A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

An arranged meeting decides the future of two people.

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy roleplay forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Estrios on January 30th, 2012, 6:43 am

He had never felt this great before. It was as if they formed one being. Nothing compared to this. The minor adrenaline he had felt just a few seconds ago had blossomed into it's maximum potency. It was strange that a mutual meeting could turn into this, but Estrios didn't care. The perfect moment was being drawn out more and more, but he didn't mind even if it lasted for hours. They shifted in perfect unison, and there was no move she made that he didn't notice, no move he made that she didn't notice.

However, after a few minutes he felt his logical mind returning. He noticed that her breaths were becoming more forced, and not just from her own adrenaline but also from her exhaustion. This took a lot of effort on her part, and so, slowly, gently, he lifted her off him, ending their passionate embrace.
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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Ssedrasshadara on January 30th, 2012, 6:12 pm

It took a number of seconds before she realized that he was trying to separate them. Was she hurting him? She allowed him to move her off of his body, expression slightly dazed, then withdrew another few feet on her own, quivering.

She felt one last rush of energy and let out an explosive hiss, exposing teeth that were in the process of growing. Her skin rippled and she launched herself forwards, colliding and overturning a fallen tree as if it were no heavier than a table. Her bones snapped and heaved, her hair began to sink into her head, and her skin divided with a glimmer. She sank into a crouch as her legs fused and lengthened, writhing and stretching with sickening crunches. Within seconds the human woman had been replaced with a full-fledged Dhani, easily over twenty feet in length.

She hissed and struck at the fallen tree again; this time it shattered with a hollow snap, and Sshadara tossed the pieces away like rag dolls. All of the power that had developed and been restrained erupted violently, and she raged at everything around her. She vented towards the Basin, away from Estrios, and by the time she was spent what had first been a simple part between the trees had become a clearing.

The log had borne the brunt, and none of the fragments were longer than her arm. Dirt was visible where she had ripped plants from the ground, and a number of large stones lay several paces from their original position, and some of them in more than one piece.

Sshadara hissed again, weakly this time, and sank down tiredly. Her coils enveloped her, shielding her from the world, and she allowed herself to relax for the briefest moment, finding comfort in even the illusion of hiding.

Slowly, she moved again, unveiling herself to face Estrios. She was leaning back against herself, completely encircled by her body, and almost looked as if she was sitting on a throne of scales.

“I am sssorry,” she said, and her voice was exhausted. “The change doesss not usssually do that to usss. It isss cathartic; it releasssesss whatever needsss to be releasssed.”

She averted her eyes.

“I wasss afraid that I would injure you, ssso I held back. The Dhani are ssstronger than humansss, ssso when I changed…” she looked at the aftermath, “I needed sssomething to do with my ssstrength.”
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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Estrios on January 31st, 2012, 5:22 am

As soon as the Human women in front of him had leapt past him as a huge Dhani, Estrios rolled to his right two times, drawing his knife. He was used to thinking in the few seconds that his instincts got to do all the work, and this time he had come up with 2 life-threatening scenarios.

First of all, and most likely, was that she had seen someone that he couldn't, probably trying to kill them. The second was that she had misunderstood as to why he had pushed her away, but that was unlikely. Then again, he didn't know that much about her or her race's inner workings. But he was surprised to sit up and see her tearing down a tree.

It was already almost completely destroyed by the time he saw the sight, and when it was fragmented into a few hundred pieces she went on to destroy the surrounding area. He simply put away his knife and sat comfortably, picked up a stick and started plucking leaves off it. He had never seen a Dhani do anything like this, but hey, you learn something new everyday.

He couldn't think of anything he could do at that moment, so he simply waited. He stripped the twig of it's leaves while listening for anything suspicious around him, along with occasionally ducking out of the way of a flying piece of wood. After he heard the destruction end, he stood up and waited for Sshadara to come back, dropping the stick.

“I am sssorry,” she said, with a voice that sounded as if she had just scaled a mountain. He didn't blame her, creating that much destruction would be a big effort for anyone. But he didn't think that was the only reason.

