Coltyn was naked and standing...
In a field?
Yes, it was a field of wheat. Without even opening his eyes, he knew it to be true. He could feel the soft tops of the grain - the beard, he believed it was called - gently brushing against his exposed skin, and he could hear the slight rustling of the leaves and stems, making a music all their own. It felt oddly reassuring, comforting even. It reminded him of a simpler time in his life, not so long ago, when he and his older brother, Derik, would chase each other through their grandfather's crops.
But those days were gone...along with his brother.
Opening his eyes, Coltyn's attention was immediately drawn to the vast expanse of sky above him. A storm was swiftly rolling in and it looked like it was going to be a rough one. If he didn't find shelter soon, he would most likely end up soaked from the top of his dirty blond head to the bottom of his black leather boots. His clothes would most certainly become saturated, too.
Wait. No. He wasn't wearing any clothes. He was...
...and alone.
Or was he?
As the wind began to howl, Coltyn swore he could hear his older brother calling out to him, telling him danger was near and imploring him to run. Yet, as he swiftly scanned his surroundings, he saw no sign of his sibling, just a field of thrashing wheat and a sky of threatening clouds. However, the advice was sound - regardless of where it came from - so he heeded the warning and did as he was told.
He ran...
...naked... the field.
How he came to be here seemed somewhat irrelevant at this moment in time, and why he was even here in the first place appeared to be a moot point, too. The lack of clothes was a mystery unto itself and would have to wait its turn to be solved. All that mattered now was getting inside somewhere safe, away from the coming storm. But, the further he ran, the sooner he came to realize that shelter was not a viable option.
The field was unending...or so it seemed. It stretched out, as far as the eye could see, never changing, never producing anything more than wheat. Enough wheat, as a matter of fact, to feed every man, woman, and child in existence.
Every man, woman, and one.
"You better listen to your brother," a familiar voice suddenly informed Coltyn, which startled him just enough that it caused him to lose his footing and, in a flash, fall.
Suddenly, he was down among the stems of the wheat, lying on his back, completely exposed to the elements...and the scornful gaze of his mother, who was now standing over him with an expression of utter disgust upon her freakishly youthful face.
"Mother," he found himself crying out as he made every attempt to cover himself, suddenly feeling both vulnerable and ashamed.
"Coltyn, please, I bore you from my womb, I bathed you as a child, and I dressed you until you were old enough to do it yourself. I've seen it all before," she mocked. "Although, I must admit, the Baker family jewels have never appeared so abundant...or appealing," she added with a slight smirk and a lift of her right brow.
"MOTHER!" he exclaimed as he scrambled to his feet, all the while keeping a minimum of one hand in its proper place upon his private parts.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" she questioned. "You seem to have a little, uh...something...upon your hands."
Bringing his free appendage into view, Coltyn immediately saw what that 'something' was.
Thick, red, and running a bit too freely down the length of his arm as he lifted it - not to mention, filling every line, crack, and imperfection in his palm - he somehow knew in an instant that the still warm, slightly sticky, bodily fluid was not his own.
"Well, no, it is most certainly not," his mother informed him, rather understatedly, somehow knowing exactly what he was thinking. "It's his," she continued to educate her son who seemed at a loss for words.
Drawing his eyes away from the bloody sight, Coltyn followed the length of his mother's arm as she pointed at the ground just behind him. Turning, he instinctively recoiled, nearly tripping over his own two feet, as he came to view the disturbing sight of his older brother's mutilated body, which was sprawled out upon the once golden - now blood-soaked - field of wheat.
"No," was all he could utter as he fought to catch the breath that nearly didn't come.
"Yes," she confirmed, without an ounce of emotion in her voice, before awkwardly inquiring, "How about a cup of coffee to turn this rather dreary day around?"
"Excuse me?" he barked as he whirled around to face the heartless beast that called herself a mother.
"Coffee, you know, that bitter drink, which you seem to love, made from those shiny, little, brown beans," she informed him as if he were a mere child who couldn't completely comprehend what she was saying.
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" he suddenly screamed.
"No, but clearly you are. I mean, after all, it's not every day you murder your own flesh and it? That doesn't sound very sane to me."
"What?" Coltyn now spat, suddenly feeling as if he were punched in the gut. "I...I didn't. I's...THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!"
"Well, why don't you ask Derik yourself? Come on, honey, get your lazy arse up and explain to your brother exactly what happened," she instructed her eldest - very dead - son as she bent to give him a helping hand.
With a sickening mix of dread and disgust roiling around in the pit of his stomach, Coltyn watched in absolute silence and, as would be expected from anyone with half a soul, utter horror as the cadaver staggered to its feet and then proceeded to amble toward him with its cold, lifeless, milky gaze locked firmly in place.
"N-no. This...this isn't happening," he muttered. "This is just a dream," he told himself. "IT'S JUST A DREAM!"
"Actually, it's more like a nightmare," his mother informed him as she presented a steaming, porcelain mug, which she seemed to produce out of thin air. "BOTTOMS UP!" she then screamed as she tossed the scorching, brown contents of the vessel into his face, laughing like a maniac as it first burned and then melted the flesh right off the bones of his skull! |