It felt like fresh injuries, the pain she felt as she lay there, biting back the tears. The cramps became stronger, igniting the agony in her raw wound, so it was all she could do to clutch the rag and futily try to mop the blood that seeped from her. Until Ulric intervened. No, She had pleaded with silent words, Don't, Ulric. Don't. But she had no voice, and the cloaks were peeled off her until she was exposed, and despite the pain, Naama wanted nothing more than to sprint away, to hide herself from his gaze and everything else in this gods-forsaken land. You're a failure, Naama, only a failure, what good are you now? The whispers came, clawing at her mind, and although she was silent for a time, she found it in her to explain. "I didn't know," She croaked, clenching her bloody fingers on the cloth. Liar, it wailed, You knew. She winced, searching for better words, "It's nothing... It'll pass..." The myrian managed to pull herself up, tearing off another ragged chunk of fabric while the flames devoured the bloody rag. The wolves' frenzy had begun, and the sound of torn flesh and feral growls drew her away from her guilt, if only for a time. There was the copper taste of blood on her tongue, and her bones trembled under strain but Naama knew that if she slept, waking would become that much harder, so she became relentless, casting her clamoring hands over the fire so that the warmth would revive her faltering limbs. "They were here for you, weren't they?" She finally asked, attempting to divert the issue, "How did they find you?" Her black eyes scoured the shadows while the trees wailed against the breeze, and the bones of men were crunched to fodder. |