by Eridanus on February 3rd, 2012, 10:39 am
I would like to also suggest putting a general guideline for the salary of teaching staff. In order to standardize things (since the teacher's salary in the price-list is variable and therefore uncertain) there should be some sort of pay-grade. Here are some factors to take note of:
(Please note that for all examples used below, there is the assumption of ceteris paribus, ie. all else being equal).
1) Skill in Teaching: Main job XP, therefore the XP to be received for Seasonal XP, and the XP that determines the 1/1.5/3/6 multiplier for Seasonal Wages.
2) Skill in subject taught: As a teacher is limited by his skill level in the subject being taught, it naturally goes that a Mathematics teacher with Master in mathematics is worth more than a Mathematics teacher with Competent in mathematics. This should be a factor when deciding base pay. Either as a bonus +% to the base pay when all factors has been calculated, or as a variable range, like 1-5gm/d for Competent, 6-10 for Expert, 11-15 for Master, for example.
3) Demand/Supply: This will be the hardest to standardize and would probably be completely up to Paragon's judgement. A reasonable assumption would be that magical skills in general will have a lower supply than practical skills and therefore should have a higher base pay. Since Zeltiva is a port town with shipping and trading as its main source of income, it should be reasonable to assume that among the practical skills, skills such as Sailing, Shipbuilding, Negotiation/Business/Mercantilism,etc. would be in higher demand and should pay more (in terms of teaching these skills).
4) Rank/Vocation/Role: a normal teaching aide would get a lower base pay. A normal teacher will get more, a professor would get even more. Of course, at the same time one's responsibilities and role would get heavier and weightier. In order to qualify for rank-ups (ie. promotion) there should be a criteria of sorts. Here are some examples of factors to be considered:
a) Total time worked for ZU (need to prove loyalty to continue working at ZU)
b) Skill in Teaching (can't expect a novice teacher to be a prof, right??)
c) Skill in subject taught (how to do research/advisory without knowing the skill well??)
d) Performance in Advancement Quest
(Advancement Quest is a modded thread that range from a simple interview, to a test, to research, it can be anything honestly. The difficulty and complexity depends on the rank of the applicant. Applying to rank-up from the lowest position should of course have an easier AQ than applying to, say, be the Vice-Dean.)
What do you think, Paragon?
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.
"You must be one hardcore scholar, Eri." (Laszlo)
First winner of the prestigious Mirage's No Kill Medal.