Oooh. Ana. What a pretty name. She wasn't magical, nor would she pay a miza to know that the girl didn't sleep well at night. She didn't need to know anything else. Wrenmae. Wren may. May the wren? Interesting name. Girly, though. May the Wren Sek Wilmot. Wren, like the bird. Why a wren? Hm... Her mind whirred, making odd connections that only made sense in her head. She didn't know he was coming, she wasn't paying attention. Pity. But this girl, Ana, brought her a new friend to play with. Ana had other friends, she must've. Chapiko wanted friends. Neither of the two knew her name, but no matter! She could tell them in a moment. But not her full name, no. Koko would do. How many names Koko could mean! Endless possibilities. It was sad they couldn't speak Tawna. If Ana spoke Tawna she would know what a Chaktawe was, and she didn't. May the Wren and Ana. What an interesting combination! "Oh, my name is Koko." She looked at both of them, slightly squinting. Ana seemed to know who this May the Wren was. Well of course, they knew each others' names. Ana seemed a bit flustered, though. And...tense. May the Wren...must be the reason. He made her feel uncomfortable. But then, so did Chapiko. "Yes, that's a nickname, but you don't have to know the full, May the Wren." May the Wren seemed much more fitting for him than Wrenmae. She giggled, but not at or for any outside stimuli. Just her own odd imagination. It had been about 29 days since the last time the voices stopped...that would mean they would stop tonight! May the Wren had reminded her. The feeling made her feel giddy, that she could be without the whispers. She should make the best of the day by making friends! Because friends were always a good thing. They could help her survive in this Gods-forsaken city. She had to make her place in the world, and be it ended by a stab in the back by one of her 'friends', so be it. |