. We'd take the old and make it new again. We do this every day. Swords that break are not discarded. They are saved, melted down, and reused. We can forge them into new swords or into a cooking pot or even into a gate hinge. Sometimes the gods intend for a thing to be different than it was originally designed to be." She seemed to be speaking about herself now.

"I was never meant to be a soft seer from Mura who traveled the world. My place is here, my Call is here. I was intended it seems to be a slave to the Akalak, a broodmare, and even though my paddock is small in comparison to the whole of the Sea of Grass where I used to roam, I am content enough." She simply said, a soft sad smile on her face.

She noticed Ronan's smile to Leto and seemed to somewhat follow his thoughts. The two reminded her of brothers already. They just felt almost comfortable in each other's presence. Even though, there was something sad about Leto. Kavala wasn't sure what it was or if she was just imagining it, but he seemed to have pain trapped in his eyes that she couldn't understand. When he spoke about being a teacher, Kavala nodded, understandingly.

"There is no greater gift than knowledge. People say love surpasses that, but I don't believe it. With knowledge you can survive, be happy, and allow for love. But sometimes love doesn't allow for knowledge... and I think that makes it the lesser gift. Happiness too can't come without knowledge of what makes someone happy and what they need. It's one of the reasons I follow Eyris." Kavala said, nodding approvingly at Leto.

About that time, Aweston who was Kavala's groom and stable manager popped in. He glanced around at the company, frowned, and caught Kavala's eye. Aweston was a Drykas, in his late teens, another outcast who'd lost his pavilion. He wore his windmarks proudly. "Kavala, the Akalak is here. He said he'd... be quick... because he has to be to a Council Meeting tonight. He's in your quarters waiting." Kavala nodded, flushed red, and then glanced at both men.

Kavala nodded, glanced at Tasi, and Aweston nodded, retrieving the sleeping child and taking the boy with him.

"Will you excuse me for a little while? There's food here, lots of drink, and you can wander where you want to as long as you stay away from upstairs for a little while. I have duties I cannot ignore even with company being here. My Talvas is awaiting me and I have to attend his needs." She said softly tapping the bracelet on her wrist that looked like a manacle as she rose, and then before they could question her further, and disappeared.. She'd be gone for a good twenty or thirty chimes.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Sanctuary] A Gathering of Sapphires and Emeralds

Postby Ronan on January 24th, 2012, 9:53 pm

Ronan laughed a little. "And that's the divide. Men and women... we could be from completely different worlds."

He nodded at her words on love. He had tasted love, once. And then it had burned him. He had learnt to open his heart in a different way since then. Knowledge would probably serve them both well.

He raised an eyebrow when she labelled herself a slave. He would never have thought that of her... satisfying an Akalak's needs. She seemed so content here, so at home. Yet her wisdom. It would go some way to explaining her world wise attitude. She walked off, giving them the freedom of Sanctuary, acting as if her calling was duty. Nothing more. Nothing less.

He gave Leto a glance, keeping his eyebrow raised. Kavala was interesting. But she was also kind and strong of heart, and he knew, that one day they would be good friends. He had a feeling in his gut on that note.

He looked down at his empty glass, smiling at his glyphing companion. "More wine?"

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[Sanctuary] A Gathering of Sapphires and Emeralds

Postby Indigo on March 9th, 2012, 10:10 pm

Character: Kavala
Skills: +1 Hostessing, +2 Conversation, +3 Socialization, +1 Drinking,
Lore: Bad luck, Queen of hospitality, call me Web Babe! Speaking of Sama'el, Family gossip, Linked by Drykas culture,

Character: Ronan
Skills: +1 Good Manners, +2 Conversation, +3 Socialization, +1 Drinking,
Lore: Family gossip, Another Denusk! Speaking of Sama'el, Linked by Drykas culture, Making friends

Character: Leto
Skills: +2 Good Manners, +1 Observation, +1 Drinking,
Lore: Meeting a Konti for the first time, Admiring a strong woman, Conversation should be practical, In the closet, Am I drunk?

Notes: This was a fun thread and showed the art of idle conversation between new friends. The gossip was very nicely done and although your participation wasn't as much as the others Leto, you stayed true to character. Good read!
If you have any questions or comments about your grade, please PM me.

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