Sook "Entertainment is done for nothing more than the sake of entertaining. If you do not find it humorous or entertaining, go elsewhere."
Physical Description Full Name: Khalanssmiasook Pronunciation: Sook= Suk/Khalanssmia= Ka*hal*anz*meh*uh Race: Dhani Age: 134 Birthday: Season of Spring, Day 56, Year 378AV Height: 5'6 (Human) 14ft (Dhani) 12ft (Snake) Weight: 133lbs (Human) 216lbs (Dhani) 40lbs (Snake) Fluent Language: Snake-tongue Basic Language: Common Poor Language: Vani
Character Concept Utter chaos is perhaps one of the easiest ways to breakdown Sook's most inner-workings. Havoc and discontent make her near giddy, her own personal high and there is nothing she delights in more than causing trouble for those looking most to avoid it. She will often play boths sides of the coin, having no loyal bone in her body she would gladly give her soul to watch someone's hope, pride and dreams crumble. For Sook the only thing more exciting than the 'game' of catching her prey is the torture. Wishing only to see what people are like on the inside before devouring them, she will often test her victim, inflicting small wounds here and there. Turning them with hopes of escape only to foil them, for her, it is entertainment in it's highest peak. Oddly enough though, she is not fond of begging and is known to gag people or cover their mouths. She is not a senseless killer though, her victims are food and often she will go long periods of time without a decent meal, waiting for her schemes to compeltely unfold. While she is sadistic her masochistic tendencies only stretch so far, a good rough romp (usually involving knives) will not deter her but a fight in which she cannot win will make her squeamish for fear of the coming pain. Definately not a pacifist but she will not entice fights that have her actually fighting, especially not if she will lose, for she is very prideful thing and hates coming in second. This makes her very competitive by nature, everything turning into a battle of some sort. Most likely due to her place of birth Sook does not mind the cold so much as most of her race though if the temperature drops below 30 deg. F. she is known to have a foul mouth and an even fouler temper. Sticking to her Dhani form and snapping at all who approach her. Towards her family Sook is feircly protective, no one may hurt them but her and she has no qualms killing those who threaten that. 'Family' is a loose term though, for the only Dhani she considers family are her 'immidiate brood', the rest, as far as she is concered, are null and void. They do not register for her unless they cause problems with her 'family'. In dealings with humans and other species they are 'food' first and foremost, 'pleasure givers' second and 'entertainment' third. Where they stand on the list depends on her what she wishes to do with them. Food often mixes with entertainment until she wishes to eat, it also mixes with pleasure givers, as she is known to sleep with men and woman alike and promptly devour them live the next day. Seemingly she has no purpose in life other than to leave her tell-tale mark of destruction that seems to follow her wherever she goes. Her only wish being that no form of rule, like that of the Pre-Valterrian is ever reestablished.
Character History Born in Taldera during it’s slightly above freezing temperatures in Summer, she is from of clutch of eight including herself, four sisters and three brothers. Due to the cool weather of the ‘above ground’ she did not see much save for their underground cavern until she was of age for her first hunt, her having been previously brought down by her sisters of another clutch or her mother. With her first taste of the outside she never wished to go back, there were so many more things to do and prey to catch. It was so much wider than the world of caves she was used too. And by her fifth hunt she dared travel to Avanthal, her mother speaks proudly of the day though not without a touch of jealousy and well-placed wariness. To bring back four hunters on any snakelings own was a rare thing indeed but all it did was further Sook’s desire to see what else she could do. But she did not leave, in fact, she stayed for many more years did not leave until her hundred and 125th birthday. It was a quiet affair and only her brothers wishing her luck, well, as much luck as any Dhani could wish upon each other. Her sisters and mother were still smarting from her last…’plan’ and did not see her off. From the get go her travel plans were direct and she ended up in Ravok and has yet to leave the city.
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