[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Gossamer on February 17th, 2012, 6:36 pm



This thread is for the taking of suggestions, planning development, Q&A, and anything related therein to Riverfall Development. Feel free to use this thread frequently and pipe in if you have any comments or thoughts. All opinions welcome. All constructive criticism welcome!

In this thread, I will also lay out plans for future endeavors and keep most of Riverfall's activities transparent and open. This allows me to find out who's interested in whats going on, who isn't, and if certain things are confusing or intriguing to people. I welcome any and all dialog.

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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Alia Beaudouin on March 14th, 2014, 10:02 pm

I have been working on a bunch of submissions for a while. Originally I only intended to make one, but this is fun :)
I hope I haven’t done anything wrong or mixed anything up. I don’t mind if not all of my suggestions are used, thanks!

Yavet :

Size: 15 to 20 inches long, up to a foot tall. Wingspan can grow twice as long as body length.

Color: Ranges from a deep chestnut to a lighter golden-brown. Nearly always has a white underbelly.

Location: Usually around Riverfall, occasionally exported as pets.

Lifespan: 4-7 years wild, up to 10 years in captivity

General Information: Small mammals who are usually quite friendly to sentient beings, Yavets and commonly used as pets. In the wild, Yavets are known to fly freely, though once in captivity act more like cats than birds. They have a strict vegetarian diet, and cannot digest any sort of meat, which makes them violently ill if eaten. Males become mature in nine weeks while females become mature in under a month. Yavets usually have litters of three to five pups and can reproduce many times in their lifetime.

Value: Pet - 10 gm

Spiked Parrot :
Spiked Parrot

Size: About about a foot in length

Color: A combination of blue, yellow, green over the wingspan, with green and black spots over the feathers of the head and a white plume on its underbelly.

Location: The Spiked Parrot is a unique species of parrot originating in the sea of grass, though it migrated nearer to cities after glassbeaks overtook it as the top bird of prey. Eventually the bird ended up living mainly in forests near Riverfall, though they are rare to find without hunting them down.

Lifespan: About 8 years in the wind, up to 20 years in captivity.

General Information: What makes the bird strange is the pufferfish-like quills that grow on the outside of its skin, growing everywhere except for the feathers. The quills are mainly for self defense, as it uses it’s beak to break open nuts and to collect berries. The venom released when something pricks it’s quills is highly dangerous, and can be harvested (L3 Animal Husbandry and L2 Poisoncrafting Skill Required to Harvest) to produce a poison with effects similar to a Black Mamba snake bite.

Value: 10 GM Alive, Venom from the quills is worth about 50 GM per vial.

Largemouthed Crab :
Largemouthed Crab

Size: Usually 3in long and 2in tall but can grow as big as 5 inches across.

Color: A soft yellow-green or a mixture of said colors with brown.

Location: Riverfall, originated in Ravok.

Lifespan: Anywhere from 7 to 12 months wild, with an average of two years in captivity

General Information: The Largemouth Crab is a small crustacean living mainly in mud lying in sources of standing water. It mates and lays its eggs in late fall, then the mating couple defends its eggs long into winter, until either a predator or extreme cold kills the creatures. In early spring the eggs hatch, repeating the cycle again. The crab feeds off of small fish and plants living in the mud. If cooked properly, (L2 Cooking Skill Required) the crab is a quite a delicacy. However, one miniscule gland hidden deep inside the crab’s tiny body is highly poisonous, so if one with inferior knowledge of either cooking or the crab’s biology could end up creating a dish that would kill upon digestion.

Value: 10 SM Alive 5 SM Unprepared 7 GM Prepared

Fluffball :

Size: About 5 inches tall and 4 inches wide.

Color: Yellow, brown, orange, tan, calico, or tabby. Patterns on the fur include full color, splotches/patches, stripes, and spots.

Location: Bioengineered in Zeltiva, found throughout Cyphrus.

Lifespan: 3-5 years

General Information: The Fluffball is a genetically engineered hybrid created specifically to be a pet. Although no one but the original scientists who created the creatures know why, the hybrid is incredibly social and can understand many commands not unlike a dog. The eyes of the creature are valued as luck charms, and although rare, they don’t sell for very much in Riverfall, the highest value reaching up to 20 GM. The Fluffball hatches from eggs, and has webbed feet with three tiny claws on the toes.

