Timestamp to be set by Coren The Luminary Commons of Avanthal was a busy place. People were moving constantly, some with food and some without. Wooden tables were evenly spaced out in the well lit room. A counter was set up with a kitchen behind it. Several people were taking orders behind the counter, where a line of people were waiting to place orders. Once the orders were placed, they sidled off to wait. Those who had already received their food were sitting at tables on stools. Conversation in the cafeteria was just as overpowering as the scent of fresh cuisine. Lixue strode in, barely making a dent in the busy room. Sliding her gloves from her hands, she placed them in a coat pocket. The tips hung out, bouncing as Lixue walked towards the line in front of the counter. Polite sorry's popped from between Lixue's pink lips as she bumped from moving person to moving person who had not seen her. Sometimes being short had a negative side. People often did not see her underfoot and stepped on her. A couple Vantha gave Lixue strange looks; she looked like a Vantha but was pale? This originated from her father, who was a normal human instead of from her mother, who was a full-blooded Vantha. Lixue's eyes, because of this mixture, only changed color with passionate feeling. The pair had fallen in love; the result was Lixue and her brother, who had a much darker skin tone than herself. Having joined the line, Lixue soon was near the front. For a moment, she contemplated what to eat. So many delicious items were for sale, including soups of a wide variety. Perhaps a simple sandwich would be easier to eat instead of slurping down soup? The question was what would be quickest to eat? Lixue had other errands to run and this was simply a hasty stop. Had to put fuel in to keep moving, after all. Speaking softly, Lixue was surprised the man taking her order even heard her. Moving out of the way, she only had to wait a few minutes before her meal was waiting. In the meantime, Lixue watched the Vantha waiting. Several were impatient; one was tapping his foot. Another had created idle conversation with the person next to her. She seemed sucked into the chatter, eyes swirling from several shades of blue to red and back again. A red nose on one man seemed the butt end of a joke for a small group of children. Most people in the cafeteria were taller than Lixue herself. Grabbing the tray with her sandwich and drink on it, Lixue began to make her way through the crowd. Where to sit? Not many tables were empty near the counter and door. Lixue would have to move all the way across the busy room to find an empty table. Her cane was difficult to keep from tripping people and Lixue had to switch her attention back and forth between the cane, the tray, and trying to spy an empty table. Perhaps this was the cause of Lixue bumping into someone; her attention had been elsewhere. |