Mneme's Pied-à-terre Pied-à-terre: A small living unit usually located in a large city some distance away from an individual's primary residence. Basic Floorplan :
Mneme's residence is a simple brick building, with no splendor or significance, but that doesn't keep her from being able to spot it from a block away. It has two windows, and a standard sized wooden door, miraculously unremarkable in appearance. On the sparsely decorated inside is a chest, hearth, bed, rug, table, and a few chairs. The wall is of rough brick, same as the outside, and the floor is dark, polished hardwood. The chest is simple, used to hold her belongings and most of her money. The hearth usually has a fire going when Mneme's inside, unless she has no firewood left. Her bed is just a simple wooden frame, mattress stuffed with hay, a pillow, and a few wool blankets in the winter, linen in the summer. Covering part of the floor is a simple wool rug, which situates itself right next to her bed. The table is of rough, unfinished wood, with a cloth covering to keep anyone from getting splinters. Fitting nicely under the table are two chairs of dark, sanded and finished wood. Her home usually appears nearby the Idol Slanderer, which often leads to humorous yelling battles and arguments. She usually stands outside of her house, wherever it may be, and rants about her past life, thoughts, feelings and random ramblings in Arumenic. It can be a very interesting sight, and those that know what they're looking for can usually find her house. |