Value: 10 GM Tame, 10 GM Preserved Eye (Prices Vary)

Indigo Shambeesh :
Indigo Shambeesh

Seasons: Spring into early summer

Appearance: The large fungi has a white stalk with a lighter golden brown cap, and overall looks very average from the top. The fungi has several tendrils that reach out and ‘move’ in the wind, almost like the tentacles of a squid or octopus. The underside of the tendrils are a deep purple, warning of the poisonous properties of the plant.

Purposes: In the tendrils of the plant can be used as a poison that causes stomach pains and vomiting, without any lasting effects. However, brewing the stalk as a tea gives a feeling of harmless light headed-ness and mildly numbs pain. If eaten in large quantities, or if the entire mushroom is consumed, death may follow coma and severe vomiting.

Clime: This fungi thrives in warm, humid climates, usually on decomposing logs or felled trees.

I'm terrible with names... Feel free to rename them, I don't mind.

Last edited by Alia Beaudouin on June 5th, 2014, 11:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Shijara on April 24th, 2014, 3:17 pm

Risia - "Akontak's Dream"

Size: Typically growing tall, these flowers tend to peak around 2 feet in height.
Color: Strong, green stems keep these plants standing upright, topped with very delicate white petals. A deep blue or violet always stains the edge of each one. Many believe this to symbolize the coming together of the Akalak and Konti, and thus refer to this flower as a more colloquial name: Akontak's Dream.
Location: These flowers are most often found along bodies of water among tall grass, needing the moist soil to thrive and are fairly rare in nature.
Lifespan: Early Spring - Mid Summer.
General Information: Other than simply being visually appealing, the petals are often sought out for their cleansing abilities and relaxation component. When brewed as a tea, the petals give the liquid a faint sweetness and often helps clear the mind of the drinker. Those with difficulty sleeping will often drink the concoction after a long day or before bed.
Value: Varies.
Last edited by Shijara on July 15th, 2014, 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Ragdoll on June 6th, 2014, 12:23 am

Lacanti Hummingbird

Size: No more than three or four inches long
Color: Males can be blue, red, purple, or green. Females are usually muddy versions of these colors.
Location: They prefer to nest in flower bushes in populated cities. Most common in the Cyphrus region, but they've been known to migrate.
Lifespan: Up to 7 years
General Information: These birds are known for their chubby bodies and their coloring which matches that of Akalak skin. They have two stomachs which allow them to store more food when supplies are scarce. Lacanti hummingbirds are very curious and social creatures that enjoy the company of people. It's common for young Akalaks to take care of one that has a skin color matching that of the Akalak who feeds it. Female birds mate for life-once they've found a partner, they will never choose another. The male birds, on the other hand, often take many partners. This somewhat mirrors the Akalaks themselves. Feathers from Lacanti hummingbirds are often used as decoration for jewelry or hairpieces. Female birds are much rarer than male birds-the gender ratio for the hummingbirds is about 75 percent male to 25 percent female.
Value: Depending on the size of the feather, they can sell from 1 SM to 1 GM. The birds themselves are worth 10 GM for males, the rarer females selling for 20 GM each.

Feel free to change any of this. Just something that was fun to do. c:
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Jaye on June 18th, 2014, 12:24 am

Monsterous Menagerie

Sounds good Goss :) I only saw one zookeeper not several even after looking at it again. Does he run the entire place on his own? Can I add nondescript workers into my work threads or how would I go about that? Let me know if the Exhibits I added so far are okay? If so I will make the last three to be added as well :D

I can make the actual exhibits they live in sound less luxurious if you like? Or perhaps I can add deformities to them that they got from their stay in the menagerie/travel from their home to the menagerie?