“The change doesss not usssually do that to usss. It isss cathartic; it releasssesss whatever needsss to be releasssed." She hid her eyes, but he had already seen the guilt in them. “I wasss afraid that I would injure you, ssso I held back. The Dhani are ssstronger than humansss, ssso when I changed…” she looked at the aftermath, “I needed sssomething to do with my ssstrength.”

Estrios felt a pang of sadness hit his stomach. Sshadara really cared for him. But he was worried about that. Emotions very easily got in the way of logical thinking, which was one of the reasons he tried to keep his cool as often as possible. He had already lost his parents, and he didn't want care for someone else too much just to have them lost again. He just wouldn't be able to handle it.

Estrios walked over to the Dhani and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up. He put on his best reassuring smile and said, "It's fine. I'm not gonna judge you on something that you can't control. I'm not hurt, and you're not hurt. Don't torture yourself with it." He looked around, and winced at the mess surrounding them. "Although, we might want to get out of here before someone get's curious as to what had caused so much noise."
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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Ssedrasshadara on February 6th, 2012, 4:20 am

She snorted, as if a joke had been made.


She uncoiled and made to leave, but hesitated and looked to the human.

“What will you do now? Will you ssstill go and try to join the knightsss? Will you try to become a true Myrian? Or perhapsss you will jussst travel, ssseeing what you sssee?”
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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Estrios on February 6th, 2012, 5:24 am

He shrugged.

"Who knows?"

This had been an...interesting meeting. He honestly didn't know what to do next. But one thing was for sure, he wanted to meet with the Dhani again. She had put his sanity back on the right track, and he was very thankful for it. But the sun seemed to have moved quite quickly, and it was time to go. So with that, he turned and started walking towards the jungle, raising one hand in the air as a goodbye.

"Ask me next time we meet," He looked over his shoulder, "If we meet again."
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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Ssedrasshadara on February 28th, 2012, 8:16 pm

He looked to the sun and started back into the jungle. Sshadara watched him go, and though a snake’s features were never easy to read she was struggling with indecision. As he disappeared into the underbrush, she opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it. She spared him one last, vaguely curious look, and then went her own way.

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A Strange Aquaintance [closed, Ssedrasshadara]

Postby Rage on May 5th, 2012, 4:04 am


Observation - 1xp
Meditation - 1xp
Storytelling - 1xp
Rhetoric - 1xp

The foolishness of venturing alone in the jungle
The overconfidence of a fool
Dhani's preference to nudity
Naivete of the clueless
Bragging about false capabilities
Making up stories
Finding amusement from another's ignorance
Taste of a Dhani's lips
Weakness to the closeness of a naked woman
Overcoming passion's grasp
A Dhani's unnatural strength
Foolishly watching a beast rage a little too closely

Detection - 1xp
Observation - 1xp
Logic - 1xp
Seduction - 1xp
Storytelling - 1xp
Brawling - 1xp

Using the human guise to put another at ease
Friendliness to Humans
Finding amusement in the tragedy of others
Deriding another's personal history in their face
Calling out a bluff
Using touch to lull another's senses
Looking for a kiss
A woman spurned
Throwing a tantrum

Notes :
This had been quite an amusing thread, at least for me. What started out as a tentative meeting between two strangers developed turned into a failed tryst. It got a little surreal for me somewhere between those two events. Suffice to say, I doubt this is something that would happen in a realistic setting, especially Estrios' reaction to, well, everything. I could literally see each of Sshadara's attempts to keep everything within the boundaries of the game's realism while Estrios did everything to make himself look cool and awesome. I have to shake my head to that.

Speaking of Estrios, I see a lot of instances of metagaming in your replies. There were some from Sshadara as well, but those seemed to have stemmed from what you have written. Seriously, please play your character at his level and his experiences. Just because you read something from the wiki doesn't automatically mean your PC will know about it. Please exercise a separation between your PC and your own psyche next time. All the great players do.

Any reaction or question to your respective awards, please do not hesitate to PM me.

Notice: I will not be available for modding in the foreseeable future until I've cleared up my backlog of Miz stuff (PC and ST-wise). Hopefully, it's a temporary thing, but we'll see. I will still grade your threads, however.
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