Aracely -in Progress-

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Aracely -in Progress-

Postby Aracely on February 21st, 2012, 3:01 am

My Birth Records Should Say...


Born on September 16th of 486 AV

Konti Female

Current Information


25 Years of Age

Konti Female

Snow White Skin

White Hair

Icy Blue Eyes

5' 4" Tall

Weighs 114 pounds

Originally from Mura but now resides in Riverfall

Character Concept and Goals

Aracely grew up in a very loving home that consisted of her grandmother, mother, and cousin. A few years after she was born, that ended up consisting of her little sister as well. Her grandmother was a seer and always told her, her sister, and cousin, who is around her age just a few years older, stories of her childhood and great legends of sea creatures and powerful gods. and would take them fishing as they grew older.

Aracely's mother is a healer and she decided that she was going to take that path as well. Her heart cried to help others who were sick or injured or just needed help. So the minute she decided this, her mother started teaching her the ways of being a healer. She loved every minute and every new thing she learned about it. Every time she learned something new she felt so victorious and empowered!

Aracely kept growing up and learning more and more. Her cousin was learning to be a healer of animals from a lady in their city of Mura. Soon, her cousin taught her how to heal animals. Then Aracely decided to be a healer of not only other races, but also animals. The other thing she did as she got older was take care of young children of the city for their mothers if the need called for it. Sometimes she would play silly little games with them, just to be with their innocent, smiling faces.

Aracely was recently helping with Mura allies and was approached. She was told of the visions of V'nessi. Knowing that V'nessi's predictions were never wrong and were precise, she knew the extremes of this situation. She was told that because of her ability with animals, she was being sent to Riverfall with a messenger and 4 other healers. Aracely felt the great honor of being blessed with this job and was ready for the task ahead the minute she learned of it and her role in it all. So she currently resides in Riverfall, helping them prepare as much as she can for the upcoming, life-changing disaster.

[color=#40BFFF][i]Aracely's goal is be a great healer when she is older. And one of the greatest and to help as many people as she possibly can as long as she can. For now though, her mind is focused on her job in Riverfall.

Aracely is very outgoing and bubbly. She loves to have fun, make others smile, and talk your ear off if you will let her! She is very friendly and never once has she went off on a person. She is very caring and loving towards everyone. Even those who dislike her or try to hurt her or is just a bad person in general. She will be friends with anyone who let's her in, or even if they don't. She is extremely helpful and that's what she lives for, helping others. She is very, very optimistic and always looks on the bright side and finds the good in everyone. Even the most cruel, evil being. And one of her best qualities is how humble she is. She hates to boast/brag and often compares herself to others and really tries not to.

Though Aracely is very scared of the dark, falling from great heights, and being in tight/enclosed/crowded spaces. She strongly dislikes the word hate, violence, rude people, losing her temper (which rarely happens, like stated before she hasn't ever really done this to a person before), and war. The flaw on her body is a scar on her stomach from falling on sharp rocks when she was a very little. Around 3 or 4. And one thing that is flawed in her heart is the trust issues she has, which she really doesn't understand how she developed. She thinks it is from all the stories of betrayal that her grandmother told her as a kid. Still with those trust issues though, she let's people in because she really has nothing to hide.

Aracely loves the snow, yet loves the warmth as well. And as stated many times before she loves kid and helping others. Especially in times of great need for them.

Aracely believes everyone has a good side and only believes in using peace and nonviolence. And only wants to helping other and animals. But she never wants anything in return.


She has an interest in animals, herbs, and being around small children.

She also loves to sing, hum, and read. And sometimes she finds herself sketching things when she has spare paper and a pencil or pen near.

Starting Package

-Her clothing set (Including her rube that her mother and grandmother made her, and her footwear.)
-Her backpack with includes her comb, brush, razor, soap, her current week supply of food, her eating knife, flint, and steel, and her sapphire necklace that her mother received from her mother and passed down to her.

Earned Skills and Points

Medicine - 25
Animal Husbandry - 20
Herbalism - 15

Languages and Lores

Lore One - Medical Herbs of Konti Isle
Lore Two - Entertaining/Watching young children

Fluent in speaking Kontinese.
Can speak the basic of the common.
And poorly speaks Nari.

Currently Has

--Something of a horse will be put here after further discussion--

-Her starting package with her plus her heirloom.

-Winter Cloak (Fur) (25 GM)
-Winter Mittens (Fur) (8 SM)
-Suvai (10 GM)


Started with: 600 GM (This is what it will be if I do not have to pay for the horse... I was told I get an extra +500 because I do not really have a house bought-

Bought Winter Cloak (Fur): -25 GM
Bought Winter Mittens (Fur): -8 SM
Bought Suvia: -10 GM

Now have: 565 GM, 2 SM

Konti Gift

Animal Strength: Aracely is able to reach into the mind of an animal and figure out its strength and weaknesses. She is able to see all the skills the animals have as well. So their strongest, their weakest, and all the skills they have in between. This is helpful in figuring out what certain animals could do and be capable of. The strength and weaknesses aren't just their power, ability, and all those other things, she can also see how good the animal is at listening. This could help figure out how to train it in the best way possible. Best personality traits and worst are another thing she is able to tell and just in all give an overall statement of the animal.

Aracely not only can do that, but can tell if something is wrong with the animal, like sickness or tore muscle, that isn't really noticeable or can't fully be figured out by just examining from the outside. Which can prevent further injury or paralyzing, ect. She is actually able to use this Gift on Kelvics as well.

Marked By

Last edited by Aracely on February 25th, 2012, 11:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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For they know the most valuable information.

More than any scholar could ever teach.

And remember,

Love and kindness are key."
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Postby Ghost on February 22nd, 2012, 5:05 pm


Liaison Intervention

I’m Ghost, and I’m a Character Sheet Liaison. I’m here to help others with their Character Sheets and the Lore. I’ve noticed a few things in your Character Sheet that you need to fix. Don’t worry, a lot of people make mistakes when they make their Character Sheet.

First of all, all Konti receive a gnosis mark form Avalis at birth. You should notify the Founders that you are playing a Konti by posting in the Help Desk so that they can award you that gnosis mark properly.

Apart from that, all Konti also have a Konti gift.

You can read more about both the gift and the gnosis mark in the Konti Lore.

Regarding your possessions, I couldn’t find basic medical herbs or night clothing on the price list. There is however a silken nightshirt for 6 gm, if you want that.

A sapphire necklace also isn’t on the price list. You can either pick an item that is on the price list (keep in mind that a heirloom cannot be worth more than 50 gm) or ask for your item to be added the list in this thread.

Send me a PM when you have editted your Character Sheet, and I’ll remove this intervention. Have fun in Mizahar and don’t hesitate to PM me if anything is still unclear or you have questions.

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