Name: Astaa-Leigh
Species: Ashta
DoB: Spring 91rst, 509 AV
PoB: Riverfall
Housing: Astaa-Leigh is in the largest enclosure. The place is covered in deep foliage and a deep spring that the smaller creature can almost completely submerge herself in. They are blocked from the public by long iron bars that admit only their trunks. There is a waist high fence that keeps the public out of reach of the two and there is always a guard to guarantee they aren't teased or hurt by the public.
Appearance: A typical tan colour with pale green lobes she is the classic example of an Ashta. Her eye ridges are fairly smooth with small divets and flares near the ends making it appear as if she had sweeping eyebrows and giving her a distinctly feminine appearance.
Personality: Astaa was born in Riverfall when a pregnant Ashta was brought from Falyndar. Her mother died within a season of being moved and her little daughter was bottle fed and cared for by the head Zoo keeper. Due to the foul conditions she is constantly getting ill and requires an almost constant series of check ups. She is exceptionally friendly with everyone and is often used in the cities parades and festivals or used to give rides when the menagerie puts on a fundraising event. She is as playful as all Ashta and the assistants spend much of their time developing toys for her to play with and destroy.

Name: Kista, Kinsda, Kree & Suffre
Species: Karkula Whiptails
Number of Specimens: 4
DoB: Unknown
PoB: Taloba
Housing: A small pond takes up the middle of the area with a cliff-like scaling wall in the back right hand corner and front left hand corner. There are vines strung up along the sides and little houses both underwater and on land for them to hide in if they feel so inclined. They can be observed through two layers of glass and a hand railing that many lean against. The whole area is about as large as an average four person table.
Appearance: Kista, Kinsda and Kree are considered the K-sisters though they are not related. They are almost indistinguishable from each other except for their size. Kinsda is the largest of the three with Kree being only about half the size of a full grown individual. They are both a deep teal colour with maroon tipped tales and fins. The male, Suffre, however is a lighter teal colour with flamboyantly red tipped tales and fins.
Personality: Suffre is the trouble maker of the group and the leading suspect if the habitat is ever damaged. The other three have been in the menagerie since it opened and seem happy to be fed and bask in the warmth of the wet room. Suffre was brought into the collection in the hopes of breeding with the aging females but eggs have not been laid to this date. He was brought into Riverfall in 511 AV.

Name: Absol and Sibul
Species: Nightmare Bat
Number of Specimens: 2
DoB: Unknown
PoB: Taloba
Housing: A giant cave whose opening is the large glass wall that separates them from the onlookers. There are several tunnels tapering off from the main hull allowing them to escape the gazes if they choose to.
[b]Appearance and Personality: Both are black with bright red wings and equally large as males however Absol has a damaged left wing from his travel to Riverfall and is often found crawling about the cave rather than flying as Sibul does. They are both male and get along infamously well. Are observed with respect by the Akalaks as they recognize their own dual personalities in the twos interactions with each other.

Other potential Exhibits:
-Glassbeak (more details)
-Night Lion
-Riverfall Constrictor
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Calters on June 30th, 2014, 10:23 pm

I noticed that the "Oaths" and "Curses" section on the Codex was looking a little bare, so I tried to brainstorm a few things to put in there. Keep in mind that these are just suggestions and are open to any criticism or adjustments, especially if someone already has plans for that section.

"Zith-blooded" - a somewhat childish insult insinuating that someone has Zith-blood in their veins or has otherwise been contaminated by it, implies that one is not pure, honest, or kind

"Pensidesta" - an out-of-date Tukant curse no longer used by children or even young adults, meant to injure an opponent or weaker ones' pride, literally means "Flimsy flower"

And then, just to reiterate, there are the already posted official Akalak swears as listed below.

"Venhrehk" - Flawed or unskilled. Directed at either those with little competence, and those with birth defects or mental deficiencies.

"Cerulest" - One without discipline or control, an insult derived from the Akalak group "the Cerulean".

"Jakri" - Literally translates to "Zith shyke". Generally milder

"Helioc" - An insult pertaining to one's impotency and general uselessness to the race.

Any input?
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Calters on July 10th, 2014, 1:04 am

This may seem like a silly thing to point out, but grammar errors and typos irk me. I would like to point out a few in the Riverfall lore. Whether or not these things are important enough to change is up to your discretion.

What it says:
Do to the unique physical structure of Riverfall and the unusual Akalak who inhabit the city, the culture varies greatly from any other place within Mizahar.

What it should say:
Due to the unique physical structure of Riverfall, etc.

What it says:
However, every time an Akalak reaches his second birthday, the entire city celebrates. They hardly react when the child is born knowing that they could peril while they are young and the birthing is seen as a survival tactic more than anything, so upon their second birthday they finally have a feast.

