Timestamp: 1st Day of Spring, 510 AV Location: Cobalt Mountains, outside Nya and Shai's Home Cave Purpose: weapons training Status: Closed Abashai removed his outer coat, the damp night chill having given way to a brisk yet sun-warmed morning. The forest outside the couple's lair had begin to exhibit hints of green. The splash of color that heralded the first day of Spring also brought a sense of urgency to Nya and Abashai's need to begin their journey. They had honored Matilda's wish to postpone their departure for the Tallshade Keep until Spring. But with the arrival of the new season, there was nothing to prevent them from leaving. The packing was nearly complete, the floor of the cave strewn with organized piles, everything the bondmates thought they would need for indefinite travel. Now Abashai and Nya saw to their respective preparations. The forest cat had prowled off, after a firm kiss and embrace. As their imenent departure approached, the couple's affections had become less playful, their touching taking on purpose, as if to strengthen their bond and encourage each other. For his part, Abashai had decided to take several weapons on their journey. His khopesh and bow were his forte, his weapons of choice. But he may not always have a choice. Today he was going to get familiar with some of the weapons they had taken from the encounter at the dark shrine. First, he removed the sheathed longsword from the collection of weapons leaning against a large log. Abashai drew the enchanted sword from it's scabbard. Immediately, he felt the cold eminating from the mystical blade. A whispy vapor trailed the weapon as the Benshira swung it back and forth to get a feel for it's weight and balance. Even with its heavy blade, The longsword possessed a better balance than his khopesh, the long handle and heavy pommel compensating some for the weight of the blade. As he swung it before him in a figure eight, Abashai found he could recover much quicker from each move. The black leather grip was long enough for him to hold with both hands, and he worked some wide arcs holding it two-handed, creating a swirl of mist in the moist air. Shai had set up his weapon practice area with a thin, stripped sapling firmly stuck in each corner of a square. He stepped into the center of the square. Hefting the longsword in his hand, the Benshira sucked in a deep breath and, in a burst of motion, lifted the sword and swung it in a wide arc at the sapling in one corner. The blade wedged into the wood, requiring Abashai to use both hands to yank it free. Apparently, the straight blade works a bit different than the almost axe-like blade of the khopesh. Perhaps a greater drawing motion needed to be employed, he mused. He staged himself again and took another swing, pulling the blade across the same sapling as it bit into the wood. The icy steel split the pole in half. Next, Abashai gripped the weapon with both hands and raised it up, bringing it down in a diagonal slash against the second sapling, using the same drawing technique. The longsword cut cleanly through the target slantways. Finally, Shai turned to face the last two poles. With a grunt, he swept the blade up and attempted to hit both targets in a figure eight manuveur. The attempt failed, simply stripping some bark from each. Huffing, the swordsman shook out his shoulders and craned his next to the side until it popped. After several more attempts, Abashai was able to cleave both posts. He spent the next bell repeating his routine until he had depleted his pile of saplings. |