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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]
The University of Zeltiva attracts students from across Mizahar, and a hefty amount of travelers come for the express purpose of learning magic. The University is famous for spitting out skilled practitioners of every discipline, and Marcel’s Magical Supplies performs a double function; provisioning the budding wizard and also selling magical creations to the populace.
The shop resides within a no-nonsense, rectangular, two-story building that sits snugly between the University campus and the main city. Upon entering, a prospective shopper will find themselves in a medium sized room. There is a coffee table with three plush chairs around it in the center, the walls are lined with shelves and cases displaying the more harmless wares, and at the back of the room is a desk with two doors behind it. At the desk sits a young woman with a glittering smile who gets up as you enter.
“How may I help you?” she asks, shaking your hand.
To someone looking to inquire about the mundane(at least, as mundane as possible when dealing with magic), she will be happy to suggest, point out, and describe anything the customer might wish to know about. For those wishing to view the more unsafe wares, she will direct them to the door on the left, behind which is a room of similar size. This room is overseen by a great mountain of a man who respectfully shows the customer around, answering any questions they may have. No product may be handled without his assistance, and once a choice has been made he escorts the customer to the front desk to pay.
If interested in the procurement of supplies that assist a student of the arcane, one must make an appointment. Appointments themselves cost nothing but time, and when the time comes, be it days or mere minutes, the involved party is directed to the door on the right. This door leads to a staircase, and at the top of the staircase is another room. This one is rather large, and is made for comfort. Fur rugs are arranged artfully, the furniture is dark mahogany, and two luxurious red velvet couches flank the roaring fireplace. Another door stands at one wall, but access to what is beyond is restricted to staff. This is where Marcel makes deals that require a more personal touch.
Price ranges for Marcel’s services vary. If something is as simple as collecting a certain, easy to find plant from a relatively safe and nearby location, the price can be as low as 15 mizas. The more difficult and complicated the process, however, the more expensive it will be to acquire it. Marcel is not below using illegal means to procure an item or making less-than-legitimate deals with less-than-legitimate people, but the cost for covering up such activities will add to the price.
Though he is always ready with soft words and soft smiles, Marcel is a vicious salesman. He knows how to make something seem worth more than it actually is, and his expensive furnishings suggest his considerable business skills to those able to see. He is dominated almost completely by logic, and most ‘friendships’ he had are one-sided, created only to benefit his interests.
There is an exception to this, however. He is fiercely protective of the two who work for him, and any slight against them is a slight against him. If they are harmed he will hunt the offender relentlessly, and it won’t be money he’s after.
Born to a powerful wizarding family, Marcel was sent to Zeltiva to continue their legacy. However, he was passable at best. He was known for being selfish and self-serving, and since he didn’t want to take the classes anyway his grades were regularly low. He gambled often, and though he always managed to pay his debts and keep away from loan sharks by peddling magical trinkets he began to make connections with the ‘darker’ side of town.
He dropped out halfway through his second term, but refused to return home and put up with the disappointment with his parents. It was then that his skill in bartering surfaced. Maintaining relationships he’d had previously, he began to sell other people’s creations. Most students were happy to unload their masses of homework projects to someone willing to pay for them, however small the sum was, and Marcel sold such objects for much more than he had paid for them. He soon became ‘the one to go to’ for a student that needed to get rid of something or someone who wanted to buy something of a magical nature. Within a year he had enough money to open up a modest shop.
Wizards began coming to him for supplies, and he began to pull in favors he hadn’t used for seasons to learn of where such things were. His underground connections strengthened, and less savory individuals started to come to him for the same reason. His business grew and grew until it became what it is today.
Larknas entered the shop he had spent some days on the city scouring for information ,but it had been futile no one knew his mother so the only choice left to him was magic he had heard from various sailors and other shady characters about this shop so it was one of the best choises to him.
The shop was very simple to his eyes he noticed the young woman as he had entered so he walked to her and shook her hand replying to her question "Yes i am searching for something to help me find a relative of mine do you have anything that might be able to help or point me in the right direction?" he waited for her reply these last few days if anything had taught him to be a bit more patient than whats the norm for him.
The young woman frowned, and then smiled at the man.
"I'll just get Marcel, bear with me."
The woman dissapeared through a backdoor, and Larknas was left waiting for a short time. Eventually, the proprietor, Marcel himself, emerged from the door with a wide grin.
"Hello there. I may have just the thing." He rummaged through a particular cabinet for a while, finally finding what it was he was looking for. It was a compass of sorts, but fitted into a small wooden box. He brought it over to Larknas to show him. "What luck that I only got this in last week. A drop of your blood, and it will guide you to your nearest relative."
Larknas waited as the woman left Marcel must be the owner hmm
As the man entered Larknas he waited and returned the greeting. Something seems wrong with him prolly just hectic
Seeing the compass Larknas was curious just in case they tried anything he tried to use his skill in auristics to check it out in case it was fake as he brought it to him. Snapping out from it Larknas thought a moment before asking "What is the price Sir?" He waited to see his answer if it was too big of a price he might need to resort to other means later.
Cost. The numerical value of all things. Marcel's smile twisted a little, into something more animalistic.
"Fifty gold mizas," he finally announced, "and no one can say fairer than that."
But of course, it was a lie. A merchants ploy, to inflate the price and make a tidy profit all the same. The artefact was tainted. It was not full proof, and though it had the abilities he had described, it did not always work.
He waited to see if the buyer would try to haggle.
Larknas thought for a moment i need it but not that much i do know its magical he woulnt risk his store reputation snapping out of his thought he made an offer.
"how about eighteen mizzas my good man" Larknas said with a smile he remembered using this old trick you low the price a bit more than what you wanted to say hopefully buy it at a normal price.
"Eighteen. Eighteen! You're killing me, you truly are."
Marcel smirked half to himself. In fact, he was lucky to even get money for it. The item was... uncertain. He had heard whispers of side effects, but once it had left the room it mattered no longer to him. He pretended to deliberate, rolling his eyes back and forth.
Larknas was smilling well he got what, he wanted to start his search his forced a smile on his face and counted eighteen mizzas from his pouch and handed them to Marcel, in return for the box, he was holding "Pleasure doing business with you Sir" were the only things he said before he placed the item on his rucksack and left he coulnt wait to start his search after ensuring that it was indeed magickal and did what, he wanted to do.