What it should say:
However, each time an Akalak reaches his second birthday, the entire city celebrates. They hardly react when a child is born, knowing that they could perish while they are young and the birthing is seen as a survival tactic more than anything. So, upon their second birthday they finally have a feast.

What it says:
(Under Society)
Te people do not own any of the businesses around Riverfall. If a person has an idea for a business, they present it to the Council of Elders for approval. Riverfall will make the business and allow the person who cam up with the idea to 'run' the business.

What it should say:
The people do not own any of the businesses around Riverfall....allow the person who came up with the idea to 'run' the business.

What it says:
If the accused loses, he is required to pay a penalty decided upon by the Council to the accuser. If the accuser is loses, then he was wrong and must serve the accused in whatever capacity for one season.

What it should say:
If the accused loses, he is required to pay a penalty- decided upon by the Council- to the accuser. If the accuser is loses, then he was wrong and must serve the accused in whatever capacity for one season.

If anyone would like, I can continue looking over articles for such typos. These were just the handful that I happened across whilst reading the lore and thought it polite to point them out.
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Calters on July 10th, 2014, 6:26 am

I also came up with a variation of a card game that I thought could be used as a gambling game at the Blue Bull or similar places. I don't see a template for such a thing anywhere, so I just put down what I already have and you guys can look it over and add as need be.

I'm sure it isn't perfect, so please let me know what needs fixed or clarified.

Zith Assassination

Goal: Be the last person in the game- don't get "eaten" by the Zith.

What you need:
-A deck of 40 specialized cards with each card featuring one male or female of a specific race. Each race appears only twice, once for each sex.

-Tokens to be used for gambling (Mizas, treats, or simply rocks)

At the beginning of the game, a wager is decided on. Each player can put in however many Mizas they desire, so long as the other players match that amount.

Once the Mizas are settled, the deck is shuffled and placed in front of the player with the longest hair. They will go first.

Each player draws 2 cards during their turn. The first reflects on them while the second reflects on the player to their left. If a Zith card is drawn, the corresponding player is "eaten" and loses the game. The goal is to avoid a Zith on your draw, but to draw one for your second card. This eliminates the player to your left.

Any other race is safe**In some versions, a Symenestra means that the player is "paralyzed" for a turn and is skipped on their next round. This is typically a house rule. As such, it is usually determined before play begins.and lets the corresponding player stay in for another round.

Play continues as the deck is passed to the left with each turn. If there are more than 2 players and both Zith cards have been drawn then the deck is reshuffled with the discard pile and play resumes.

When only one player remains, they are the winner and can claim their Mizas as prize money.

This game, although most popular in local taverns and bars, has also been played amongst children using stones, sweets, or nothing at all for gambling. It is encouraged for young ones to play this game as it reinforces a fear of the Zith race and reminds children to be wary of them.
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Sserapelham on July 20th, 2014, 4:29 am

I don't exactly have a title for this yet! But I thought it was fun different type of thing to write up. Let me know your thoughts.



In an isolated part of Riverfall sits an object that is mistaken for a wishing well. It's in fact the opposite. The belief is that you can pay a price depending on the crimes you've committed through out your life by tossing varied amounts of Mizas in the square your crime is "automatically forgiven." Assuming you were able to dodge being caught for what you did while maintaining a feeling of regret. Your conscious is cleared. You're once again a pure individual. There's no definite proof that it's true. However - There have been claims that it worked like a charm.

At first glance it looks like it is indeed a small wishing well. Something that isn't worth the time. It's square, wooden. With a small bucket hung up. Definitely crafted by someone whom knew what they were doing. In the back of the well sits a wooden board with the various costs of forgiveness written on it with black ink. Most assume that the money is just collected for Riverfall since it seems to disappear after a certain period of time.

Pay For Forgiveness
Lying: 1 Gold Miza
Theft: 2 Gold Mizas
Abuse: 5 Gold Mizas
Greed: 5 Gold Mizas
Betrayal: 10 Gold Mizas
Murder: 20 Gold Mizas
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[Riverfall] The Suggestion Box

Postby Gossamer on July 20th, 2014, 4:49 am

I'm going to get caught up on these suggestions here soon. Some of these are really really good.
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