[Alvadas Event] Team Shale V. Team Ulric (Match 1)

The first fight in the Alvadas Tournament featuring Team Shale v. Team Ulric

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[Alvadas Event] Team Shale V. Team Ulric (Match 1)

Postby Laute on November 1st, 2011, 2:11 am

The rage had passed, the anger escaping through the pores on his body. Each cough and gasp from below soothed his temper until it was but a memory. The man's frame was small under him, his body easily pressing him down and more fragile from Laute's stance.

Victory was his. It was a fact, and he allowed himself a small cough of his own, his wounded stomach aching now that he paid attention. In the tumble to the ground, the sling had slipped down, leaving his still-scabbing injury to reopen once more. Warm, a few drops dribbled down onto the man's worn armor, barely visible against the black leather.

Calmer, he listened to the man's last bark. Now that the match was over, there was no need to remain silent anymore. Amused by the man, Laute studied his composure. How far could he push the man before he snapped? He had yet to see that happen, yet to see the smirk fall and a glare take its place.

"A kiss?" Perturbed, he stared down at the young man below him. There was dried blood on his forehead, the scratch now scabbed over, and his hair was filled with sweat and sand. He had heard of those who took the same sex as their mates, living without children of their own.

Here was one, sprawled below him. He looked no different, with his dark eyes and sarcastic grin. Smelled the same as well, human and uninteresting.

Leaning down, Laute hovered over the man's face, long strands of fur brushing the man's cheeks. "If you want one so badly, you earned it," he murmured, pressing his lips against the man's warm flesh. A small nibble on his cheeks and he leaned up once more, disappointed.

No, even the taste was the same.
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[Alvadas Event] Team Shale V. Team Ulric (Match 1)

Postby Seven Xu on November 1st, 2011, 4:42 am

The crowd had burst up all around him like an impossible tide, but Seven had found a hole within a sea of faces and was still grasping feebly at his knees, bent forward; he was as pale as ever as his vapid-eyed stare examined his puddle of bile. Victor. No. Seven had screamed himself hoarse; little good it did. Another wave surged, and beneath the din, Seven plucked out the smooth, calculated observance of the Ethaefal an arm’s length away.

“He’s alive.”

Seven was on his feet like a shot, clambering onto the bench, reaching out for Laszlo’s broad shoulder to steady his wobbling ascent. “He is?” He inquired dumbly, peering over heads and raised arms and makeshift banners. The same pair of syllables burst from his lips again with newfound fervor when the dark-clad figure struggled beneath the hold of the furred beast. “He is!” The creaking wood left the soles of his boots as Seven did his damndest to muscle through the shoulder-to-shoulder gathering, away from the Ethaefal, away from the bloodied Oaf and his dead spider. “I’m coming!” He called into the hubbub, bony fingers ripping and pulling at bodies and forcing his path, “Victor, I’m—”


Seven’s chest met an immovable object that made him scramble backwards, trip, and land ass-first onto hard concrete. The wall of a man gave Seven an annoyed grunt and turned back to the concluding battle, while the halfblood was left to gather himself. His limbs were numb, his behind hurt, and his mind weighed heavy on the implications of this tournament and his immediate future—so tied as he was to the Ravokian’s whims—but his head was swimming and his smile was growing. Alive.
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[Alvadas Event] Team Shale V. Team Ulric (Match 1)

Postby Bedlam on January 29th, 2012, 5:27 pm

Thread Completed!



Spider, Spider, on the Wall


1 Shielding

Spider, Spider, on the Wall


1 Dagger
1 Shield

The Art Of Face Beating
Spider, Spider, on the Wall


1 Dagger
3 Brawling
2 Acrobatics
1 Observation

Battle Chatter


5 Unarmed Combat
1 Subterfuge

Staying Cool
Victory Kiss

I know it's in Falla's office but I asked if I could take it and he said yes so THERE.

That was an adventure. I didn’t grade the retired characters. I hope that doesn’t bother anyone. This would usually be the time where I went into depth talking about what happened or what went wrong. I’ll bulletpoint it for you: Ulric is a scary bastard and Victor is a cheeky bastard.

That is all.
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