The Vanguard are a merc band consisting of a handful of people. Let's say we start with 3 people and we can grow our band of mercenaries as time progresses.
I'm inclined to start with only 4 people so that the threads are more likely to finish and the posting will go at a steady pace.
All races,gender, people are welcome.
The Vanguard will perform small missions for people in need, more often than not wealthy and/or powerful people. But if a poor person with a good heart is in trouble we do not hesitate to help.
I'm still contemplating whether to have a large storyline run in the background at start and slowly reveal more of itself as we receive more missions or let The Vanguard remain a small-scale merc band only focusing on missions 1 at a time.
The Vanguard will start of as a new merc band but if 2 people who know eachother before joining The Vanguard want to join, that's ok too.
So, if anyone wants to join or has some input please by all means post in here or send me a PM.
The Vanguard:
- Mugen ( Viper Dhani )
- Eris Serlen ( Human Thief/Asssassin )
- Rand ( Human Ex-Navy/Warrior )
- Stikka El'Tyne ( Human Pirate )
When all 3 spots are filled I'll send everyone who's in a PM after making a thread where we can all meet.
PS: No location has been chosen yet, please post where your character is at the moment so we can organize a location to start our band of merry men. ^^
PPS: Recruiting is finished for the time being, let's get our first thread started.