53 Day of Spring Year 510 AV
The sun was finishing its doward journey when Taith stepped began to head down towards the water at the base of the cliff. He had spent the day behaving like an Akalak. He had trained and try to keep his mind off his losses, and his memories. He had hoped as the days went by his memories would sort themselves out but it wasn't turning out that way.
His handsome face with its dark hair, full lips and silver eyes, was set in a inpassioned looked as he walked. Each day he felt himself becoming more and more like a Akalak as he walked around, but each night he returned to his true self. He wanted that now.
His dark skin seemed to reflect the light as he walked but not like it did at night when he seemed to glow. That was only the lest of what he missed, but he couldn't clearly grasp what he truely missed. It was there but seemed to hang out just beyond his memory. With the rising of his god he would be able to touch some of those memories again.
He had begun to learn the rules. Durning the day his Akalak side dominated limiting his mind and speak from its true life and speach. Then again even in his real form. The beautiful pale figure who glowed in the moon light. With beautiful flowing hair and horns. When his eyes changed from silver to molten liquid. Even then it that breathtaking form he was denied the true speach. He couldn't say his true name.
He was so much more then the Akalak Taithrosa, he was a child of the Gods. He had served them, and they had given him his real name. A name of power and of beauty, but he couldn't speak it. He couldn't see his god except when his image arose in the sky. He was banished once again to the mortal realm.
He kept his emotions undercontrol. The name Syadai kept coming into him mind when ever he gave into emmotion, and it was a scary memory someone who had scared him when he had lived as an Akalak, but the memory of who he was was hidden from Taith. It was as if a door had been closed on that specific memory.
So it was that with these thoughts he made his way to the beaches at the base of the cliff.