Location: Nice dry rocky outcropping on the beach below Riverfall Reason: Embroidery XP & Training, Perhaps Socialization. Status: Open To All Except Hatot (she's making him a present sorta) The Konti sat on the outcropping of rock while a loose buckskin strider stretched out in the sun on the sand below. Windsong had enjoyed a good roll, then like all sensible horses, and stretched out to enjoy the sun a little after wandering around and grazing a bit. He knew his rider would be at it a while - she had that stubborn set to her back - as she climbed with the embroidery kit, instructions, and a little sketch pad up to the platform of rocks to overlook the sea. The horse truthfully didn't understand his riders new-found passion for all that open water, but given that she still spent plenty of time with him he tolerated her oddities. Kavala suspected the embroidery was yet another thing Windsong would find odd. She wanted to fix up something for her friend, his cloak in fact, which seemed rather plain to her since she came from the grasslands where everyone always went decorated to the hilt on even the most simplest of their clothing. So, she'd all but stolen his cloak (something she was surprised he hadn't commented on) and taken a pattern of it - in case she'd ever took up sewing and wanted to make him a new one - then had set about designing some fancy stitching to decorate the sleeves and edges. The Akalak had no real formal art style, not like the Drykas did, but Kavala figured Hatot would look very nice in deep blues and cobalt stitching that formed knotwork up and down his garment. Half would be for Hatot, half for Radris. She'd listened closely to everything Hatot and Radris said and so her design incorporated a great deal of what they'd shared with her into it. Hands played an important role and much of the knotwork ended in hands clasped, punching, grabbing, reaching out to help. There were animals incorporated in places too - the horse, the glassbeak they had hunted and the one they would hunt to become men. She'd planned to give the cloak back to them all hand stitched when her two friends had completed their rite of Manhood. One side of the cloak would feature Radris' violence, his intensity, his need to break free... with a transition at the crown of their head unfolding into a unity knot that would lie over their temple if the hood was pulled up and over their face. The other side would feature Hatot and his personality, his teaching and gentleness and something of his fear of loosing control. The Drykas had knots for everything, symbolizing intensely personal circumstances and meanings. Just the thought of doing this work for her friend made her smile. Of course, it wasn't going to be easy. Kavala had no practical embroidery experience. But she was a healer, so she did know how to stitch a wound. And she had been staring at good quality embroidery most of her life, so she knew what it was supposed to look like. So, all she had to do was carefully transfer her design onto the hood, sleeves and front opening of the cloak, transfer it into an embroidery hoop, and begin to stitch. She had ten days or so to finish it... maybe longer... but here she wanted the whole design on the cloak and at least one sleeve partially done. She'd start with Radris' side first. He'd be more forgiving of missed stitches and any mistakes she'd have to rip out. The easiest way to transfer the design to the cloak was a simple one. She'd sketched the long knotwork onto one side of the parchment paper in charcoal, and made sure it looked like a mirror image of what she actually wanted the design to be. Then, she turned the paper over, laying it onto the sleeve of the cloak, and began to rub the parchment with a sharp stone. The charcoal transferred easily onto the white fabric which left the design clearly visible. Kavala then placed the sleeve into a hoop, Tightened it, and selected her first color... cobalt. She threaded her embroidery needle, reviewed in her little instruction booklet how to do a knot, and from the understand upwards through he fabric and hoop, Kavala made her first stitch. Stem or Outline Stitch :
She would first outline the whole knotwork on that sleeve using an outline stitch. This stitch is worked from left to right. She brought needle up through fabric to right side on the line to be outlined. Holding the thread toward herself , she took a short slanting back stitch along her charcoaled line. She made the next and each successive stitch from right to left and brought the needle out to the left at the end of previous stitch. Once she got the hang of it, reading from the instructions in her little embroidery kit, she repeated the steps over and over again, keeping her stitches small and uniform. And a funny thing happened... once she caught her rhythm, she relaxed. Once she relaxed, she smiled. And once she smiled, she began to hum. |